Zenkor and Zenkor Ultra from weeds: instructions for use (photo)

19.01.2018 Fertilizers and preparations

Weeds are always the true enemy of summer residents, gardeners. If large-scale farming is carried out, then sorting out with weed grass can develop into real military operations. In order not to bring the matter to nervous stress and to prevent the time-consuming process of weed control in a simpler technique, you need to get acquainted with a tool called Zencor Ultra.

It is his modern agronomists who recommend choosing among the many chemicals available on the market. Zenkor Ultra is a human-friendly herbicide with selective action. This means that it kills weeds, but does not touch potatoes and other cultivated vegetables. Weeds interfere with the exchange of internal substances in vegetables, interfere with growth for potatoes. The Zencor Ultra instruction from weeds prescribes to forget the usual methods of a grueling war with a weed. New tools provide a long effect and are used only 2-3 times for the entire "garden" season. The war against weeds is most effective when they are just starting to grow. The Zenkor Ultra preparation is calculated on it.

Its formulation is wettable powder. Processing means is carried out before the emergence of plants on almost bare ground, after plowing. A single treatment with a herbicide frees the field from dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous weeds such as ragweed, shepherd’s bag, cassock, woodlice.

Weed control by weeding is ineffective, especially during the rainy season. Gardeners need a chemical preparation, after processing which only potatoes will remain on the beds, and the weeds will disappear. Zenkor, the leader among herbicides in the destruction of weeds, is such a drug. The chemical preparation is designed to destroy dicotyledonous broadleaf and annual cereal weeds. This herbicide is selective, hence selective action, kills weeds and does not harm cultivated plants. The affordable price of such a tool allows you to use it for processing large plantations planting potatoes, tomatoes, carrots and other crops.

Thanks to the main component, all fertilizers that it is part of have a long-lasting effect, as they dissolve for a long time and remain in the fertile soil layer in an active state for almost the entire summer season.


Description of Zenkor Ultra

Important properties of the Zencor Ultra preparation help gardeners to quickly get rid of weeds. They make it possible to use this drug in both private cottages and plantations on an industrial scale. Practice has shown that it is most effective in potato plantations.

Important action: it does not interfere with the growth of the main crop on the field, potatoes grow and thrive, only weed growth is inhibited, regardless of the growth phase - even in the form of sprouted seeds. The first field treatment completely removes all weed from the plot.

Zenkor creates a protective film on the ground, which eliminates the growth of weeds in the treated area. Film - protection acts for a long time, thanks to it, cereal and broad-leaved weeds are destroyed.The active ingredient of Zenko is Metribuzin, known to agronomists and earth technicians. Its safety for growing food crops has long been tested and tested by time.

The property of Metribuzin is to infect a plant in all its forms of growth - through the root system, the herbicide, affecting the roots, enters the sprouts, affects the entire plant that has managed to grow. Or, getting on the foliage of an adult plant, Metribuzin destroys them, and then penetrates into all parts of the plant, also destructively affects them. Chemical class of active substance: triazinone derivatives.

Zencor is also used as part of a garden mixture against weeds. Several herbicides are mixed in the tank, the addition of Zenkor enhances the spectrum of action of the tank mixture. The herbicide is effective only until the potato rows are closed with an even carpet of foliage.
Need to know! The active component of the drug - Metribuzin, according to the classification of the Ministry of Health, is classified as hazard class III for humans, and IV for bees.

The composition of the drug Zencor Ultra

The main substance, which is part of the Zencor Ultra preparation and ensures its action, is metribuzin. Its chemical formula is C8H14N4OS. Substance from the chemical class of triazinone derivatives. Metribuzinum as a part of Zenkor is contained in a percentage ratio - 7:10, that is 70%. Dissolved in Zenkor contains 600 g / l of active substance.

The composition of the chemicals does not differ by subspecies, as well as their effectiveness. On sale Zenkor is presented in different packaging:

  • powder in bags of 20 g;
  • in bottles up to 100 ml;
  • in tanks up to 5 liters.

Accordingly, large-scale packaging is purchased by farmers to process large-area plantations; small-size packaging is produced specifically for use in summer cottages and in private households in rural areas.

Note! Packing allows you to conveniently dose the drug to work on a large plantation or in a small summer cottage. The liquid form of the preparation is an excellent basis for preparing the mixture in tanks.

