Thick cherry pitted jam - the most delicious

1.01.2019 Winter blanks

Cherry jam is one of the most delicious! Fragrant, transparent ruby, sweet, but not sugary. How tasty it is to be eaten with freshly baked bun! We offer you the simplest recipe for preparing jam for the winter from cherry, which does not require the addition of water and long boiling syrup. Cherry is used with pits, so it takes a minimum of time to prepare the products, and the jam itself is thick, with whole berries.


  • cherry - 2 l;
  • granulated sugar - 2-2.5 liters.

How to prepare cherry jam for the winter

It is advisable to start making cherry jam immediately after picking or buying a berry, as being in the refrigerator for a long time, it will gradually deteriorate. Go through the cherries, discarding the crushed and rotten berries. Put the selected cherries in a deep bowl and add water, wash thoroughly, put them in a colander and completely dry on a clean towel.

wash the berries

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Gently tear tails. In a deep heat-resistant container for cooking jam, put the cherry, alternating its layers with sugar. Leave the bowl / pan with cherries and sugar at room temperature for 8-12 hours or until the cherry juice stands out.

At the same time, it is recommended to cover future jam with a tissue napkin or gauze. You do not need to mix the berry during the “rest” process; you can simply periodically shake the pelvis from side to side so that the sugar dissolves more evenly.

sprinkle cherries with sugar

Cherry will look something like this at the indicated time: sugar will get wet, partially mix with cherry juice, the appearance of the berries will hardly change.

cherry with sugar

Put a basin on medium heat. Stirring, bring the jam to a boil and immediately remove it from the heat. It is recommended to mix the workpiece with a wooden or silicone spatula, and not with a metal spoon, so that the syrup is not sugared during storage.

Give jam "rest" 10-12 hours in a cloth-covered container. Then repeat the procedure: bring to a boil, remove from the stove and let the jam stand for 10-12 hours.


Repeat the sequence until the syrup has settled to the desired density. Until all the sugar has dissolved, mix the jam. During cooking, it is recommended to remove the foam from the surface of the syrup or remove it from the walls of the bowl when the jam settles after boiling.

boil jam

In the last call, the jam must be boiled over moderate heat for 5-7 minutes. Readiness to check by dropping syrup on a saucer pre-chilled in the freezer. If the drop has not spread, jam can be packaged in jars.

pack jam in banks

Cherry in the finished jam will remain intact, but will shrink, become more dense and very sweet, as it is soaked in sugar syrup. The syrup will be transparent, thick, aromatic and very tasty.

Arrange the jam in sterile, dry jars, plug with clean lids. After complete cooling down (no need to wrap), send to the pantry or cellar for long-term storage until winter.

cherry jam is ready

Since the jam is harvested from whole berries, with seeds, it is recommended to store it no more than a year.

Serve aromatic delicacy for tea, and syrup can be used to prepare impregnations for confectionery products, pour pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes on them.

Have a nice tea party!

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