How to grow rice mushroom and its beneficial properties (+24 photo)

28.01.2019 Mushrooms

Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, marine - as soon as the rice mushroom is not called in our time. This is primarily due to the fact in which corners of our planet it was grown. Most sources say that it was first discovered in Tibet. Be that as it may, it is difficult to overestimate the significance of this culture.

Features of the Indian Mushroom

The fungus is a variety of bacteria and their waste products (zoogley). In addition to this species, milk (kefir) and tea mushrooms can be considered the most famous representatives of zoogley.

Appearance with photo

Literally zooglea translates as “sticky substance”. If you look at the Indian mushroom, it really resembles mucus.

Of course, this has nothing to do with rice, except for external resemblance - this kind of microorganism really looks like grains of cooked white cream-colored rice.


The Tibetan mushroom, also Indian, is a jelly-like mucous body that has the form of granules that resemble boiled rice in their structure. The composition of this type of zoogley, like the rest, includes acetic acid bacteria. Very often Tibetan rice is called “live” - such an epithet is due to the fact that if you observe the body through a microscope, you can see its breathing.

The composition of the fungus and its derivatives is considered unique. It includes yeast organisms, tannins and resinous substances, organic and inorganic acids, vitamins D and C, some enzymes, polysaccharides and folic acid.

Of course, such a rich composition makes this type of bacteria very attractive in terms of treatment and prevention of many diseases, cosmetology, and nutrition.

Growth conditions

For the active growth and reproduction of a culture, several prerequisites are necessary. It is warm, dark and dry. Since zooglea is similar to the mucous membrane formed on a fermented drink, the conditions for growth are understandable - a fermentation process is necessary.

Cold Indian rice is contraindicated, the optimum temperature for its active growth is considered above 17 ° C, and the higher the temperature, the better bacteria multiply. The most favorable is the temperature range from 23 ° C to 27 ° C.

Useful properties of rice mushroom

Growing Indian mushroom is due to its beneficial properties, which have a positive effect on the body in many diseases. Properly prepared broth of Tibetan rice has a tonic and anti-aging effect on the body, increases activity and efficiency. With it, lower blood pressure, normalize metabolism, remove stones from the gallbladder and kidneys.

Good to know!
It is believed that in the case of an inflammatory process in the body, this drink is able to act as an antibiotic and stop inflammation. In addition, with its help it is possible to strengthen the nervous system, establish sleep and restore potency.

It is widely known that the fungus can actively participate in reducing the weight of patients.So, the enzyme contained in its composition - lipase - is able to break down fats. The use of kvass from sea rice contributes to an increase in the amount of lipase in the body and the dissolution of fat deposits. As a result, there is a restoration of metabolism and weight loss.

Infusion of sea rice
Infusion of sea rice

According to various sources, the infusion of the fungus copes with more than 100 ailments, including: lipid metabolism disorders, lack of enzyme production, the presence of stones and sand in the genitourinary and excretory systems, oncological diseases, inflammatory processes of various origins, cosmetic defects, and many others.

Contraindications and limitations

A list of the positive aspects of the Tibetan mushroom, of course, is not enough. Having such a wide range of effects on the human body, the miracle bacterium also has its contraindications. And before engaging in uncontrolled self-medication and its active use, you should consult a doctor.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude this drug for insulin-dependent type diabetics. The fact is that fungi can reduce the effectiveness of insulin, and this provokes an increase in blood sugar.

It should be treated with caution and the doctor’s recommendation should be given to those who suffer from hypotension (regular use of the drink helps to lower blood pressure, which hypotonics have already low), chronic diseases of the respiratory system (asthma and tuberculosis, for example), and peptic ulcer in the acute stage gastritis with increased acidity of the stomach. In addition, children up to 3 years of age can be considered a contraindication.

And even if there is complete confidence that when using the decoction, subjective sensations of relief and improvement are observed, it will not hurt to consult a doctor, especially if the aforementioned ailments were present in the anamnesis.

Rules for growing and caring for the mushroom

Self-preparation of infusion should begin with the cultivation of culture. But it will not be possible to grow it from scratch at home, the raw materials will have to be purchased at a phyto-pharmacy or taken from friends.

To grow it is necessary: ​​prepare a clean glass container, choose a warm dark place and pour clean water. In order to make a drink, you need to take:

You may be interested in:
  • 0.5 liters of pure cold water;
  • a tablespoon of mushroom;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar, optimally brown cane, but plain white will do. Pre-stir sugar in water;
  • a few small dry fruit fruits or large pieces to create a fermentation environment.

Having prepared all the ingredients, the rice is poured with water and sugar, several pieces of dried apricots, raisins or any other dried fruits are added, and removed in a warm dark place. In this form, he should spend two days, and at a reduced temperature - three.

