We get rid of moles in a summer cottage: the best folk methods

29.08.2016 Diseases and Pests

how to get rid of molesters on a summer cottage folk remediesDuring the period of work in the garden, you need to take care not only of your plants, but also of the area on which they grow. One of the troubles that can overtake any owner’s garden is moles. When they appear on the site, the care of the garden begins to resemble war more. After all, moles can significantly reduce the yield of plants, not to mention the aesthetic appearance of the garden, which leaves much to be desired. You can get rid of moles in a summer cottage by folk remedies, the main thing is to know how. We share the best folk methods to drive blind animals from the territory!

Best folk methods

There are several ways how to get rid of moles in a summer cottage by folk remedies that have proven themselves reliably and effectively. You can try them all, or you can choose the method that is most suitable for your capabilities and use it.

Method # 1: poison your favorite mole treat

Moles love to eat earthworms, so you can dig up the worms and sprinkle them abundantly with special poison for moles. While the worms are still moving, they should be laid in moleholes and covered with earth so that air does not enter there. Moles will certainly react to their favorite treats, which will lead to their death.

Important! Lay poisoned worms in moleholes should be in the evening, when the animals begin their activity. In the afternoon, the bait will not work.

Method # 2: Worldwide Sweat

Another folk method of how to get rid of moles in a summer cottage is as follows: it is necessary to fill the moleholes with water from a hose, then the animals will simply drown. This is not a very humane way, but effective. It is important to consider that you will have to use up a lot of water.

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Method 3: planting special plants

Due to the fact that moles are blind, they are very sensitive to smells, and some smells are unpleasant and frightening for them. In order to frighten off a mole from its summer cottage, one should plant in the beds where mink animals were found, plants with a pungent smell that the mole does not accept. These plants include:

  • Imperial hazel grouse;
  • Marigold;
  • Decorative bow;
  • Garlic;
  • Hot peppers.

Method 4: Trap Jar

The most optimal option on the way to fight moles. In a mole hole, more precisely below its level, you should dig a can in the middle. The neck of the can should be covered with a dense material that does not transmit light. The mole will fall into the trap and will not be able to escape from it. Then there are two options for the development of events: you can set up a mole in the bank and he will die there due to lack of air, and if there is also water in the bank, he will drown. And you can save the life of the animal, get a jar with a mole inside and let it free away from its summer cottage. What to do, everyone’s personal choice.

how to get rid of moles at the cottage folk methods

There are other options on how to get rid of moles in a summer cottage by folk methods, which you can familiarize yourself with by watching the video.


The fight against moles is not an easy task, but feasible if you know all the tricks and tricks and start the fight against them in time. It is important to remember that moles can not only reduce the yield of plants, but also destroy them at all, so gardeners do not favor their stay on the site.

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    thanks, I will try and then report the effects

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