Moon phases in may 2019 of the day for gardeners

8.04.2019 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

The moon affects many processes that occur in nature. A strong impact is exerted both on the human body and on the natural processes that occur in nature. Planting horticultural crops in accordance with the phases of the moon in May 2019 will help organize more efficient work of the day. The lunar phase table developed for gardeners is listed below.

What help do moon phases give gardeners and gardeners

Many farmers, gardeners, as well as owners of summer cottages use the lunar calendar to plan actions for cultivating the soil, planting plants and caring for them. The lunar sowing calendar for May will be useful to every land owner who would like to get the highest quality crop, as well as take care of plant health.

Many beginning gardeners and land owners have a question: why do we need such a calendar? The answer is extremely simple. It allows you to choose the best days for planting and processing certain plant crops.

On a note!
Also, on the basis of the sowing table with the indicated phases of the moon for May 2019, gardeners and gardeners can choose the optimal time for tillage and other activities of the day aimed at growing the highest quality crop.

The benefits of the lunar calendar in gardening and gardening can hardly be overestimated. Land owners are guided by the phases of the moon, not only in May, but also in any other month, carefully planning their actions to obtain the highest quality and most fertile crop.

Beginners may find that the influence of the moon in such a case is minimal. Nevertheless, experienced gardeners and gardeners have already managed to convince in practice that the moon really has a strong influence on the quality of the crop.

In what cases can not do without a lunar calendar?

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Each person, regardless of their field of activity, wants to get the maximum result from their undertakings. The same applies to owners of land cultivating certain crops.

Of course, many summer residents can simply engage in growing plants for pleasure. The table lists the phases of the moon in May 2019, so that gardeners and gardeners find it easier to plan daily activities on their sites.

On a note!
In this situation, crops and other events are planned at a convenient time. regardless of the lunar calendar. If the task is not to get the maximum yield, and therefore profit, you can not pay attention to the lunar phases.

Nevertheless, if the task is precisely to collect the highest quality crop, it is worth following the moon cycles and choosing the optimal days for sowing.

The lunar sowing calendar, painted by day, is considered one of the most powerful tools for obtaining the highest quality crop. Following this calendar will help to avoid mistakes, getting the highest quality result.

Lunar sowing calendar for May 2019: favorable days for sowing

After reviewing the lunar sowing calendar below with the phases of the Moon in May 2019, land owners, gardeners and gardeners will be able to choose the best time to perform such activities as sowing and planting plants, as well as processing and maintaining land plots every day, below see table.

  • May 1 - 3: waning moon
  • May 1, it is worthwhile to devote time to watering and fertilizing plants, but planting on this day is not recommended.
  • May 2, it is better to do soil cultivation, pest and disease control.
  • May 3 is considered the best day for pruning bushes and garden trees.

New moon

  • On May 4, the day of the new moon falls. This is the best time for planning further actions, as well as preparing for landing.
  • May 5 - 18: the growing moon
  • May 5 is considered the best day for planting root crops.
  • May 6 is an ideal day for planting legumes and decorative vines.
  • The 7th will be an ideal day for planting strawberries, as well as thinning crops.
  • May 8 is worth planting pepper, gourds and eggplant.
  • The 9th is considered a good day for planting cucumbers, beets, carrots and potatoes.
  • On the 10th, you should pay attention to fertilizing plants with mineral fertilizers, it is also a good day for sowing leaf crops.
  • May 11, you can transplant and plant flowers such as peonies and dahlias, as well as sow dried flowers. On this day, the moon is in the phase of the first quarter.
  • The 12th day is considered the best day for sowing lawn grass.
  • May 13, it is optimal to deal with flowers, cereal plants and dill. You can work with mineral fertilizers.
  • The 14th is the optimal day for the separation and transplantation of perennials.
  • May 15 is suitable for planting stone fruits, as well as chilli and cabbage.
  • The 16th is worth planting medicinal herbs and any flowers.
  • May 17 is the best day for mineral nutrition of plants and watering.
  • May 18, you can sow spicy greens.

Full moon

  • The full moon day falls on May 19th. As in the new moon, it is better not to take any action, but to do the preparation and planning.
  • May 20 - 31: waning moon
  • The 20th is considered a good day for planting herbs and herbs, peas and beans.
  • May 21 is well suited for tillage, planting potatoes and other root crops.
  • On the 22nd, you can continue to work with root crops, as well as engage in mineral fertilizers.
  • May 23 is ideal for combating plant diseases and pests.
  • The 24th is a good day to weed the plants and remove the extra shoots.
  • May 25th is considered a good day for tillage, but planting is not recommended.
  • The 26th day is considered a good day for plant nutrition with organics and vaccinations.
  • May 27 is considered a good day for planting annual flowers and vegetables.
  • On the 28th, it is not recommended to work with plants and cultivate the land at all.
  • May 29 is ideal for pest control.
  • On the 30th, weed control and digging are worth it.

The last day of the month is suitable for working with root crops intended for long-term storage.

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