
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 17.06.2017

Description of the variety tomato "Novice"

Well, since we said about tomatoes, we will talk about them, or rather, about a specific variety. Such knowledge always facilitates practical exercises, because if you understand what kind of tomato you plant, what exactly this species loves and what does not, then you minimize the risks. So, today get acquainted with a tomato “Novice”, reviews about it, and yes - this is it in the photo. The yield of tomatoes, agricultural cultivation, subtleties and nuances that you need to know, read on.

general description

This variety is the result of the work of Russian breeders. Brought him to Volgograd. Different tomatoes in our time are - new and old, here's the "Newbie", despite its name, the tomato is quite old. He has been in the state register since 1986. Everything new becomes old once, but this does not diminish the value of the “Newbie.” Tomato is relevant to this day, it is impossible to call it ideal or record-breaking in terms of indicators, but Novice is definitely a good and already proven experience of summer residents.

There are many advantages to this tomato - it is well kept, so if you want to grow a crop for sale, you can take a closer look at the Novice, and besides, it is rather unpretentious and it doesn’t have much of a disease. But it is precisely the climate and the attacks of various insects and diseases in recent years that have ruined a sufficiently large number of crops throughout the country. So, let's go over everything in more detail below.

See also: Tomato "Mazarin" - characteristics and description of the variety, reviews

Tomato "Novice". Characteristics and description of the variety

  • Tomato refers to species with mid-term ripening. The first ripe tomatoes can be obtained about 105-125 days from the time of planting the seeds. The dates vary depending on the climate, as well as on the specific weather conditions in a given year.
  • Bushes do not form a trunk, the leaves on them are medium in number and, in general, the “Novice” does not take up much space, which is very convenient for those who are organic in territory or have a small greenhouse.
  • The bush grows from 50 to 80 cm. In the greenhouse, the bushes are always higher, in which case support tomatoes are required.
  • No need for pasynkovka, which is also a big plus.
  • Each tomato brush forms 6-8 fruits. They evenly ripen, look very aesthetically pleasing due to their identical size and glossy shine.
  • The skin color is red, the fruits are slightly elongated, resemble an egg in shape.
  • The weight of tomatoes is quite compact - up to 100 grams, which is very convenient for housewives when they make winter twists of tomatoes in general.
  • The skin and pulp are dense, the number of cameras is from three to five.
  • Excellent harvest is preserved during transportation, and tomatoes can stay for a long time at home, subject to low temperatures.
  • The fruits have a decent presentation, which again suggests that the "Newbie" can be grown for sale.
  • It is universal in cultivation - it grows outdoors, in greenhouses. Suitable for a temperate climate, but also in the north in a closed ground to grow and bear fruit too.
  • It has good resistance to common tomato diseases.
  • With one compact bush you can get up to 2.5-3 kg of fruit.
  • Tomatoes are resistant to cracking.
  • Suitable for cooking various dishes - it is sauces, salads, both fresh and winter, ketchup, pasta, preservation in general.
  • Excellent taste, according to reviews, summer residents are forced to return to the tomato "Novice" from year to year.


Tomatoes of this variety, though fairly disease-resistant, but still pre-sowing seed treatment would be preferable. About her further.

See also: Why do tomato leaves turn yellow in the greenhouse and how to deal with it?


Good grade, agree. It is easy to grow, it is tasty and fragrant, and for most of us, things are always in priority, products that have already been tested, and “Novice”, although it has such a name, is a new tomato and has been planted for many years. It only says that tomatoes are good, because when a variety has a marriage, they quickly forget about it, planting it a couple of times and get a negative experience. Therefore, in the new season you can safely plant or buy seedlings “Novice”. Well, to grow a culture by yourself, read the article below.


The lunar calendar gardener helps summer residents with their data. Phases of the moon can influence both positively and negatively on all living things.

So, you bought the seeds, now you need to prepare them. This variety is not a hybrid, because the seeds you can buy only once, and after using for the next season, those that are harvested from the harvest - profitable. To discard seeds, it is better to check them for germination, because, unfortunately, not all companies sell quality goods, and often newcomers complain that, they say, their seedlings do not grow, and the business could be in bad seeds. Preseeding processing does not take even half an hour - you first soak the seeds in the water, wait for the part to pop up, remove it - this seed will not sprout. Sowing of seeds is made from the middle of March, and if there is a warm heifer, then from the end of January and from the beginning of February.

