What to do if the cherry blossoms but does not bear fruit

7.08.2016 Cherry

Cherry blossoms, but does not bear fruit - what to doIn the spring, many gardeners admire how abundantly and beautifully their cherry tree blossoms, anticipating an equally rich harvest. But, abundant flowering is not at all an indicator of what the future crop will be. Often gardeners are faced with the problem that the cherry blossoms, but does not bear fruit. What to do in such cases? After all, I want to not only admire the beauty of the tree, but also to taste the fruits that it can bring.

Possible reasons

Cherry blooms, but does not bear fruit: what to do? First, the cause of this phenomenon should be established. Unfortunately, there may be more than one reason for the lack of fruit on the tree. Only with the correct identification of the reason why the cherry blossoms, but does not bear fruit, you can choose the most optimal option what to do.

Lack of pollination

The most common reason why cherry blossoms but does not bear fruit is the lack of pollination of the plant. Not all tree varieties are capable of pollinating on their own. If just such a tree grows on a site, then another plant should be planted next to it, which will act as a cross pollinator.

Auxiliary pollinator plants bloom at the same time as the cherry, so you should not worry about the fact that the pollination of the cherry will not happen. Pollinating trees should be planted no more than 20-30 meters relative to the cherry.

Fungal diseases

The inability of the tree to bear fruit is also caused by such a fungal disease as coccomycosis. This disease most often spreads to the foliage of the tree, its fruits. In detail about cherry diseases and ways to deal with them.

problems growing cherries

You can recognize the disease in the early stages, by visual diagnosis: at the beginning of the summer period, brown spots are formed on the leaves of the cherry, or the leaves are covered with a pink-red bloom. This leads to the fact that the tree weakens, and the fruits do not have time to ripen and fall together with the foliage and branches. To cure your tree, and especially to prevent the same problem in the next season, you need to remove all the affected areas of the cherry so that the pathogen cannot stay there to winter.

Climatic conditions

The climatic conditions of the region in which the cherry grows is almost the main determining factor in whether the cherry will bloom and bear fruit. Excessive dampness, heat, drought, severe frosts and constant temperature changes in the spring can significantly impair the ability of the tree to bear fruit, even if it is healthy.

In addition, capricious weather conditions can affect the pollination of the plant, without which, as it turned out, the cherry will also bear fruit poorly. During the rainy season, or during a significant drop in temperature, the activity of pollinating insects decreases. If the street is too hot and dry, then pollen simply crumbles.

Incorrect feeding or lack thereof

Cherry blossoms, but does not bear fruit: what to do? Perhaps it's time to think about feeding. After all, after winter, the tree needs an additional power source as never before. Even if it blooms well, this does not mean that the fertilizer applied is enough for the fruit to ripen.

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Cherry blossoms but does not bear fruit

If ground water is located near the site, this can also lead to the fact that the cherry will bloom, but will not bear fruit. A good harvest can be achieved by planting a tree on sandy loam soil of neutral acidity. If the acidity of the soil is high, then this can be corrected by performing the liming procedure.

In order for the cherry not only to bloom profusely, but also to bear fruit abundantly, a tree should be fed in a timely manner in the process of loosening the soil. About the ways proper spring cherry care.

How can cherry blossoms start to bear fruit

There are several options for what to do if the cherry blossoms but does not bear fruit. Firstly, you should not fertilize the plant in the autumn with nitrogen fertilizers, and water it with the onset of autumn frosts. These procedures can cause the tree buds to freeze, and this will negatively affect the future harvest.

When spring frosts come, you can slow down flowering in this way: cover the tree trunk circle with snow or mulch. If suddenly flowering has begun, and the frosts still make themselves felt, then the yield can be saved in this way: cover the entire crown of the tree with covering material.

If the reason why the cherry blossoms, but does not bear fruit, lies in insufficient pollination, then the procedure for spraying the plant will come to the rescue. To develop the ovary, you can use tools such as:

  • "Ovary";
  • "Pollen";
  • "Bud";

If you do not want to resort to the services of special means, then you can take care of the bait for insects. A tablespoon of sugar is dissolved in a liter of water, a kind of syrup is obtained, which should be sprayed on the entire crown of the cherry.

Cherry blossoms but no fruit

How to care for a cherry so that it bears fruit

Often, whether the cherry will give a rich harvest of ripe and juicy berries directly depends on how the gardener cares for the tree, whether it follows the basic rules.

The success of fruiting cherries can be increased even when planting a seedling. Cherry prefers sunlit areas with loose soil of neutral acidity. Even at the time of planting a seedling of a tree, it is important that the root neck of the cherry does not go too deep into the ground.

But if we talk about proper top dressing, then this process should begin to be done only in the third year of cherry growth. Most often, organic and mineral fertilizers are added.

Also, speaking of proper and proper care, mention should be made of such spring work as pruning cherries. The fact is that too thick a crown can also become the reason why the cherry blossoms, but does not bear fruit. What to do in this case? It's simple, with the help of secateurs, you can simplify the life of a tree: trim the crown in spring.

The tree will feel lightness, and will be able to direct its strength not to maintain a dense crown, but just to bear fruit.

Only proper cherry care and attention can solve the problem if the cherry blossoms but does not bear fruit. It is important to remember that cherries are not only a beautiful plant that can become a real decoration of the garden, but also can bring delicious fruits enriched with vitamins!

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