At the end of the term, the liquid is poured into a clean container, preferably a glass one. It is necessary to merge carefully, using gauze or a very fine non-metallic sieve so that particles of "rice" grains do not get into the drink itself.

Dried fruits need to be thrown away. To prepare the next portion, take a tablespoon of an already grown culture, washed in running water, as well as all of the listed ingredients. And - again on the shelf - grow.

A drink prepared in such proportions is enough for one person for one day. It is recommended to use such kvass three times a day, 20 minutes before a meal.With regular use, positive changes in the body can occur within three weeks.

If the crystals become smaller, this is a bad sign, which means that the fungus is bad and it can die. Most likely, this is due to the low temperature - at 18-20 degrees, the culture will not grow.

The use of infusion from a mushroom for various pathologies

The desire to prolong youth, improve health, get rid of ailments - all this can provide the use of decoction of Indian rice. The main and indispensable condition is the regularity and duration of its use.

The use of the mushroom:

  • a large amount of vitamin C in the composition helps to strengthen immunity, the walls of blood vessels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, vitamin C is a necessary condition for the production of collagen - the key to elasticity and youth of the skin;

    Vitamin C Benefits
    Vitamin C Benefits
  • the bacteria that make up the fungus contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora, improve digestion, resist pathogenic microorganisms and increase resistance to infections in general;
  • Vitamin D, which is a component of sea rice infusion, promotes the absorption of calcium, which is why it is highly recommended for patients with bone and joint diseases, and the active enzymes of this healing drink contribute to the breakdown of salts and prevent the destruction of bone material;

    Vitamin D action
    Vitamin D action
  • if a person is at risk for cardiovascular disease, rice kvass can help him. With it, you can control the level of pressure and prevent spasms of blood vessels;
  • Oncological diseases, according to some reports, are also an indication for the use of rice mushroom decoction. The drink neutralizes free radicals and thereby prevents the development of cancer cells.

Despite all the positive properties, Indian rice, consumed in large and uncontrolled quantities, can also harm the body. So common sense and medical advice will never be superfluous.

Reviews of doctors and patients about the use of the fungus

Unfortunately, there are currently no detailed and large-scale studies on the benefits of the miracle mushroom infusion. However, there are reviews of experiments conducted among volunteers in dietetics, on the basis of which doctors confirmed the important role of rice kvass in weight loss measures:

Tatyana Lola, general practitioner: “As far as I know, large-scale research on the subject of this culture and its use in medicine has not been carried out either in our state or in any other. Accordingly, we do not have scientific evidence based on laboratory findings. But if its composition is really as rich as they say, then I’m rather ready to agree with the benefits of using this tool. ”

Irina Filippova, fungotherapist, candidate of biological sciences. She devoted a whole book to the possibilities and properties of the wonderful mushroom “Rice mushroom or Indian sea rice”. The pages of the publication describe in detail the healing properties of this unique organism. The specialist sees his main action in the cleansing and rejuvenation of the body.

Patients have different opinions regarding the fungus:

Julia Sokolova: “I heard that rice mushroom has a bad effect on the liver. Saw for weight loss for a short time, expecting the best, to be honest. Maybe if she continued to use it, the results would be more pronounced. "

Eremeeva Tom: “Helps to cope with stress on the stomach. When I drank the infusion, it seemed that my health had improved. But maybe it’s just self-hypnosis. ”

Marina: “Guys, I ordered this rice on the Internet, stumbled upon it purely by accident, expected the worst, but - I was satisfied! In terms of taste, the bomb is simple, the only thing is that there is too much trouble with it, but it's worth a try! ”

Rainbow_A: “For two years now this mushroom has been living with me. During this time, I did not notice any super-healing effects from the drink. It is not difficult to cook kvass, but over time it becomes boring and a burden. But throwing away the hand does not rise ... ".

Answers to widespread questions

Can I take filtered water to make a drink?
Different sources answer this question in different ways. Some authors indicate that water should be unboiled, while others insist on boiling and cooling the liquid before use. For hygiene and personal safety, of course, it is better to pass water through a filter.
If you don’t wash the mushroom in time, can you poison yourself with a drink?
Untimely and poor-quality washing of sea rice leads to its "disease". Take a drink made from low-quality ingredients is not recommended.
Can a mushroom live without fluid?
This crop can be stored without water for approximately two weeks. Previously, it must be thoroughly washed, drained, placed in food utensils with a lid and refrigerated. Before further use, the mushroom must be washed and then used as usual.
Is it possible to grow a mushroom from scratch?
Unfortunately, for home growing the body you need to purchase a foundation, it is impossible to make it at home.

So, a wonderful mushroom is unique in composition and has a lot of properties that positively affect both a healthy and susceptible organism. Regular and prolonged use of it can bring benefits and establish many processes in the human body. The main thing is common sense and consultation with a qualified health professional.

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