How to treat cabbage from pests with folk remedies

1.08.2019 Cabbage

Pest control is an important step in growing cabbage, but not everyone wants to use aggressive chemicals. Fortunately, there is an alternative - harmless folk methods.

What to do when aphids appear

Aphid attack can be identified by simple signs - cabbage leaves will be twisted, whitish or brown spots will appear on the surface, soon after that the plant loses its strength and dies.

slugs on cabbage

The most effective and safe means of treatment from this pest are:

  1. A solution of ordinary laundry soap - each plant will need to be thoroughly wiped with hands. On a bucket of warm, clean water, you need to take one bar, for convenience it can be grated.
  2. Infusion of tomato tops plus onion peel - stepchildren often remain after processing tomatoes, this green tops (about 2 kg) must be mixed with onion peel and liquid washing gel. Ingredients are poured with boiling water (except soap) and infused for about 2 days, you can divide them into separate containers or mix right away. The finished mixture needs to process the cabbage.
  3. Tobacco tincture - you need to take approximately a glass of regular smoking tobacco, mustard powder, as well as ash and any soap. All this is filled with warm water and left for a day in a dark place. Soap is best added immediately before processing.
cabbage leaves after pests
For reference!
You can also replace tobacco with shag - you need to take 2 liters of clean water for a pound, mix and heat, not boiling (a little soapy solution should also be added before watering).

The effectiveness of such methods depends on the number of insects - you may need to carry out several treatments.

Track Protection Methods

Butterfly butterflies adore dense and nutritious cabbage leaves, on the inner side they lay eggs, from which caterpillars then hatch.

chicken droppings for cabbage

They are able to quickly eat and spoil the crop, therefore it is necessary to carry out processing as soon as possible by such methods:

  1. An infusion of ash - it will take a glass, then a small spoon of soap (better than tar) is added and all this is diluted with 5 liters of warm water. After daily infusion, you can spray the seedlings from the spray gun.
  2. Chicken litter is a powerful tool, it is also a fertilizer. When using it is important to calculate the concentration - for 1 part of the litter you need to take 20 parts of the liquid.
  3. Daily infusion of a mixture of tomato leaves, garlic and a spoonful of soap. It is bred about a bucket of water, then you can process the plants.
If caterpillars are not treated in time for cabbage, they can eat out delicate leaves inside the head of cabbage, resulting in loss of crop.

Crucifer flea control

The insidiousness of the insect is that it is painted in a dark silver color and is invisible to the human eye. A flea is capable of jumping long distances and attacks seedlings, young cabbage leaves.

Crucifer flea control
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Noticing the small round holes on the cabbage, you must act as quickly as possible using the following methods:

  • you can pre-sprinkle the beds with ash, and even better - mix it with tobacco leaves or waste (after each irrigation rain will have to update the protection);
  • fir oil can be added to the irrigation liquid (approximately 15 full drops per bucket);
  • plant garlic near cabbage seedlings - the smell repels the flea;
  • in 10 liters of water is necessary dilute ordinary table vinegar and spray the leaves well on all sides. It is better to do this before sunrise or sunset, as vinegar can lead to burns.
For prevention, you need to cover the young cabbage with a special non-woven material, this will prevent the flea from attacking for a while, after coarsening the sheet, the canvas can be removed.

Chicken droppings can also be used - a small amount diluted in water and water the plants.

Protection against slugs and snails

These pests act at night and love to feast on juicy cabbage leaves.

Protection against slugs and snails

The most effective methods for getting rid of them are:

  • ammonia - for a solution, it is enough to add 50 ml to about 5 liters of water, wipe the cabbage;
  • mustard powder - diluted in a small concentration and applied to the plant, you can add garlic or ash;
  • husk of ordinary onion - it is brewed in boiling water and infused for a day. The smell of such an infusion will scare away many pests and insects.
If there is fermented juice, kvass left in the house or there are half-eaten sweets, do not rush to throw them away! You can put such waste in a glass container and put it on a cabbage bed - traps lure slugs and snails.

Common Cabbage Pest Control Products

When growing cabbage, it is important to apply protection not only when pests attack, but also for prevention. Several folk remedies have proven themselves that are environmentally friendly and do not harm the crop.

slaked lime

First of all, you can try to use infusions of herbs growing in almost any area - wormwood, celandine or tansy inflorescences, they prevent the attack of insects. Slaked lime is also used - it can be simply scattered on beds.

On a note!
Before using concentrated solutions, it is better to first try the product on one plant, otherwise you can lose the entire crop.
hydrated lime

In case of an attack by cabbage flies and other pests, it is appropriate to use celery - stalks (about 4 kg) must be chopped and filled with 10 liters of water, boiled for half an hour. Spray the plants, pre-adding soap.

Each gardener uses well-tested and safe means, so you should try several proposed options in order to find reliable and permanent protection.

The cabbage leaf is quite dense, can withstand any impact and is not afraid of manual processing, for this reason you should not be afraid to use folk pest control methods. Only with proper care, you can get a good harvest.

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