
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 4.12.2017

Description Pink Heart Tomato

general information

There is no such person who would not like pink tomatoes: they possess unsurpassed taste. Unlike ordinary tomatoes, they are much sweeter, with a thin skin, and therefore do not affect the gastric mucosa.

The pink heart tomato is self-explanatory: pink in the shape of a heart. About him and will be discussed.

Characteristics and description of the variety

  • Refers to the indeterminate, tall form (reaches two meters).
  • For cultivation in greenhouses.
  • Medium early gestation period (100–110 days).
  • Productivity to three kg from one bush.
  • Purpose: fresh consumption.
  • Fruits are tied up to 100%.
  • Requires the formation of a bush.
  • Simple inflorescences.
  • Fruits are heart-shaped pink saturated color, slightly ribbed, weighing from 200 to 400 g.
  • The fruit is large, dense inside, 4–5 nest.
  • When ripe, the fruits do not crack.
  • Excellent taste, high sugar content.
  • Resistant to viral diseases.
  • Do not tolerate transportation.
  • Not subject to long-term storage.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's examine in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the “Pink Heart” tomato from the variety description.

Indeterminate variety - in fact, it is a vine, which grows endlessly, so these types are suitable only for high greenhouses. And to not write on the packaging, you know that for open soil such tomatoes are not suitable!

This variety of medium early ripening, which is 110 days or more from seed germination, but, according to reviews of gardeners who grow the "pink heart", the crop appears on 120-135 days.

Correctly calculate the date of sowing seeds. It is done this way: we deduct 60–65 days (seedling age) from the day of disembarkation (May 10–15) of seedlings to the greenhouse, we get the first days of March. We take another 5 days for seed germination, it turns out that we are sowing on February 25.

The yield of this variety is low, so farmers do not favor it and it is almost impossible to buy on the market. Grow a pink heart tomato true lovers of taste and appearance. The variety is quite young, but those who have tried it say that they get a maximum of 10 kg per square meter, but for this you need to try hard.

And one more reason for which the professionals do not like the variety, the “pink heart” deteriorates during transportation, as it has a delicate thin skin. And, of course, you cannot keep these tomatoes for a long time.

Tomatoes are delicious, the flesh is sugar and fleshy, fresh is great. Salad from such fruits does not give juice, the skin is soft and inconspicuous, which is undoubtedly a big plus. For those who have an increased acidity of the stomach, this sort is indispensable.

Tomatoes are suitable for cooking sauces and seasonings, they can be harvested in salads.

To get the crop, you need to form a bush.

Tall bushes form one or two stalks. The lightest is one stalk: remove all stepchildren. This method will allow plants to land more often. You can use the “method of containment”: leave the stepson over the first inflorescence, wait until it has two flower brushes and pinch it. Others - delete. What does this give?

  • Restrain the growth of the bush;
  • The harvest will increase by 30%, since it is on the lower hands that the largest fruits are formed.

Recommended cultivation in two trunks: the pros and cons? In tall varieties, it is advised to leave one stepson and lead him as the main stem.


  • Growth up
  • Increase yield
  • Need less seedlings.


  • More distance between the bushes.
  • Increases the load on the bush, requiring additional feeding.
  • The fruits will eventually be born smaller.

Is it worthless to chase the imaginary harvest? Conclusion: one is better, but a strong trunk.


See also: What varieties of tomatoes should be planted in a polycarbonate greenhouse?

Advantages of the "Pink Heart" variety:

  • ABOUTTmenny taste and appearance - the main advantage;
  • Disease resistance;
  • Harmonious ripening of the crop;
  • High fruit set


  • Cannot be stored;
  • It deteriorates during transportation.

And what should be attributed to the main minus of tomato "Pink Heart" by reviews and photos? Productivity!

It is low for such care, so you should not give this sort of priority in the greenhouse, you can grow for the soul and range.

Features of the cultivation of the variety "Pink Heart"

Since the tomato is tall, you need to approach the cultivation of seedlings thoroughly, observing certain techniques.

Sowing seeds

Above it was said about the timing of sowing seeds. There is nothing ordinary: the seeds are soaked in the solution "Fitosporin", which stimulates germination and protects against disease.

Sow in the prepared light soil, do not deepen. Make a groove with a depth of 1 cm, shed warm solution of potassium permanganate and put seeds at a distance of 2 cm from each other.

Sprinkle with soil and, covered with foil, put in a warm place with a temperature not lower than 26 degrees.

As soon as shoots appear, open the container and within 7 days lower the temperature to 15 degrees, then raise again to 22.


