How much time and how to cook and fry porcini mushrooms (+20 photo)?

27.01.2019 Mushrooms

White mushroom is often called the owner of the forest, because it not only has excellent taste, but also has a lot of useful substances in its composition. Ceps can be prepared in a variety of ways: cook, fry, stew, bake and make preparations for the winter.

If the basket is filled with these royal mushrooms, then you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for their processing and preparation.

View Features

The porcini mushroom (boletus, ladybug) has a convex hat, which in adults becomes flat-convex, and sometimes prostrate. The diameter of the hat varies from 7-30 cm, but there are specimens with a hat up to 50 cm. The surface is from red-brown to whitish, often with a lemon yellow, orange or purple hue.

Strong white flesh most often does not change color at the break. In rare cases, the cut may take on a pale pink or bluish tint. The fruit body has a faint odor and a mild taste. Mushroom aroma is greatly enhanced by cooking and drying.

The boletus leg grows about 12 cm in height and up to 7 cm in width. Young fruits have a club-shaped stalk, which acquires a cylindrical shape with a thickened base with age. The surface may be white, light brown or reddish, but most often the leg is a tone lighter than the hat.

Boletus is also known for its beneficial properties. It contains a large amount of riboflavin, which positively affects the growth and health of hair, nails and skin. It consists of proteins and polysaccharides, which are easily absorbed by the human body, and positively affect its general health.

How to cook porcini mushrooms

After a quiet hunt, you should immediately start processing fruit bodies, because you can’t store them fresh for a long time.

General cooking until ready

The first step in preparing a delicious mushroom dish is cleaning up forest debris. This can be done with a knife and a soft brush. Peeled fruits are poured with water for one hour. Soaking allows you to get rid of not only small debris, but also small insects that can live inside.

Mushroom cooking
Mushroom cooking

Damaged areas are cut from the soaked boletus, and the entire skin should be removed from the old individuals from the leg. Each copy is cut into pieces (because it can be wormy) and boiled according to the recipe.

Boil the fruits on average 40 minutes, but it may take more time, because it all depends on the selected recipe. Mushroom pieces are poured into the container and filled with cold water so that it completely covers them. Add a little salt and put on the stove. After boiling, remove the foam and boil over medium heat until cooked.

For cooking in a slow cooker, chopped mushrooms are placed in a bowl and poured with water. If the mushroom mass occupies a large half of the capacity, then it should be divided and boiled each portion separately. On the device set the mode "Baking" and set the cooking time 40 minutes.

In a double boiler, it is best to boil fresh fruits, because dried billets may not have enough moisture, and they will turn out tough.Clean chopped mushrooms are thrown into the bowl with holes, salt them and cover the appliance with a lid. The timer must be set for 40 minutes. If the pieces are large enough, then the cooking time is increased by 10 minutes.

Boil before frying

For the safe use of any mushrooms in food, it is advisable to boil them first. Boil them before frying for at least 20 minutes.

Mushroom frying
Mushroom frying

Mushrooms are poured with salted water and, after boiling, remove the resulting foam. And if the fruits after boiling are fried for another 20 minutes, then the risk of poisoning with such a dish will be minimal.

Dried mushrooms

Before heat treatment, dried mushrooms should be carefully sorted and removed spoiled. Then they are poured with salted cold water and left to soak for several hours.

In the same water they are boiled for 30-40 minutes. The duration of the procedure depends on the size of dry mushrooms.

For freezing and cooking frozen food

If the harvest is stored in a freezer, it should be boiled for freezing. Pure fruiting bodies are cut into pieces and thrown into boiling water. It is not necessary to salt water. Five minutes later, the water is drained, and the mushroom mass is placed in a colander.

Hot foods should not be put in the freezer, so mushrooms should be completely cooled, and excess liquid will drain during this time.

Frozen mushrooms, unlike dried ones, do not lose water during freezing, therefore they are boiled without preliminary soaking. Before cooking, frozen fruits must be thawed, and then cook on low heat for 15-20 minutes. For this procedure, it is advisable to slightly salt and boil the fruits in a saucepan with the lid closed.

