Do-it-yourself tall strawberry beds

16.10.2016 Strawberry

Do-it-yourself tall strawberry bedsAs you know, maintaining a garden and properly planning your actions as top dressing, as well as caring for such a “brainchild” is a whole science. Because not only can you read the information somewhere. It is necessary to do everything correctly and in time, otherwise the result simply will not please.


There are many nuances necessary for a better result in summer cottages. Experienced gardeners today use on their sites high beds made by themselves. Such structures help to maintain the land in greater grooming, and this approach has many advantages.


High beds for strawberries with their own hands are able to provide the owner with a rather rich spring crop, and additionally decorate the landscape design of the summer cottage. It is not uncommon for experienced gardeners to plant early crops precisely in such designs, which can provide them with early fruits.

Tall Strawberry Beds

It should be noted that when planning beds, it is necessary to take into account the width, height, as well as the location of this design. The width should be selected so that you can get around from all sides and reach the middle of the bed, because if you have to step on the ground, the integrity of the soil will be compromised, which will lead to compaction, poor air circulation and so on.


High beds are inconvenient to process. You also need to consider a convenient approach to such facilities. After all, in the summer time it will be necessary to water, loosen and care for the plants. Therefore, you should first plan your site so that in the future there are no inconveniences and alterations.


To date, the most common way to construct these structures are downed wooden boxes. They are made in the form of a high frame from wide boards. Tightly knocked down and slightly recessed boards should not have cracks or gaps. The adjacent joints will provide a stable shape, and when watering, the earth will not go with water into various holes, thereby disrupting soil spillage.


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In order to ensure a stable form of the garden bed, many experienced gardeners are encircling a downed construction box with ordinary polyethylene, which, in turn, will protect against cracks through which the earth can wake up, as well as preserve the necessary humidity of the garden.

High beds

Specialists in such a case advise laying a metal mesh with a small cell at the bottom of the planned bed, which the rodents really do not like, and then you can pour the soil composition for the bed. After the soil has filled the required volume, it should be carefully watered, because usually there are recesses requiring additional soil filling.


The composition of the soil for strawberries should have the necessary nutrients specifically for such a plant. A high bed is well and quickly warmed up by the sun. For strawberries, this is one of the best options, but before you plant a mustache in a luxurious design, you need to properly prepare the soil. For this, you can use urea, compost, ash or humus.


But even if the soil is as fertile as possible, but in its composition the sand content is large, then such a bed will not retain the moisture necessary for strawberries. Based on what, when backfilling the soil, one should take into account such an important nuance. After all, every gardener knows that for such a crop as strawberries, moisture is simply necessary in large quantities, especially in the spring, when the plant gains color.

Do-it-yourself tall strawberry beds

It is not uncommon to correct a situation if the permissible norm of sand exceeds, many use sawdust, which remarkably retain moisture and additionally are fertilizer. Moreover, the sawdust does not allow the upper layers of the soil to dry out and crack. If it is noticed that the earth is clayey, you must certainly dilute it with sand, otherwise the crop on such soil will be as scarce as possible.


Also, one of the budget options for gardeners will be beds of slate, which differ in durability and convenience. The sides necessary for height need to be driven deeper into the ground, for good structural stability, and then pour in the required amount of soil inside.


Often, many do not like the dull gray color of slate, a tree against its background looks most attractive. In order to correct this situation, you can weave a fence from willow twigs along the edge of the sides on the outside, such a design will obviously appeal to any gardener.

About how to plant strawberries in the fall read here.

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