Advantages of Zencor Ultra

The action of Zenkor and its long-term preservation on the surface soil layers make it possible to use such a remedy after spring rains, and to be sure that weed protection will be preserved for the whole season.

The Zenkor Ultra preparation has a lot of advantages:

  • addiction to weed grass is not developed to it;
  • simple use;
  • preliminary dissolution is not required;
  • it can be used in different climatic zones of the country;
  • efficient spending;
  • the filters of the sprayer remain clean;
  • granules dissolve completely, without sediment;
  • perhaps spraying plantations, beds on freshly plowed, only seeded soil, and already when shoots appear;
  • the herbicide has no pronounced odor.

A special advantage among all available at Zenkor Ultra is the absence of danger to humans, beneficial insects. The tool does not violate the phyto health of neighboring crops, does not carry toxicity to them.

Important! In large household plots, cottages, crop rotation is always planned. The use of herbicides containing Metribuzin does not interfere with crop rotation plans.


Zenkor Toxicity

Studies have proven that any herbicide should be used strictly according to its instructions for use. Then a high yield will be obtained and there will be no negative effect on vegetables and human health. Zenkor does not accumulate in the soil, and therefore is considered completely safe, despite its frightening name "herbicide". It is scary to someone who is unfamiliar with modern weed control products.

Preparations of the future! Ongoing scientific research constantly increases the level of safety, manufacturers are fighting for a niche in the market and release products with a complete absence of harmful substances.

The principle of Zenkor

It is useful to cultivate the soil with Zenkor until the first shoots, because at the same time a protective weed barrier is formed on the ground. When seedlings appear, the film penetrates into the weeds, stops their photosynthesis. The drug acts on weed grass and through the first shoots that appear, and through the soil. It is because of this that it is important that the soil is moist before treatment with the herbicide. And for the same reason, before treating potato plantations with the herbicide, it is recommended to find out the weather forecast for a week so that the rains do not wash the herbicide out of the ground.

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The active substance is a systemic pesticide. It is perfectly absorbed by the sprouts and root system, due to which the death of the whole plant occurs. The action of the substance is based on the inhibition of electron transport during photosynthesis, which leads to the immediate death of weed grass.

The excellent effect of metribuzin is through the surface of the leaves. When spraying plants, Zencor falls on the leaves, and its active component, Metribuzin, penetrates the stems of the plants and leads to their death. Metribuzin is detrimental to monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds. Having a double effect - on the roots and foliage, Metribuzin is quite a long time acting on arable land. If the drug is used before the first shoots, then the weed sensitive to it does not grow at all.

Important: know the weather forecast. Wet weather contributes to a more rapid emergence of seedlings, in dry weather this takes a little longer. Protection works for a month.

How to use Zencor

Preparations based on Metribuzin - Zenkor, its analogues, have long and successfully been used by gardeners from different countries, and everywhere their effective effectiveness is widely recognized due to many positive aspects. This is expressed in the characteristics of the herbicides themselves, in the technologies for their use. Zencor Ultra is produced in several varieties - granules, dispersed powder, suspension, concentrate of liquid consistency. Different preparative formats give advantages in use: the mixture is quickly diluted; the solution has physical stability; no residue remains in the container.

Instructions for use

Each packaging, each Zenkora packaging has a complete set of instructions for use. This is a necessary supporting document, with which it will be easy for users to understand the rules of use, timing and spraying technique.

Application of the solution of the working mixture is done with a hand spray. Some manufacturers warn that eyes and respiratory tract should be protected, while others consider this an optional measure. However, herbicides are herbicides. All the same, it is chemistry and it is reasonable to assume that we still need to protect ourselves, because we are protected by certain measures, even from household chemicals.

The higher the quality of the sprayer, the more effective the spray will be. Zencor is an easy-to-use preparation, before its processing special preparation of potatoes is not required. Root crops are planted in the soil, the plantation is plowed, and immediately the Zenkor is cultivated, while high humidity is still present on it.

Manufacturers recommend processing the field with a drug of the same brand in several steps, during the garden season:

  • processing until the first sprouts appear; produced 2-3 days before the start of potato growth. According to the growth cycle of different plants, by this time weeds of dicotyledonous varieties begin to hatch from the ground, and the treatment with the herbicide will ripen just right in order to destroy the weed shoots. So says the instructions for the use of Zenkor on potatoes. So that the film protects the planting of potatoes longer, do not loosen and water the soil;
  • post-emergence treatment is carried out a couple of weeks after the first spraying. Experienced gardeners are guided by the height of the potato sprouts, which should not exceed 5 cm.

