
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 22.02.2018

Tomato "Sugar giant": fleshy and sweet

Looking for the largest and most delicious, and considering the Sugar Giant tomato, the characteristic and description of the variety can be confusing. This happens because there is no such variety in the register of selection achievements of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus.

Market offers - consider all options

If we start to consider seed bags with the variety “Sugar giant”, those that the seed shop offers (including on the Internet), the picture is as follows.

Products of unknown origin were marketed by the companies:

  • “Ural summer resident” (flat-red);
  • “Siberian Garden” (cubical red-pink);
  • "Russian Garden" (cubic rose-red);
  • "GL Seeds" (hearty red)

Description of what we have

Tomatoes under the same name, but in form:

  • flat-round;
  • cylindrical;
  • cuboid;
  • heart-shaped;
  • round.

According to the color in the picture, they are all red, but in the description the would-be packers can afford to write a pink-red.

What are all manufacturers unanimously, so it is in weight. Description of all served within 600 grams, but the "Ural summer resident" swung at 1000.

Description of the vegetative form

All manufacturers describe the Sugar Giant tomato as tall, requiring indeterminant tomato, which requires careful formation and timely sticks.

In the responses of gardeners there is information that an indeterminant plant with thin shoots, which, however, quite well kept powerful fruits, grew from seeds that were packed under the name “Sugar giant”.

The height of the plant according to all data can reach 180 cm.

Fruit products

Describe all sorts of things and different difficult. Some vegetable growers, telling about the tomatoes received from the giant, brag by amazing taste, sugar, water-melon pulp, and faultless even forms. Others are not entirely satisfied with both the taste and appearance.

Seeds from large-fruited tomatoes do not always get into the package, and then the grower can only state the fact of re-grading.

See also: Tomato "Moscow pear"

Tomato ripening

In terms of ripening, everyone describes the variety as mid-season, but reviews say that it should be attributed to later. However, some argue that the variety of tomato "Sugar giant" early.

Most likely, the matter is not only in re-grading, but also in growing conditions. For planting tomato, you can choose a greenhouse and vegetable garden. In greenhouse conditions, of course, the landing takes place earlier and the conditions are better, and therefore maturation is faster.

Diseases and pests

It is impossible to describe the reaction to pathogens and pests of different varieties. However, the fact is obvious that the implementation of preventive measures allows to obtain a crop for any sensitivity of the variety and all weather conditions.

Experienced vegetable growers, while carrying out the treatments, fulfill a number of strict requirements:

  • the first spraying is carried out in the period of budding, then every 15-20 days, depending on the humidity indicators;
  • the treatment is carried out with a constant alternation of fungicidal preparations, which will not allow microscopic fungi to develop resistance;
  • solutions of fungicides are prepared only in accordance with the instructions and before use.

Advantages and Alternatives

If we consider a tomato under the name "Sugar Giant", then breeders have long tried to create large-fruited varieties for gardeners and those that have a "excellent" rating during tasting.
The market of varieties and hybrids that have undergone varietal tests in the regions offers:

  • "Sugar giant";
  • "Sugar Bison";
  • Sugar Pudovic;
  • "Giant";
  • "Giant lemon"
  • "Gigantella";
  • "Pink Giant";
  • "Red Giant".

By choosing any of these varieties, you will get sweet, tasty, fleshy and very large tomatoes.

Growing large-fruited

It is implied that the “Sugar giant” is a large-fruited tomato, since all packers specify a weight of 500 and above.

In order for a tomato bush to feed not just one large tomato, but to give a good harvest, it is necessary to take care of the nutritional value of the soil from the seedling period until the harvest of ripe fruits.

Features of the seedling period

If short, determinant tomatoes can be grown by the group method, then tall, large-sized fruits need individual capacity.

Sowing begins in early March, if it is possible to plant seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground in the second half of May.


Seeds are initially heated in a humid warm environment. Sowing is carried out only by those who have released visible, small roots. They are laid out on a compacted nutrient soil at a distance of 2-2.5 cm from each other and sprinkled with earth by 1-2 cm. Watering is carried out through a sieve or from a sprayer. Water should be slightly warmer than ambient air.

Crops are covered with glass and set at a temperature of 24-26 C. After 4-5 days, after emergence of shoots, the shelter is removed, and the shoots are transferred to a light, but cooler place. The daytime temperature of the seedlings is necessary within 16-18 -18C, night temperature is 14-16 ᵒС.

So that the seedlings do not stretch the place must be very light. After 7-10 days, the temperature is raised by 2-3 C.


Tall tomatoes can not be grown without picks. When the plant has two true leaves, it is removed from the soil and one third of the root is removed by peeling. This operation will allow to transfer the root system from a rod, to a more branched form. The larger the area of ​​the root system, the greater the ability of cells to absorb nutrients and grow shoots and fruits.

Tomatoes should be planted in individual containers, the volume of which is in the range of 250-300 ml.

See also: Description varieties tomato "Mongolian dwarf"

Requirement for seedlings

In order for the seedlings to be healthy and at the time of transplantation into the open ground, they have regained their condition, the soils when grown should be:

  • breathable;
  • permeable to water;
  • lungs;
  • nutritious;
  • without the content of pathogens.
All these requirements are met by a universal soil for growing seedlings, which can be purchased at gardening and gardening stores.

Moment of transfer to the ground

Growing seedlings in greenhouses and hotbeds, 5-6 days before planting, they begin to be ventilated longer and longer, then to allow the tomatoes to get used to cooler air. In the last 2-3 days, the greenhouse is not closed even for the night.

If the seedlings are grown in the house, then it is in the open air, but not under direct sunlight, gradually accustomed to temperature and wind.

The choice of landing site should be considered, considering:

  • predecessor (all except the bouillon);
  • illumination;
  • lack of stagnant moisture;
  • soil nutrition.
Transplantation should be carried out without destroying the earthen room. If the soil is not very nutritious, then the land from the hole is better to choose, and there load a mixture prepared from humus with the addition of mineral fertilizers.

The period of growth and fruiting

To get a large, sweet tomato you need nutrients. Their receipt to each cell of the plant organism is possible only in a dissolved form.

For life support and optimal growth are needed:

  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • mulching;
  • garter;
  • formation.

Considering the “Sugar Giant” tomato reviews, photos, yields can be obtained quite high, but should be formed only in one shoot. Timely removal of stepsons will guarantee that the nutrients will go to the formation and growth of large tomatoes.

See also: The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

To grow large fruits can only be subject to absolutely all the rules of agricultural technology.

Video: Caring for tomatoes. First important steps

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