Fighting aphids on fruit trees

30.06.2016 Diseases and Pests

Fighting aphids on fruit treesBefore analyzing this issue in detail, it is necessary to talk about malicious pests. Aphid is a small insect of various colors. Certain varieties of this insect feed on the juice of fruit trees. Other species prefer to live on vegetable plants. Aphids are so prolific that they can breed up to 17 generations per season. The main breeding peak occurs in the first month of summer. Therefore, the gardener must know how to deal with aphids on fruit trees in June. Since it is in this month, she gives the greatest offspring.

It is also worth noting that other pests, ants, feed on its vital products. They, in turn, protect her from being eaten by ladybirds and small birds. Aphid is so harmful that it does not allow the plant to develop fruitfully. In addition, it is one of the carriers of viruses that can destroy entire trees. Effective aphid control methods are divided into several groups: chemical, biological and mechanical.

The mechanical way to eliminate aphids

Such a method should include flushing with cold water. To do this, use a spray gun with a capacity of 3 bar and repeat the procedure several times a day. A similar method effectively eliminates aphids, especially from young trees.

Biological way to eliminate aphids

As is known, many birds and insects feed on aphids. Thus, this technique can be used against pests. For example, a small feeding trough with food should be placed on the affected area of ​​the fruit tree, thereby attracting small birds such as tits and sparrows. As a result, the birds will eat aphids for several days and secure the tree.

Ladybugs are also partial to aphids. To attract the cows, you must leave the dried grass under the tree. Since it is an excellent refuge for overwintering these insects. With the onset of the warm season, ladybugs will eat aphids in garden. An experienced gardener knows how to deal with mustard aphids on fruit trees. Because the smell of a plant attracts insects that eat aphids. As an alternative way to attract cows, you can use dill.

These insects are not indifferent to the fragrant aromas of fennel, garlic or onion.

How to deal with aphids on fruit

Similar herbs and plants also attract other beetles that eat aphids. Near the fruit tree, you can install a small container with sawdust. Earwigs love to settle in shavings. They also eat aphids and help eliminate it within a few days.

Pests can also be deceived by planting plants at a far distance from fruit trees. For example, fit: mallow, begonia, nasturtium. Aphids are very partial to these plants. They are also attracted to linden and corn. Therefore, fruit trees should not be planted next to these plants.

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Chemical Method for Pest Management

Chemicals for the effective fight against aphids can be very diverse. Since experienced gardeners know how to deal with aphids in fruit trees: a forum, until new buds appear, they recommend using the chemical preparation C-30. This tool effectively removes pest eggs.

The chemical agent C-30 can be changed to a similarly prepared solution in composition: 70 g of kerosene and 35 g of soap are poured into heated water 10 l of a bucket. To eliminate adult aphids and small larvae, it is necessary to carry out the spraying process during the blooming of new buds.

For spraying fruit trees, you can use such drugs as Kinmix, Intra-Vir, Karbofos.The spraying process should be performed several times to effectively eliminate pests before starting to bud the kidneys. There are other methods of popular control of dangerous pests of fruit trees. Gardeners suggest using solutions based on garlic, pepper, soap and onion. Aphid is one of the most dangerous and harmful pests for fruit trees and plants. However, do not forget about their symbiosis with other pests - ants.

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Ants and aphids

It was previously indicated that between aphids and ants are friendly relations. To get sweet secretions, ants protect their breadwinners. In addition, they are effective carriers of aphids during the wintering period. Ants carefully take care of aphids, so it does not die in the cold season. With the onset of the warm season, ants carry aphids on young shoots of trees.
In the forest zone, ants are of great benefit. As for the home garden or orchard, for their reason, the aphid destroys the tree and fruit crops.

Fighting aphids on fruit

Effective Aphid Control Methods

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Every year, gardeners and gardeners run ladybugs into the greenhouses and greenhouses. They help get rid of aphids by eating them. During the day, she is able to eat up to 100 aphids. The seven-spotted species of the cow eats aphids on fruit trees, plants and vegetables. For gourds, aphids can be used. They are also attracted to melliferous plants such as phacelia and mustard.

