Save cabbage from pests with simple vinegar

4.08.2018 Cabbage


It is very difficult to save cabbage from the attack of parasitic insects. Insecticides and acaricides, which are offered to vegetable growers by sellers of specialized stores, are often simply powerless in pest control. In addition, chemicals are very harmful even at the end of their waiting period. You can create reliable protection for cabbage using ordinary vinegar.

Processing cabbage with vinegar

Cabbage processing

Cabbage ridges can be protected by using table vinegar for processing vegetables, which, when used, does not harm human health or vegetable culture. A properly prepared solution will help in the fight against:

  • cabbage whitewash;
  • a repressive woman;
  • cabbage scoop;
  • female aphid strips;
  • cruciferous flea;
  • thrips;
  • cruciferous bugs;
  • slugs;
  • cabbage fly.

Caterpillar treatment


The larvae of the whitewash, female and female scoop are serious pests of cabbage. In late spring, the parasites lay their eggs on a laying in the soil or on the lower leaves of the vegetable. At an air temperature of +18 - +21 degrees, caterpillar-caterpillars hatch from eggs. They feed heavily on pulp around the clock, leading to the death of the crop in 5-10 days. Getting rid of a gluttonous pest without the use of chemicals will help with a solution of vinegar.

Solution preparation:

  • pour warm water into a container of 10 l;
  • add 250 ml of table vinegar and 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • mix the solution, pour into a spray bottle;
  • treat the plant in the evening, try to make the solution well wet the bottom of the leaves;
  • spraying spend 1 time in three days.

Aphid Treatment

aphid for cabbage

A sucking parasite that settles on the lower part of the leaves of young heads of cabbage. In early spring, the larvae of the pest are carried by ants from cruciferous plants growing nearby, infecting the entire site. In June-July, in numerous offspring, aphids enter the puberty of female strips, which lay their eggs. During this period, an intensified fight against the pest should be waged, which can be eliminated with the help of vinegar.

Solution preparation:

  • pour hot water into a container of 5 l;
  • add 100 ml of table vinegar and 1 cap of dish detergent;
  • stir the liquid;
  • treat early in the morning or evening with a broom or with a sprayer;
  • spray plants once every five days.



By spraying vinegar against aphids on cabbage, you can alternate treatments with watering from a hose. To knock down pest larvae, direct a stream of water to the lower parts of cabbage leaves.


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Cruciferous flea and bug treatment

flea for cabbage

Cruciferous bugs and fleas damage the leaves of all cabbage dicotyledonous plants, sucking out milky juices from them. In the early days of spring, as soon as the soil warms up well, pests begin an attack on the cabbage. Leaves of heads of cabbage change their natural color, the plant stops its growth and eventually dies. Fighting the parasite with chemicals often does not produce results. Daily spraying with acetic acid will help the gardener keep the crop and get rid of pests.

Solution preparation:

  • pour water into a container of 6 l;
  • add 200 ml of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of bitter ground pepper, 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • stir the solution until the components are completely dissolved;
  • treatment should be carried out every day after sunset using a spray gun.

From slugs

slugs for cabbage

Snails and slugs that breed in large numbers in garden plots cause irreparable damage to the crop. Eating cabbage leaves with great speed, they deprive plants of the ability to carry out photosynthesis. And the gobbles gnawed and stained with mucus are an unpleasant and annoying sight. It is very difficult to fight pests with chemicals. Therefore, a successful method against the elimination of parasites is the use of table vinegar.

Solution preparation:

  • in a container of 6 l put: 200 g of mint, 2 teaspoons of red ground pepper;
  • pour the components with water, bring to a boil, set aside to cool completely;
  • strain the resulting broth through gauze;
  • add 150 ml of table vinegar to the prepared solution, stir;
  • concentrate to spill the lower part of cabbage, spending 0.5 l of liquid for each plant;
  • treatment is carried out 1 time per week during the entire season of cultivation of the vegetable.


fresh cabbage

Adhering to the tips and recommendations for dealing with the control of insect parasites, you can not only protect cabbage from damage, but also get a decent harvest.

  1. When planting cabbage ridges, they should be planted around the perimeter with leaf parsley. This repellent plant will repel with its spicy aroma of cruciferous bugs and slugs.
  2. In order for cabbage to be attacked by pests as little as possible throughout the season, when planting seedlings, the roots of the plants in Aktara should be soaked.
  3. In order for cabbage to suffer as little as possible from the invasion of caterpillars, flowering weeds or flowers with a pleasant aroma should not be allowed around crop beds. Early-flying scoops, whites, and female reprobates will settle on flowering plants, spreading further to the cabbage.


Gardeners who used vinegar as a protection against parasitic insects share their impressions.

Love Ozersk Chelyabinsk region

For several years now I haven’t been planting cabbage on my plot at all. A flea destroys a plant at an early stage of development. Recently I read about a way to kill a pest with vinegar. I tried this year. The work was troublesome, because they had to process cabbage every other day. But the result was worth it! For the first time in 5 years, I harvested early cabbage.


Marina Moscow

We have been growing cabbage with my husband for a very long time. But since last year, we can’t get rid of the caterpillars that eat almost the entire crop. Often you don’t want to process chemistry - after all, we grow cabbage for the whole family. I want the vegetable to be environmentally friendly. We decided to start processing our plantings with ordinary vinegar. First, no result: the gluttonous cabbage eaters did not die. However, already 10 days after the start of spraying, my husband and I began to notice that the caterpillars were getting smaller. And two weeks later they disappeared altogether.


Table vinegar is a reliable protector of cabbage from the invasion of parasites. Its advantage is the ease of preparing solutions, and many gardeners consider the tool the most effective.

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Comments on the article: one
  1. Avatar


    People! There is a very simple remedy for whitewash and caterpillars, I have been using it for several years now. After planting the cabbage, stick between the cabbage staggered sticks, twigs or something like that, and now the most important thing: put on top of each stick a WHITE SCRUPPER FROM EGG. And no butterflies sit on your cabbage. The shell must be higher than the cabbage. And that’s it! And no chemistry. I can’t cope with slugs.

    To answer

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