Grapes Riddle of a ball: characteristic and description, planting and care

18.09.2018 Grape

Grapes Ball Riddle

Riddle of Sharov is a dark grape variety suitable for growing almost throughout the country. It is especially popular in regions with harsh climates and in areas with changing, unpredictable weather conditions.

For more than forty years, the variety has been in the line of the best, thanks to a combination of positive qualities and the absence of significant flaws.

general description

The progenitors of Sharov's Riddles were the Far East hybrid variety and two grape varieties Magarach 352 and Tukai. The name was due to its discoverer - amateur breeder R.F. Sharov.

Ripening speed and regional affiliation

The variety was widely used due to the very short ripening time. In conditions without shelter, the berries ripen no more than 100 days after the swelling of the kidneys. Early ripening of grapes makes it available for cultivation almost throughout the country. Even in Siberia, where the summer is short and cold, 90% of the berries have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather.

Plant characteristics

The grape tree is characterized by intensive growth in the first years after planting. At the age of two, the vine reaches a length of 3.5-4 meters. At the same time, the plant gives the first signal cluster. In the third year, the bush gives the first small crop.

The Sharov Riddle is characterized by thin, flexible shoots with nodes located at close range. Young shoots of light green color over time lignify and change color to brown. Leaves of medium size are almost split, three-lobed, without cutouts in the upper part of light green. There is no pubescence on leaf blades.

The plant has bisexual flowers, which indicates independent pollination. At the same time, grapes themselves are considered a good pollinator for other varieties. In the flowering period, grapes enter early, at the very beginning of the summer season. Flowers are collected in inflorescences forming a panicle. Three to four fruit brushes are formed on each shoot. In addition to flowers, the antennae are also part of the grape inflorescence. The green tendrils, meeting the support, encircle it with a strong spiral and soon lignify.


Dark wine berries contain a large number of substances useful to the human body. Regularly consuming a handful of black grapes can get rid of depression and strengthen the immune system.

Characterization of fruits and their use

Berries more often than average size have a mass of 2-3 grams. Rounded grapes are painted in dark blue, almost black. Fruits by the time of full maturity are covered with a white wax coating. Berries are collected in medium-sized clusters of 400-500 grams each. The location of the berries relative to each other is loose, from which the clusters look loose.

Taste qualities of the variety are evaluated by tasters and gardeners as excellent. High sugar content (up to 22%) and delicate strawberry aroma speaks of dessert taste. The peel is thin, but strong covers the juicy melting flesh. Seeds in the berries are present, but small in size and 2-3 pieces.

Such an unpleasant phenomenon as "pea" is not peculiar to the variety. Berries, even in unfavorable summers, ripen together to the size characteristic of the variety.This is another advantage of the "Riddle of Sharov."

Grapes are classified as universal for the intended purpose. The range of its application is wide:

  • sweet berries are good for consumption "from the bush";
  • suitable for berry desserts (jam, compote);
  • for making homemade wine drinks;
  • excellent transportability and keeping quality allows you to grow grapes for sale.




The tree gives a full-fledged harvest for 4-5 years of planting. According to the observations of winegrowers, six-year-old bushes bring more than 10 kg of marketable fruit. By the age of nine, crop volumes reach maximum values ​​and fluctuate depending on the region of cultivation. Duration of fruiting with good care is more than 25 years.

Agricultural technology varieties

From the hybrid "Far Eastern" variety "Riddle of Sharov" inherited excellent frost resistance and unpretentiousness to growing conditions. Therefore, the rules of planting and care are very simple and accessible to every gardener.

Selection of planting material

A healthy and strong grape seedling meets the following requirements:

  • the plant has a developed root system;
  • externally, the roots are moist and light to cut;
  • the kidneys do not look swollen or flaky;
  • the plant itself and neighboring seedlings have no signs of disease (growths, dark spots, rot, cracks).

A feature of Sharov grapes is the ability to grow seedlings from vines without grafting, that is, root crops. When choosing a bush, you should keep this in mind.

You should know!

A good seller has all the seedlings firmly attached with waterproof tags indicating the variety, age and company of the supplier.


The variety is completely unpretentious to the composition of the soil. When choosing a landing site, it is necessary to consider only two conditions: a sufficient amount of sunlight and the absence of stagnation of water. On poor, depleted soils, it is recommended to add humus 3-4 buckets and 30 grams of superphosphate per m2. In areas with medium fertility, norms are reduced in two. In chernozem areas, highly fertile soil does not need fertilizers.