In the phase of the two true leaves make a pick. The land is prepared from peat, humus and sand in equal parts, adding to it a double superphosphate according to the recommended scheme.

Dive into small peat cups. As you grow, plant them in larger pots, falling asleep trunk. So you give the opportunity, shortening the stem, to develop the root system.


If leaves fall into a large container with another transplant, they need to be cut. Experienced fans of their techniques, so as not to replant several times, they increase the container in height. Such a “growing” pot will serve as a dense package of black film, curved edges down out, which as the seedlings grow, straighten up.

Any pruning in seedlings to do the tool, treated in potassium permanganate or alcohol solution.

Do not be afraid to deepen seedlings, as the first flower brush is formed in this class above the eleventh leaf.

After each transplant, the plants should be sprayed with a solution of your choice to protect against pests.

Do not allow seedlings to stretch. To do this, observe the temperature and light conditions. Illumination should be 16 hours, not less, and the temperature during the day - 20, in the night dark - about 10 degrees.

Transplant into the ground

We plant 60–65 day seedlings in the ground in the phase of 6–8 true leaves. But since we plant it in a greenhouse, and this is not a room, there are other conditions, then there will be a lot of stress for the seedlings. What to do?

Two weeks before the transplant, it is necessary to teach the plants to change: to temper it, opening windows, to reduce nighttime temperatures. If it is possible to make tomatoes in the greenhouse during the day. A good seedling under the leaves appears purple hue. And two days before disembarking, it is necessary to cut off the bottom three sheets, thus providing protection from disease, airing and accelerating the appearance of the flower brush.

Prepare a greenhouse for planting: for two weeks to process sulfur, its smoke is best to kill pests and diseases.

For tall varieties, the wells are prepared accordingly:

  • The depth of the fossa should be at least 20 cm;
  • At the bottom add 1 liter of ash, 15 g of superphosphate, 1l of humus.

Planted well-spilled seedlings in advance. On top of the hole it is necessary to mulch, the mulch ensures the correct ventilation of the root system:

  • The earth beneath it does not crust,
  • After watering the land does not need to loosen,
  • In hot weather, the roots of the plant do not overheat,
  • Moisture does not evaporate quickly.

Planting scheme: Planted in a staggered manner at a distance of 50–60 cm from each other.

See also: Tomatoes of the Siberian selection for open ground, early undersized


At different periods of tomato development, different amounts of water are required.

So, young seedlings should be watered often, but very moderately. Adult plants require abundant, but rare watering.

Plants in greenhouses do not get sick from cold weather and frost, but most often from high humidity. Therefore, zealous with watering is not worth it. To understand when the plants are thirsty, look at the tops of the bushes: if the leaves twist, it's time to water!

When planting seedlings in the hole, it is plentifully watered with five liters of warm water, the second watering - no earlier than 10 days.

It is better to water the plants in a way that is widespread among lovers: through a bottle dug through the open neck to the root itself, through the cut off bottom. This will provide the root system with water gradually, and you will know the volume of water poured.

Watering is better during the daytime, so that in the evening the humidity in the greenhouse decreases.

Top dressing

Top dressing is done throughout the growing season. You can use ready-made solutions like “Ideal” or “Fertility” once every 10–12 days, following the instructions. Phytophtora is required to be treated with the Healer at least once every two weeks.

To increase the number of ovaries and protect against disease, make your own solution. It is safer, and the effect is wonderful. Repeat this dressing once every 10 days until the fruit is fully set on all floral brushes.

For the solution we take:

  1. Boric acid 1 g;
  2. Potassium permanganate several crystals for bright pink color;
  3. Iodine 60 drops;
  4. Urea 1 tbsp. spoon;
  5. Milk 200 ml

Dilute the ingredients in 10 liters of water and spray the plants.

See also: Feeding tomatoes during flowering and fruit set

Diseases and pests

Observing the recommendations given above, the plants will not be sick, and they are not afraid of pests.

Repeat the rules:

  • Spray the seedlings with the “healer” preparation;
  • Neutralize greenhouse and tools;
  • Observe the mode of watering and ventilation of the greenhouse;
  • Do not thicken planting, remove leaves from below;
  • Use mulch;
  • For prophylaxis, once every 10 days, to process plants with drugs.
  • Feed on time, as healthy bushes do not get sick.

Given the experience of gardeners, you can get a harvest of tasty and beautiful tomato "Pink Heart".

Excellent harvests and joys of new varieties!

Video review of the fruits of tomato "Pink Heart"

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