Frying porcini mushrooms

Among mushroom pickers, the most common way to prepare a forest crop is to fry. Gentle and juicy mushrooms are obtained, fried in sour cream. For cooking, take the following components:

  • 600 g of boiled mushrooms;
  • 1 onion;
  • 200 ml of sour cream;
  • pepper and salt are added to taste.

Sunflower oil is poured into the pan and placed on the stove. Spread the boiled fruits and fry over medium heat until the liquid evaporates. Onions are cut in half rings and fried along with mushrooms until golden brown. Sour cream is poured into the pan, pepper, salt are added and mixed well. The resulting mixture should be fried over low heat for another 10 minutes under a closed lid.

Everyone knows that mushrooms with potatoes are a quick, at the same time, delicious dish. To make it, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 400 g of frozen boletus (can be boiled);
  • three medium-sized potatoes;
  • large onion;
  • 3 tbsp. l sunflower oil;
  • 40 g butter;
  • pepper and salt to taste.
Potatoes with mushrooms
Potatoes with mushrooms

The frozen and thawed product is washed and cut into medium pieces. Mushrooms are fried in a pan until golden brown, after which boiled water is added and stewed for about 45 minutes. The potatoes are peeled and cut into thin slices, added to the mushroom mass and fried. Finely chop the onion and toss it into the pan. The dish is well mixed, salted, added butter and stew until cooked.

Today, almost every housewife has a great helper in the kitchen - a slow cooker. With its help, you can cook chicken with dried mushrooms. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • two chicken breasts;
  • bulb;
  • three tbsp. l sour cream;
  • 200 g of dried mushrooms;
  • two glasses of buckwheat;
  • three glasses of water;
  • bay leaf;
  • greens and salt to taste;
Mushroom Chicken
Mushroom Chicken

Chicken fillet, onion and mushrooms are cut into small pieces. Spread chicken and onion in a bowl, add a little vegetable oil and set the “Baking” mode for 40 minutes. After 20 minutes, the contents are mixed and mushrooms are introduced. Fry the mixture until cooked. After the sound signal add sour cream, herbs, buckwheat, bay leaf and salt. Mix the mixture thoroughly and fill it with the required amount of water. Set the mode "Buckwheat" and stew until cooked.

You can enjoy fried mushrooms not only in the mushroom season, but also in the cold winter. To do this, fry porcini mushrooms in oil and close them in jars. The following ingredients will be needed:

  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 300 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 50 g butter;
  • three teaspoons of salt.
Fried mushrooms in a jar
Fried mushrooms in a jar

Fresh fruits are peeled and washed well. The dried crop is cut, salted and placed in a pan. Pour 150 g of vegetable oil and fry the mushrooms over low heat for 1 hour with the lid closed. The lid is removed and fried until the liquid evaporates.

Hot mushroom mass spread in sterilized jars and pour boiling mixture of butter and vegetable oil. The oil layer should be at least 1 cm thick. The jars are closed with nylon covers and placed in a refrigerator after cooling.

Answers to Common Questions

How to understand that mushrooms are cooked?
Ceps are boiled for 40 minutes. But this is an average indicator, because older individuals should be cooked a little longer. The main sign of product readiness is its subsidence. If all fruiting bodies sank to the bottom of the container, then they are ready.
Is it possible not to cook mushrooms before frying?
There are many recipes for cooking mushrooms, but most of them claim that pre-cooked mushrooms are the safest for cooking various dishes. Some gourmets advise against boiling boletus mushrooms before frying, because then their taste changes. If forest gifts were collected on their own and are confident in their quality, then you can skip cooking, but in this case you should fry them for at least 30 minutes.
Do raw whites freeze?
You can freeze not only boiled, but also raw mushrooms. They are pre-sorted, cleaned and washed. Large specimens can be cut as you wish. Before freezing, the product must be dried, otherwise the fruits will freeze to each other.
Do I need to boil mushrooms before frying?
This type of mushroom can be fried immediately after cleaning and washing - it belongs to the first category of edibility, therefore, it can even be consumed raw.

After a successful quiet hunt, you should think about preparing a forest harvest. Porcini mushrooms are famous for their excellent taste, so it will not be difficult at all to prepare a delicious dish from them.

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    Pochel about cooking porcini mushrooms for 40 minutes cooking broke. Erase this nonsense, you are incompetent.

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