In order for the young plant to take root well, it is necessary to observe simple rules:

  • when planting in the spring, it is necessary to wait until the soil warms up to 10 degrees Celsius to a depth of 50 cm and the threat of spring frosts passes;
  • Autumn planting is completed at least one and a half months before the onset of cold weather (depending on the region);
  • the interval between the grape bushes should be about 2 meters;
  • the dimensions of the landing pit should be no less than 70x70x70;
  • dig a hole and fill it with nutritious soil 1-2 months before planting or in autumn, so that the ground settles well;
  • the seedling is placed at a slight slope to the future support;
  • the roots of the plant are well spread so that they do not bend and wrap up to the top;
  • the soil around the roots should be tamped;
  • ungrafted seedlings are planted in such a way that the upper eye is slightly higher than the soil surface;
  • in grafted seedlings, the place of grafting after planting should be a couple of centimeters higher than the level of the soil surface;
  • at the end, the grapes are watered (2 buckets per bush).

Grape Tree Care

Care for grapes of the “Riddle of Sharov” grape is not complicated and consists in timely watering, top dressing, pruning and protection from pests and diseases.


Deep roots make the variety drought tolerant. In areas characterized by frequent and heavy rainfall, irrigation will be superfluous. In regions with rare rains and in dry years, a lack of moisture can affect crop yields. Experienced growers recommend adhering to such an irrigation scheme:

  • immediately after flowering;
  • when pea-sized berries are tied;
  • in the middle of July.

Water for irrigation should be warm and settled. The consumption rate is 50 liters per square meter.

Top dressing

To fertilize under the grapes you need to start 3-4 years after planting.For the "Sharov Riddle" the following feeding order is optimal:

  • one to two weeks before flowering - nitrogen fertilizers;
  • 8-10 days after flowering - phosphorus-nitrogen substances;
  • at the beginning of the ripening period of berries - complex fertilizers;
  • 1-2 weeks after harvesting - potassium phosphorus compounds.

Consumption rates are calculated taking into account the condition of the soil and the age of the plant.

You should know!

The roots of grapes that absorb water and nutrients are located at a distance of about 50-70 cm from the stem of the grapes. It is in this place that fertilizers must be applied.

Trimming and shaping and garter bush

The ability to bear fruit well with little pruning is a distinctive feature of the variety. For maximum yield, annual shoots are cut over 5-6 buds. Fruit brushes in this case will form in the region of 3-4 kidneys. On each shoot, it is best to leave no more than two peduncles, in this case the plant will not be overloaded and all berries will ripen on time.

A fast-growing vine requires tying in the first year of planting. As a support, you can use the walls of farm buildings, houses or specially installed trellises. For tying, it is best to use twine.

Protection against diseases and pests

Sharov grapes are not distinguished by strong immunity to diseases characteristic of the culture. Especially susceptible to mildew. For prevention in early spring and after leaf fall, plants can be treated with copper sulphate or other chemical preparation.

Of the pests, birds and wasps bring more harm, arriving to feast on sweet berries. You can save the harvest by placing bait traps for wasps. Scarecrow will help scare away birds.

Preparing for the winter season

Shelter of a grape tree is not necessary. The root system easily withstands frosts down to -32 ° С. For safety in the winter, it is best to remove the vine from its support. Flexible and thin shoots of the “Sharov Riddle” can be easily removed from the trellis and bent to the ground. Snow cover will be enough to protect against lower temperatures.

Harvesting and storage

The ripening of berries together makes it possible to harvest grapes. The variety is not prone to shedding, ripe berries hang on a bush for a long time. Brushes are cut with pruning shears or scissors. For collection you need to choose a dry and fine day. The removed grapes are placed in wooden boxes, shaded and sent to the storage location. In a cool place, the berries are stored for up to three months.


When collecting and transporting berries, you should try to keep the wax coating as much as possible. The thicker the wax layer, the longer the grapes are stored.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive features of the variety:

  • excellent cold resistance;
  • precocity
  • early entry into bearing;
  • dessert taste of berries;
  • good transportability and keeping quality of the crop;
  • presentation of the fruit.

Among the disadvantages of the variety, susceptibility to diseases can be distinguished.


Valery Petrovich, Leningrad Region

In my garden, a bush of "riddle" has been growing since 2006. Of the positive qualities I want to note early ripening, sweet taste and the ability of berries to hang on the bush for a long time. Of the shortcomings is susceptible to mildew. Therefore, preventative treatments cannot be dispensed with. I spray in spring and autumn with Proton Extra. I carry out watering through a plastic pipe, which I installed during planting.

Tatyana Pavlovna, Cheboksary

I was bribed by a variety of unpretentious care. I do not carry out any special activities, except for watering in dry years. For the winter, I do not untie the lashes from the trellis. It is rare when a small part of the tips of the vine freezes. The taste is of course four, but without worries. It was freed from the ceiling with the help of straw, which I line the soil every year in the vineyard. By autumn, almost all of the straw rots; these residues are sealed in the soil, digging it shallow.

Grapes "Riddle of Sharov" is worthy to take pride of place in each garden plot. With the unpretentious nature of the plant, even a beginner grower will cope. The variety will bring a large crop even in difficult weather conditions and does not take a lot of time to leave.

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