Why Peking does not head out: the main reasons

4.08.2019 Cabbage

Peking cabbage is a vegetable with delicate and juicy leaves, which has a lot of nutrients in it. Contains vitamins of groups B, K, A, E, PP and more than 16 amino acids. It removes toxins and cholesterol from the body. Subject to the correct planting and cultivation conditions, it is possible to harvest its crop twice. Sometimes cabbage does not head out, but throws arrows. The problem has certain reasons.

Why doesn’t fit head out

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For a good harvest, it is important to observe the conditions for planting the crop. The plant loves warmth, so early planting is contraindicated. Sowing depth also matters, it should be no more than 3 cm. When treating the soil, it should be remembered that the root system is close to the surface, there is a risk of damage to it.

Vegetable loves moisture in sufficient quantities. Its lack may cause the formation of arrows instead of an ovary head. Lack of trace elements in the soil can also lead to problems. Excessive daylight hours interferes with a successful ovary. Many varieties of Beijing cabbage tend to release arrows. The most resistant to this process:

  • Bilko;
  • Manokolo;
  • Taranco.

How to avoid a problem

Plant cabbage in the ground best twice a season: in late April and early August. The landing site should have a shadow. You can also reduce the length of daylight hours by shading the fabric in the afternoon. Watering should be wet, but not excessive.

If the ambient temperature drops below 22 degrees Celsius, the culture should be covered. Agrofibre is suitable for these purposes.

For the successful formation of a head, a balance of trace elements is necessary. Beijing cabbage is most needed potassium, calcium and phosphorus. It is necessary to feed the plant not only during the ripening period, but also before planting it in the ground. Potassium sulfate can be used. For 1 square of land, 20 g of fertilizer is enough.

These recommendations are relevant until the appearance of arrows on Beijing cabbage and are preventative measures. Proper care is an essential condition for a good harvest.

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