Ways and recipes for salting mushrooms row mushrooms for the winter (+20 photos)

1.02.2019 Winter blanks

Cranberries are considered a very common species, but most beginner mushroom pickers bypass unusual mushrooms, being afraid to confuse them with poisonous relatives. Experienced mushroom pickers know that edible species are great for preparing a wide variety of dishes.

Ordinary mushrooms can be boiled, pickled, salted, fried and added to salads. They are quite simple and easy to prepare, and the dishes are aromatic and very tasty. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the general features of cooking, and then, during the cooking process, you can experiment with the addition of new ingredients.

Distinctive features of edible rows

Edible and poisonous mushrooms are very similar in appearance, so it is difficult for inexperienced mushroom pickers to make a choice. There are several differences that make it possible to determine the edibility of mushrooms. First of all, they look at the color of the hat. If it is pure white and without any shade - this is a poisonous specimen. Collect only colored mushrooms: with pink, purple, purple and other shades. Poisonous species have a pungent odor.

Among the ranks, gray rowing (mouse, earring) is most popular. Her meaty hat has a rounded shape, and with age becomes uneven and flat, with a slightly flattened hill in the middle. The diameter of the cap varies from 4 to 12 cm.

This species has a dark gray color, which sometimes casts a purple or green tint. The length of the legs can reach 15 cm, and its surface is covered with a light coating. In mature mushrooms, the leg becomes hollow, it has a lighter color, and in good lighting it casts a gray-yellow hue. The cut-off site of the earring becomes yellowish and has a barely noticeable aroma.

Useful properties and restrictions for use

Edible varieties of rows belong to dietary products that contribute to the improvement of the digestive tract, positively affect the liver and help the body get rid of toxins and toxins.

Chemical analysis of fungi showed that they have antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It is useful to use this product for people with diabetes, rheumatism, diseases of the genitourinary system and cancer.

Only young mushrooms should be collected, because overgrown specimens accumulate various toxins from the environment, so the harm from old rows is much more than good.
It is not advisable to consume a large amount of these mushrooms for those who suffer from pancreatitis, cholecystitis or have a low acidity of the stomach.

Preparation and processing of mushrooms

First of all, forest gifts are carefully inspected and cleaned of leaves, debris and other contaminants. Wormy specimens are best not to eat or carefully cut damaged areas. Each mushroom should trim the lower part of the leg, because it is considered unsuitable for cooking. The harvested crop is well washed under running water, after which it is soaked for three to five hours.

Mushroom picking
Mushroom picking

Soaking time depends on a certain type of rows. For example, purple leaves in the water for no more than three hours, because this variety has no bitterness. Most species should be soaked for 3 days, while the water must be changed twice a day.After soaking, the product is washed again and cleaned of residual contaminants. Mushrooms are dried a little and cut into small pieces, and small fruits can be used whole.

Ways of salting rows in the winter

Lovers of salted mushrooms know a lot of recipes on how to pickle pickles for the winter. Their aroma and taste depends on which ingredients and in what quantity to add to the pickle.


Most housewives before salting prefer to boil mushrooms, because this procedure eliminates the ingress of harmful substances into the body. Salting is carried out as follows:

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  1. Clean and chopped rowings are laid out in a large container, poured with slightly salted water and put on a stove.
  2. After boiling, boil for about five minutes and lay in a colander.
  3. The fruits are again placed in a pan and poured with clean water, salted and boiled for 30 minutes.

    Hot salting
    Hot salting
  4. A few minutes before cooking, add 2-3 cloves, allspice, dill umbrellas and a couple of bay leaves.
  5. The stove is turned off, and the mushroom mixture is allowed to infuse for about 15 minutes.
  6. Leaves of currant, cherry, horseradish, black pepper, peas and other spices, if desired, are laid out in a prepared dish. Some culinary specialists cut peeled horseradish roots into a bowl, which gives the dish a special aroma.

    Pickled Mushrooms
    Pickled Mushrooms
  7. The finished product is placed in the dishes and poured with brine, in which the mushroom mass was cooked. The containers are tightly closed with a lid.