For the first and second treatments, a different concentration of the working solution is recommended, therefore, the second time less powder is used than when preparing the first solution.

Be sure to know! Zenkor’s instruction categorically prohibits the processing of plantations and beds at the height of the day. Do this either early in the morning, or at sunset.

How to breed chemicals

In accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer, the dosage of the product is calculated according to the properties of the regional soil.

First Processing Cost:

  • for light chernozem soil - up to 0.6 l / hectare;
  • for medium podzolic soil - up to 0.75 l / hectare;
  • for heavy clay soil - up to 1.2 l / hectare.
Spraying with Zenkor Ultra is good to carry out immediately after a light rain, since humidity significantly increases the effectiveness of the drug.

The chemical is diluted depending on the plant that is planned to be destroyed. Chemicals in the form of granules are bred at the rate of 15 g of granules per 5 liters of water. Complete dissolution takes ½ hours. Chemicals in the form of a liquid consumption is calculated 7-11 ml per 5 liters of water. In any case, the instructions for each package contain a detailed description of the standards for preparing the working solution for each type of soil.

Precautionary measures

Herbicides with the main active ingredient Metribuzin are considered practically harmless to humans and the environment. At the same time, there are some rules that must be observed when working with chemicals of any safety class.

There are also warnings:

  1. The use of this herbicide must necessarily comply with the manufacturer's instructions, not to violate the dosage. And at the same time, only yellowing of foliage on the grown plants will occur, but there will be no harm to a person from ripened fruits. Yellowing of foliage in plants most often appears after treatment with plantation herbicide in open large fields with sandy soil.
  2. Another caveat from the producers of Zenkor and its analogues: do not process crops of early potato varieties.
  3. Manufacturers recommend eating or drinking and not smoking before weeding the soil. Upon completion of work and cleaning of the inventory, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the face and hands with soap, even if the person worked in a protective suit.
The herbicide is recognized as completely safe for health. It is extremely rare that any complications occur, only with direct, direct contacts. This can be an allergic reaction, irritation, dermatosis, with which, of course, you need to seek medical help.

Special warnings:

  1. Particular attention is required to the waste disposal process of the herbicide. This is a technically complex process, it requires the implementation of special rules and knowledge of recycling technology. If there is very little waste, you must follow the elementary rules, which require that the remains of the herbicidal mixtures be buried only in a specially designated place, away from ponds and water intakes, in a buried pit.
  2. The burial of the remaining mixtures and packaging from Zenkor requires the implementation of clear rules: arrange underground structures far from residential settlements and ponds.

Compatibility with other pesticides

Zenkor, Zenkor Ultra and its analogues, which have the active substance Metribuzin, are widely used with pesticides, so it is possible to use Zenkor in the complex composition of the mixtures, as an independent preparation in phased pollination of the plantation. Manufacturers recommend combining the drug with the products of their own company, and in advance to purchase funds with the expectation of their compatibility.

Rules for storing the drug

Shelf life and storage rules are prescribed in the instructions for use and must be indicated on each packaging element.Store Zenkor and Zenkor Ultra can be 2 years from the date of production. Some companies indicate a shelf life of at least 3 years from the date of manufacture. Storage temperature from −10 ° C to +40 ° C.

Do not pour powder, do not pour liquids into another container during storage. Keep chemicals in their original packaging, with a safe container label. In the designated area should be dry, cool. The pantry should be reliably separated from the place of storage of animal feed, fuels and lubricants. This should be a room dedicated to holding pesticides in it temporarily.

Required condition! Keep herbicides out of the reach of children.

Reviews on using Zenkor

Zenkor Ultra has gained grateful feedback because it is relatively safe, does not accumulate in the ground, and does not destroy cultivated plants. Experienced gardeners give good reviews for its effectiveness, convenient dosage and simple application. Consumers also like the form - powders, small granules, liquids, easily soluble in water. To prepare them, you just need to pour the chemical from the bottle into a container with water and mix thoroughly. Another reason for the good reviews about Zenkor is the low cost.

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