Tea rose jam: recipes with photos

28.06.2017 Winter blanks

Tea rose jam at home: recipesIt is also worth noting that tea rose has many useful properties. Before making rose jam, the petals are carefully selected. It is better to pluck flowers early in the morning. Withered cooking petals are not suitable. The lighter the flowers, the more tender the jam. In our article, we will tell you how to make jam from rose petals, and the recipe (simple and tasty) will be detailed with photos of this blanks for the winter.

The classic recipe for pink jam

Sometimes on a cold winter evening you want something sweet and unusual. But at the same time, I want to surprise the family with a new dish. In the summer there is a great opportunity to make blanks for the winter. Tea rose jam is quick and easy to make.

Cooking Products:

  • pink petals (350 grams);
  • water (500 ml);
  • sugar (800 grams);
  • citric acid (small spoon).

Creating a blank for the winter:

As soon as the tea rose petals are picked, it is advisable to start cooking immediately. Rinse the flowers in cold water. In preparation, only the petals are used. When the preparatory work is over, pour boiling water over the petals.

Place the pink petals in a clean bowl and grind with a glass of sugar and half a small spoonful of lemons (which is necessary to preserve color). Put the prepared mixture in the cold for a couple of hours.

Remove the bowl and pour in the remaining sugar and lemon. Pour in 500 ml of boiling water. Mix everything well and place the cup on the stove (on a slow fire). After boiling, it is necessary to cook jam from tea rose for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat. After 5 hours, repeat the procedure.

Jam is boiled three times. With each subsequent procedure, the mixture will thicken even more. Remember! The foam must be removed. The jam cooked to the desired consistency is laid out in pre-cleaned jars and rolled up.

Jam in own juice

Now we will describe a very quick step-by-step recipe with a photo. This option for making pink jam is suitable for those who do not want to stand at the stove for a long time. This is a unique recipe, as the workpiece is cooked without cooking. How is it? You ask. Very simple, the main thing is to follow all the instructions and store the jam correctly.

Cooking Products:

  • pink petals (400 grams);
  • sugar (800 grams).

Creating a blank for the winter:

The first step is to rinse the petals under normal running water to get rid of dust. The flowers are very delicate, try not to damage them.

Then the petals must be scrolled through the meat grinder. Pour the resulting mass with sugar and mix well.

Cover the bowl and wait half an hour. During this time, the petals will let their juice. Mix everything again and spread the rubbed pink mass into sterilized jars, cover with lids. Tea rose jam at home is ready. Keep it in the refrigerator like strawberry jam for the winter.

Pectin and Citrus Harvest

Thanks to our step-by-step recipe, even an inexperienced housewife will be able to make tea rose jam. This is nothing complicated, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

Cooking Products:

  • purified water (1.5 cups);
  • pink petals (2 glasses);
  • sugar (500 grams);
  • lemon juice (3 large spoons);
  • pectin (small spoon).

Creating a blank for the winter:

The first step is sorting the petals. Immediately remove all insects, wilted petals. We wash them under cool water from dust.

The second stage is cooking. Put the petals in a saucepan, fill with water and bring to a boil. Continue to cook another 10 minutes.

For a while, the petals will fade. At this point, add sugar. All mix well until the granules are completely dissolved. Add lemon juice and mix. Boil the jam for another 20 minutes. Lemon will help return a beautiful pink color.

Stir sugar and pectin in a separate bowl. Add the finished mass to the jam and mix everything. Boil the composition for another 20 minutes. We lay out the finished jam on sterilized jars and roll up. Turn the blanks with the lids down and wrap them with a blanket. After cooling completely, the jam can be transferred to the cellar.

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With the addition of a bee product

Everyone understands that even without honey, jam from tea rose petals is fragrant. But still, you can try to experiment and add a bee product to the workpiece.

Cooking Products:

  • honey (100 grams);
  • tea rose petals (80 grams);
  • water (100 ml).

Creating a blank for the winter:

The first step is to rinse the petals under normal running water to get rid of dust. The flowers are very delicate, try not to damage them.

Pour the petals with boiling water and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Then remove the jam cup from the stove. The prepared mass should stand for a day. Then put honey there.

Next, set the cup on a slow fire and simmer the jam for another 20 minutes. Lay out the finished pink mixture in previously cleaned jars and roll up.

Important! This jam with honey is recommended for people with chronic pneumonia. Reception is carried out in two small spoons three times a day.

Pink mix with citrus

Everyone knows that jam from tea rose petals gives the workpiece a fragrant aroma. But by adding freshly squeezed orange juice while cooking, you can get a delicious dessert.

Cooking Products:

  • tea rose petals (100 grams);
  • juice from 1 orange;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • zest of orange;
  • lemon.

Creating a blank for the winter:

The first step is to rinse the petals under normal running water to get rid of dust. The flowers are very delicate, try not to damage them. Put the petals on a paper towel to dry them. Wash the orange and separate the pulp from the peel.

Scroll the petals through a meat grinder or pass through a blender. It is advisable to use the second option, to immediately add sugar, peel and a stack of orange juice to the resulting mass. To maintain color, you can add citric acid at the tip of the knife.

Combine the remaining orange juice with sugar and mix. Boil the mixture. Combine both compounds. Cook the jam until thickened.

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Arrange the finished aromatic mass in pre-sterilized jars and roll up. Before winter, the jam will just infuse, thicken and become even tastier.

Slow cooker to help housewives!

Already almost every housewife managed to enjoy cooking in a slow cooker. This appliance has become a favorite in the kitchen of many families. In the multicooker you can cook the first and second dishes, and you can also cook jam there. And how to do this, we will now tell.

Cooking Products:

  • pink petals (250 grams);
  • strawberries (kilogram);
  • sugar (kilogram);
  • vanillin (sachet);
  • purified water (150 ml);
  • lemon (on the tip of a knife).

Creating a blank for the winter:

First you need to prepare the berries. They should be sorted out and washed. Sprinkle half the sugar with strawberries. Three hours later, the berries will start their juice.

Now we begin to prepare the petals. We remove insects and twigs, if any. Rinse under running water to get rid of dust.On a paper towel, the petals dry faster, as the napkin quickly absorbs excess fluid.

We take a bowl of the crock-pot and we add sugar and vanillin there. Add the mass of petals and lemon. Set the cooking mode. When the jam boils, add the strawberries along with the empty juice. Continue to cook the mixture. Depending on the model of the kitchen appliance, different modes are used: “Cooking”, “Steamed” or “Jam”.

Foam should be removed. After 15 minutes, leave the jam to cool. Once it has cooled, boil it again. Repeat similar manipulations three times. Pour the finished jam into pre-sterilized jars and roll them up. Turn the workpiece with the covers down and wrap it with a blanket. In the morning, jars of jam can be transferred to the cellar.

Remember! Jam is best prepared from freshly picked petals. And they should be carefully sorted so as not to spoil the taste of the dessert. Bon Appetit!

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Tea rose jam at home: recipesTea rose jam at home: recipes

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