Popular ways to deal with a dangerous pest

There are several popular ways to effectively eliminate aphids:

1. Infusion on a decoction of dandelion. For cooking, you need to use 150 g of plant leaves and insist in 10 l of thermal water. The broth will be ready after 15 minutes.

2. Onion tincture. To prepare it, 200 g of leaves and 10 l of water will be required. Before use, let it brew for 10 minutes.

3. Infusion with tomato or potato tops. For cooking, you must use 1.5 kg of tops and let it brew in warm water with a 10 liter capacity for several hours.

4. Decoction based on celandine. The bucket should be filled with a quarter useful plant and add cold water. This mixture should be infused for a day. The finished mixture must be filtered, and then you can spray the affected plants and trees.

5. Tincture based on pepper. For cooking, use 50 g of red pepper and add 1 liter of hot water. After this, the broth should be infused for 2 hours. The finished concentrate should be diluted in a 10 liter bucket of warm water and sprayed with plants. This process can be repeated if the first time did not help.

6. In any tinctures, before spraying, add 40 g of soap-based chips and 1 tablespoon of liquid soap. This method helps the infusion to adhere effectively to the leaves.

It’s also important to knowhow to get rid of ants in his personal plot.

In addition, as an alternative method or how to deal with aphids on fruit trees with folk remedies using foliar top dressing. The composition should contain about 20 g of superphosphate and 10 g of chlorine-based potassium per 10 l bucket of warm water. At the time of spraying, you must try to soak the leaves from all sides. Similar treatment is repeated for 1 week.

Any method of spraying is performed in the warm time of the day. However, treatment should not be carried out before rain or heavy dew.

Also for prevention is worth using this tool, which not only helps protect plants from diseases, but also increases the yield.

How to deal with aphids in trees

Effective solutions for fighting against aphids:

Red chili peppers.To prepare the solution, you will need about 10 peppers and 1 tablespoon of soap in 1 liter of warm water. Peppers are crushed, as well as mixed with water and infused for 24 hours. Infected plants are sprayed after straining. Note: an effective tool has been successfully used to destroy caterpillars, bugs, codling moths.

Let us analyze another effective method that will tell the gardener how to deal with aphids on fruit trees after flowering using tomato tops. To prepare the solution, you need to use 500 g of green tomatoes and place them in 10 liters. a bucket of warm water. The broth is infused for 30 minutes. The prepared solution must be used in the following proportion: a glass of solution per 1 liter of warm water.

Garlic broth. For cooking, you need to use 200 g of garlic and finely chop. Then chopped garlic is placed in 1 liter. a container of water and infused for a week. For spraying, the garlic infusion is diluted in 300 ml / 10 l. water.

Wood ash. In the morning and evening hours of the day, vegetable plants must be pollinated with wood ash. A shag decoction is also used in the ratio of 100 g / 1 l. warm water. The liquid should be boiled for 60 minutes and filtered thoroughly. The broth is used in the following proportion: 350 g / 10 l. liquids. A note for those who want to learn how to deal with aphids on fruit trees, a video: to achieve an effective result, you need to repeat spraying every 2 days.

Celandine based broth. For cooking, you need to use about 3-4 plants and dilute in warm water with 2 tablespoons of liquid soap. The solution should be infused for 120 minutes. The finished broth is filtered and after that you can soak the young branches of the fruit tree. Note: only fresh plants should be used to prepare the broth.

Important information for summer residents:
1. Mostly aphids eat weak plants.
2. Black must be eliminated antsbecause they are carriers of aphids.
3. Aphids are eaten by some wasps and small birds.
4. It is necessary to plant the plants and trees that attract the pest: mallow, viburnum, begonia. Near vegetable crops should be planted garlic, onions, calendula, wormwood.

If you follow the useful recommendations, each gardener will know how to deal with aphids on fruit trees during flowering and permanently get rid of dangerous pests.

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