Ready mushrooms are transferred to a cool place. You can only try salting in a week.


Before salting, the rowers should be well soaked. To do this, they are poured into a large container and filled with water. The top of the container is covered with a lid or cloth. Leave the fruit in the water for three days, periodically changing the water. The main sign of readiness for salting is the elasticity of the cap. A well-soaked specimen should not break. The cold method consists of several stages:

  • mushrooms spread with their hats down, each layer should not be thicker than 6 cm;
  • the layer is sprinkled with spices and salt;

    Harvesting of rows
    Harvesting of rows
  • the container is closed, and oppression is installed on top;
  • after a few days a new layer is added, and this is done until the container is completely full;
  • rowings are filled with saline and tightly closed.

Culinary experts advise putting cherry, currant and dill branches between the layers, which contributes to the formation of a pleasant aroma. Cherry leaves are responsible for the elasticity and crunch of salting.
You can taste the salty fruits in one and a half to two months.


The dry method is very similar to the cold salting method, only the fruits should not be in water, but in their own juice. To do this, take clean mushrooms and put them in a large container with the caps down. The bottom of the tank is lined with horseradish leaves and dill umbrellas.

Dry salting
Dry salting

Preliminary, the bottom of the dishes should be well salted. Each next layer is salted and spices are added to taste. The last layer is covered with horseradish leaves and dill, covered with a clean cloth, covered with a lid and set oppression.

After a few days, you need to check whether mushroom juice appears in the container. If it is too small, you should replace oppression with heavier one. It will be possible to try rank-and-file only after 30 days.

Recipes from rowing dishes

It turns out very tasty fried potatoes with row-pots. To prepare this fragrant dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 0.5 kg of rows;
  • 50 g butter;
  • dill;
  • onion;
  • spices and salt to taste.
Fried potatoes with row
Fried potatoes with rows

Mushrooms are peeled, washed, chopped and boiled for five minutes. Water is drained, and the fruit is poured with fresh water and boiled again for 15 minutes. At this time, you can prepare potatoes.It is cleaned, cut into small slices and cooked until half cooked.

Put butter in a preheated pan and fry the mushrooms on it for about five minutes. All ingredients are poured into the pan, salted and mixed well. Close the lid and fry over low heat for about 10 minutes. The dish is ready when the potato gains a golden crust. A pinch of fresh dill and fried onions are often added to the finished dish.

Row salad
Mushroom salad

From marinated purple rows you can cook a stunning salad that will decorate the festive table. For cooking you will need:

  • 500 g pickled rows;
  • 100 g canned green peas;
  • 100 g of green onions or two medium onions;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 3-4 boiled eggs.
Purple Row Salad
Purple Row Salad

All ingredients are cut and mixed with mayonnaise and peas. Spices are added to taste. On the festive table, you can make this salad in layers, separately mixing each ingredient with mayonnaise.

Answers to Common Questions

Do you need to soak the row-men?
All varieties of rank-and-file should be soaked. The duration of this procedure depends on the type of fungus. Lilopod and purple dressings do not have bitterness, so they are left in the water for no more than three hours. Most other species are soaked for about three days.
Is it possible to dry poplar row?
From poplar rowing you can not only prepare delicious dishes, but also excellent preparations for the winter. It can be pickled, salted and even dried. Dried copies are ground into powder and used as a fragrant mushroom seasoning.
How many salted mushrooms are stored?
Salty fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for about 6 months. The temperature of the room where the pickles are located should be about 5 ° C. If this figure is exceeded, the product will begin to sour and deteriorate.
Is it possible to poison with salty rows?
You can poison yourself with pickles if poisonous specimens have fallen into the basket during collection. If the storage conditions of the cans are violated, a digestive tract disorder can occur. Eating pickles, which are already more than 6 months old, is categorically impossible.

Salt forest harvest is quite simple. You should only adhere to the basic rules and recommendations when preparing and salting mushrooms. Rowers, prepared for future use, will be a great addition to the festive table.

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