How to grow Chinese cabbage on your site?

15.03.2019 Cabbage

Until recently, Beijing cabbage was exclusively of imported origin. Progress does not stand still, and varieties suitable for cultivation appeared in central Russia.

Growing Beijing cabbage, you can get cabbage 2 times a season:

  1. Growing seedlings in the spring.
  2. Growing in open ground in mid-summer.

Growing Beijing cabbage through seedlings

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The growth period of early varieties of Beijing cabbage is about 60 days. Therefore, it is planted in seedlings in mid-April.

Seedlings are sown in cassettes or peat tablets of 3-4 seeds each. Soil is prepared for sowing in boxes, mixing peat and sod land in equal proportions with the addition of dolomite flour.

Seeds are disinfected by soaking in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, after the seeds are washed with water. Seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil and covered with a centimeter of soil. Capacities with crops are covered with glass and cleaned in a dark warm place for germination.

As soon as the first loops appear, the seedlings are placed in a well-lit place.

After three weeks, seedlings can be planted in open ground. Wells for seedlings are made according to the scheme 25 by 30 cm. Add rotted compost or peat to the hole. Cabbage with a lump of land is moved to the hole. The earth around the plant is compacted and well watered.

Each seedling is mulched. Mulch will prevent excessive evaporation of water and the formation of a crust on the surface of the earth.

Growing Beijing cabbage in the open ground

Peking cabbage is sown in the holes in mid-May, when the risk of night frost return will disappear. Beijing loves sunny places without drafts. The soil should contain a large amount of humus.

Wells for seedlings are dug at a distance of 30-35 cm from each other. Ash or dolomite flour is added to the pit. Water well. 3-4 seeds of Beijing cabbage are put in the hole.

Before germination, the holes are sheltered from night frosts and daytime heat. Gradually, Beijing shoots “accustom” to the environment, opening in the morning and evening hours. During the day, during the heat, the sprouts should be slightly shaded.

At the age of 1-2 of these leaves, shoots are pulled so that everywhere there is one seedling. With a shortage of seedlings or when growing a rare variety, excess seedlings dive to other places. Wells mulch.

You need to feed Beijing cabbage every 15 to 20 days using mullein or complex mineral fertilizers. A solution of chicken manure infusion is also suitable. Bird droppings are soaked in water at a rate of 1: 5 and insisted for a week.

The infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Make under each plant so that the solution does not fall on the plant.

Top dressing ends in August, a month before harvesting. Chinese cabbage can be in the beds until the first frost (until October). Immediately after removal from the beds, cabbage is wrapped in plastic and put into storage in a room with an air temperature of +2 + 4 °.

Beijing cabbage can be stored for 2 to 3 months.

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