Features of cherry care in the spring

2.08.2016 Cherry

spring cherry careEach gardener strives to ensure that his trees in the garden grow healthy, beautiful and give a rich harvest. And to achieve such a goal is impossible without careful care. In this case, cherry is not an exception, which is able not only to delight with its delicious berries, but also to blossom beautifully in spring.

In order to have a good harvest, special attention should be paid to the tree in the spring, when it wakes up after the winter cold and is ready to start a “new life”. A few tips on how to care for cherries in the spring, so that there is a good harvest, will help to achieve the most positive results. When feed trees in spring?

Spring care

Spring cherry care is divided into several mandatory procedures that will ensure the tree is properly and fully developed, and will also help to collect a large crop of ripe, juicy and delicious berries.

Cherry - a tree that you need to take care all year round, you need to know how to care for cherries in the fall, so that there is a good harvest, and a special thrill to show to the plant in spring.

In the spring, the gardener has five main tasks:

  • Tree pruning;
  • Whitewashing cherries;
  • Spring harvesting;
  • Fertilizing and fertilizing;
  • Prevention of diseases and pests.

Tree pruning

Pruning is an integral part of spring work, and it is important to know how to do it right. After all, even one wrong movement when pruning can harm the whole tree, not to mention how this will affect crop yields. As a rule, all dry branches are cut off, as well as the branches of the fruit tree, which show that they were attacked by a disease or pest.

we cherish in the spring

To make it easier to collect cherries when the fruits ripen, it is recommended to trim those branches that grow too high during pruning. During pruning, attention is paid not only to the branches, but also to the bark of the tree. The bark that has dried up, in most cases, falls off by itself, but sometimes the tree does not cope without outside interference.

Whitewashing Cherries: Why

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After trimming, proceed to whitewashing the tree. This is a strictly mandatory item on the list of how to care for cherries in the spring, so that there is a good harvest. Why is whitewashing needed? The main reason is the protection of the tree trunk from pest attack, the secondary reason is the neat appearance of the well-groomed tree. Before starting whitewashing, you need to treat all the wounds on the tree with a solution of copper sulfate, and then only apply the paint.


It is important to take care not only of the tree itself, but also of the territory around it, its habitat. The first step is to remove all dry leaves, grass and other waste. The area around the tree must be cleaned of debris, since often it is in it in the winter that all pathogens hide. After harvesting, you need to dig the soil to make cherry access to oxygen easier. Digging the soil is also included in the list of works on how to care for cherries in the fall, so that there is a good harvest.

Fertilizing and fertilizing

In spring, cherry especially needs an additional power source. The first feeding is carried out using manure mixed with ash during the flowering period. A kilo of ash and a bucket of manure are bred in six liters of water. The second feeding is carried out in the same way and in the same proportions after 14 days from the moment of the first feeding. In the very first spring days, it will not be superfluous to feed the tree with nitrogenous fertilizer.

How to care for cherries in the spring, so that there is a good harvest

Disease and Pest Prevention

In spring, not only the tree itself wakes up, but also all diseases and pests, which also look for a place to live and a source of nutrition. Therefore, in the spring, cherries are most vulnerable to picking up some muck, which can affect yield and tree development. The most common and characteristic diseases of cherries are coccomycosis and moniliosis. More details on what are the diseases of the cherry, can be read in a separate material.

To cope with such a problem, spraying the plant with special drugs will help. In this case, we are talking about azophos and the famous Bordeaux mixture. When the buds begin to bloom, the tree must be sprayed with azophos, after 14 days with a Bordeaux mixture. If the weather is wet, then after another 7 days, you must again spray the cherry with azophos. In combination, these two drugs can be used in the flowering phase. About Chocolate Cherry Variety Features and caring for her.

cherry trees in spring

All procedures, how to care for cherries in the spring, so that there is a good harvest, should be performed strictly. This is a guarantee that the tree will not die and will bear fruit for more than one year! In fact, if you act according to plan, then spring cherry care is not as difficult as it might seem.

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