Mushrooms growing in a pine forest: description and names (+29 photo)

6.02.2019 Mushrooms

Mushrooms grow in certain places for a reason. According to morphological features, they need different conditions. A huge variety of different mushrooms are represented in the pine forest, but not all of them grow the same way. There are symbiont mushrooms, that is, those that need a partner for life - a tree of a certain breed.

With it, they form mycorrhiza - such an interconnection, due to which the fungus receives carbohydrates from tree sap, and the tree from mushrooms - water, minerals, trace elements. There are couples where partners do not change, and vice versa there are those where there are options. This is exactly the situation with pine trees: they interact with a large list of mushrooms.

A separate group of fungi is saprophytes, or saprophages. These are organisms that settle on a diseased tree, felled, on stumps, and process wood, turning it over the years into a fertile layer of soil. That is why forest land is so rich. Saprophytes also have representatives who love pine wood.

Effect of forest age and other conditions on the species diversity of mushrooms

It is interesting that mycorrhiza does not appear immediately, and mushroom diversity directly depends on the age of the forest. The following stages can be distinguished:

  1. The young pine forest is a small shadow and a lot of sun, since the trees are still low, a thin layer of fallen needles, well-warmed up soil, and little moisture. The first oleagins - pioneers of pine planting - may appear in 2 years.
  2. But after 15-20 years, the pine is already thick enough to give a dense shadow, and the roots are still soft enough to allow the mycelium to “connect” to them for interchange of substances. The layer of litter is still not so thick that it allows the soil to warm up enough for the rapid growth of mushroom bodies. This is the most favorable and generous period when it comes to the diversity and yield of mushrooms. It lasts approximately 25 years: up to the age of 40 years of pines.
  3. After 40 years, the situation is changing: the roots of the pines become so hard that it is difficult to find a juicy place. And it’s cold now, a dense shadow from the crown does not let the sun pass, the soil does not warm up, covered with old needles. The mycelium thins, weakens, partially dies. Yields are declining. If suddenly for some reason the forest became less frequent (hurricane, felling), and other tree species were planted there, then it can get a “second wind”, the microclimate inside will change, and new types of mushrooms will appear.

In addition to the age of the trees, which, of course, regulate the internal atmosphere in the forest, climate also matters. In dry years, the rate of development of mycorrhiza is much weaker. Contribute to changes and disasters, for example, strong winds that tumble down trees.

Edible species of mushrooms in a pine forest

If the forest develops in a natural way, there is enough rain and sun, then a variety develops that will satisfy any whims of the mushroom picker. We walk through the most famous species of edible pine inhabitants.

Lubricator late

It begins to bear fruit already in May, and during the season it can produce 3-6 waves of harvest. May appear even in solitary pines. It can be seen on slightly elevated ground near a tree.

Pine White Mushroom

Such a treasure under the pines is a sign of a good microclimate of the forest. Often found along the edge of forest belts. You can confuse it with an inedible double - mustard, but it’s enough to know that the white always has a white hymenophore and pulp on the cut. At the false it blushes, and the spongy part is pinkish, and it also smells of rot and is very bitter in taste.

Real fox

Grows in one place for many years. It is interesting not only for its taste and striking appearance. In its composition there is an antiparasitic substance, because of which it is not affected by pests. Typically, these properties are poisonous mushrooms, but the chanterelle belongs to the second category of edible.

Autumn honey agaric

This delicacy is not found in the pine trees themselves, but on their stumps, which remain after felling, or the storm that tumbled down the tree. It benefits both man and nature: it provides a unique taste for dishes and utilizes old wood.


She has fans who do not recognize anything else. Greenfinch grow in clusters on sandy soils, in the moist lowlands of pine. Like an oiler, greenfinch can be found completely underground, slightly elevated in the form of a tubercle.


Gourmet mushroom, ideal for pickling. It grows in a pine between trees or in sunny glades. Belongs to lamellar types, allocates "milk" on a cut.

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Motley hedgehog

Conditionally edible mushroom. Grows on dry pines. Only young and immature ones are suitable for food, since bitterness disappears in them during heat treatment, but not in old ones. The peculiar smell inspired the culinary specialists to dry the mushroom, grind it in a coffee grinder and use it as a seasoning.

This is not a complete list of edible species in a pine forest. We will also include various russules, an umbrella mushroom, which, after frying, looks like chicken, Polish, black loads, a grainy oiler, a stitch, morel, a flywheel, a throne, and even a truffle, but more often they appear in deciduous forests than in pine forests.

Poisonous and inedible mushrooms in a pine forest in autumn

Of course, the list does not end on edible mushrooms. Throughout the season, and especially in autumn, there are quite dangerous fruits between the pines.

Gorchak. Borovik's double, inedible, can cause cirrhosis of the liver. It tastes bitter, usually with a choking odor. Not affected by pests. From unsuitable for food also grow pepper, cap, ringed, horned, garlic.


Decorated with pine and various fly agarics:

  • panther;
  • gray pink;
  • red;
  • grebe-like.

Since they are all known as poisonous, they usually do not collect them, but they look very attractive.

Among the pine trees there is also a pale grebe, very dangerous, with 100% fatal outcome when consumed, the type and description of which you need to know by heart.

Even if it just got into the basket, then to insure your life you should throw away the entire basket, because even a tiny particle puts in itself a lethal dose of poison.

Well you need to learn the type of sulfur-yellow mushroom, so as not to be confused with edible. Its poison does not die during cooking, and in conservation even enhances its effect. True, if you consult a doctor in time at the first sign of poisoning, you can save a person and restore his health completely.

Honey agaric sulfur yellow
Honey agaric sulfur yellow

For the natural balance in the pine tree, all species are needed, which means that you must treat the presence of poisonous with understanding.The main thing is to arm yourself with knowledge and be careful.

Answers to widespread questions

Forest mushrooms attract lovers of delicious food, but also raise many questions. It is useful to listen to the opinion of a specialist who answers some of them.

Where to look for mushrooms in a pine forest?
Habitat depends on species and morphology, forest age, climate. Fruits can grow at the roots of the pine, being its companion. Sometimes they are away, choosing a sunny place. Or vice versa - secluded, overgrown with moss. The dead pine can also be inhabited by residents, including edible, eating loose wood.
How to get rid of sand in mushrooms collected in a pine forest?
They cleanse the fruit body in several stages. After cutting, you can fan the sand and the ground immediately before laying in the basket so that it is not compacted denser during transportation. At home, clean the dirt carefully, perhaps using a cloth or brush.

But the most effective method is to soak the mushroom bodies in water with salt and citric acid. Then, along with the sand, a lot of other debris will be separated, including pests hidden in folds. True, you should not keep in water for a very long time, half an hour will be enough. The flesh absorbs moisture very strongly; this reduces the taste.

Is it possible to eat mushrooms with conifer stumps?
The place of growth is not of particular importance, among lovers of stumps and other dead wood there are many delicious and harmless species related to saprophages. The fact that pine stump spoils the taste of the mushroom grown on it is a myth.

Sosnovy Bor is a hospital with healing air, a home for many animals, and a storehouse of nutritious fruits for animals and humans. On a quiet hunt, you need to be careful with edible mushrooms.

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Comments on the article: 3
  1. Avatar


    Is the cap annular poisonous? Afftor, have a bite

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  2. Avatar


    Honey mushrooms in a pine forest? I have never met. Like the fox, even in the photo oak leaves lie. He took a redhead in the spruce, but did not come across in a pine.

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  3. Avatar


    they write about all the mushrooms, but about the field mushroom among the people * nets * I haven’t seen anything anywhere, although many people collect it ...

    To answer

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