The culling is done, you can then put the seeds directly into the manganese solution - this is decontamination, that is, in the future your tomatoes should not definitely hurt, of course, if all the agricultural technology is properly observed. Also experienced gardeners use for disinfection and immunity of tomatoes "Zircon" or hydrogen peroxide solution, aloe juice. After the seeds, you should rinse with warm water and dry. This is done about a week before sowing.

The next stage is the preparation of the soil. Here you have a lot of options.

  • You can buy peat tablets, sow seeds in them. In tablets, the optimal composition for feeding seedlings.
  • You can buy pots made of peat, pressed paper. The latter are pretty budget. In the pots you pour soil or purchase, or your own, sowing seeds.
  • It is possible to carry out landing in one big capacity, but that it freely was located on a window sill.

The advantages of the first two methods are the elimination of the picking stage, which gardeners do not like so much, because at this moment very fragile seedlings can suffer, and there will be less seedlings. In addition, after the transplant, it will take some time to adapt, but everyone chooses what is more convenient for him. So now about the soil. You can immediately buy the optimally balanced soil in the store, and you can make your land, but it is important that it be neutral. To test using litmus paper, which also can be bought in stores for gardeners or on the Internet. Sour soil is lime. The soil may consist of turf land, humus, sand, peat and mineral fertilizer. You can simply take the land from the garden, humus, a part of the river sand and mix with the ashes, or mix the purchased soil and the land from the site in equal parts.


Whatever soil option you choose, we strongly recommend that you sprinkle earth with boiling water. So, you kill germs, bacteria, parasites, which again reduces the risk of disease. Even the land from the store may be infected.

These are important nuances that from the first stages will already provide some of the success. Further, everything is simple. You plant the sunflower seeds, depending on the container chosen, to a depth of 1 cm, tamp the soil lightly. If you bought peat tablets, they are first placed in water so that they swell, then one seed is placed in the hole, after all the kegs are put in trays, by the way, plastic containers from semi-finished products are suitable for this purpose. Crops in trays moistened with a spray bottle so as not to wash them off.Further, with all options you need to cover the landing under the film.

The temperature for seed germination should be from 23 to 27 degrees. Keep the soil moist, seedlings will grow in about 10 days. The film must be removed by placing seedlings on the window, where there is sun. Now you have to watch for humidity and light. About a week before planting on the street, your seedlings should be hardened. To do this, you take it out to the balcony, street, or open the window, so that the temperature drops. First, the time should be about 1-2 hours, and before planting, you can leave seedlings overnight. But, of course, watch the weather forecast to avoid frosts.

See also: Tomato "Batyanya" reviews, photos, yield, characteristics and reviews

In mid-May, in some regions or at the beginning of June, transplantation of seedlings begins in many others. Before digging up the soil, spill boiling water with manganese crystals from parasites. Then prepare the wells - landing pattern of approximately 50/40. Bushes grow compactly, because they will have enough space. In the hole put a spoonful of superphosphate, which has already become a tradition of summer residents. Do not forget to check the soil for acidity. After that they plant seedlings and spill them well. Now you need tomatoes only watering, loosening, removing weeds. After two weeks, you can make the first feed - dilute chicken litter 1:20 and spill 500 grams under the bushes. You can buy it in finished form in stores for summer residents.

tomato novice characteristic and description of the varietyThe second and third feed will be another 14 days. Here you can already take the mineral complex preparation, you can also use different folk methods, for example, shed bushes with a solution of dry yeast in 10 liters of water, infusion on nettle. This will be quite missed. The main thing is to grow bushes in a nutrient, moist, well-ventilated soil.

With regards to diseases, they should not be, but still you can carry out preventive processing of tomato "Novice", a description of the variety without which will be incomplete. Photos and reviews of summer residents say that sometimes bushes and crops can hurt, although very rarely. But you have already taken into account many nuances, and prevention will only complement the protection. To do this, you can use drugs from the store type "Tattu", you can use all the same old and proven solution of manganese, some gardeners bred "Trichopol", which is in all pharmacies. All this gives an excellent result.

That's all you need to know, otherwise everything is simple and clear even for a beginner. Good luck to you!

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