How to get rid of ants in the garden forever: folk remedies

24.09.2016 Diseases and Pests

kak-izbavitsya-ot-muravem-v-ogorode-narodnymi-sredstvamiWith the question of how to get rid of ants in the garden forever with folk remedies, many owners of summer cottages face. Despite the fact that there is an opinion about the benefits of the appearance of these insects in the garden, this phenomenon has a negative character, which reflects on those crops that grow on the site. After all, if ants were only useful, then summer residents would not rack their brains how to get rid of ants in the garden forever in folk ways.

Ants in the garden: the pros and cons

Let us consider two opposite aspects in the question of the activity of ants in the beds. Let's start with the benefits that these insects bring, developing their activities in the garden.

Ants in the garden: pluses

  1. Breaking through the underground passages, ants loosen the soil, which contributes to the enrichment of plant roots with oxygen.
  2. Ants can pollinate plants and flowers.
  3. To get protein for themselves, ants often become enemies for many garden pests, larvae and caterpillars, which are the source of this protein.

Despite the list of such advantages, it is still better to do without the help of hardworking ants. Since, sowing good, they sow evil at the same time.

Ants in the garden: cons

  1. In attempts to get sweet nectar for themselves, ants damage plant flowers.
  2. They like to eat ripe berries, as a result of which they deteriorate and they can no longer be included in their harvest.
  3. A treat for insects can be young seedlings, and even plant seeds, which as a result may never come up.
  4. During the construction of the underground passages, ants can touch the roots of the plant and damage them.
  5. If insects choose plant trunks as their hollow, then over time they turn into dust, which leads to their death.

Such destruction from small pests becomes a significant enough reason to get rid of ants forever folk remedies. In this matter, the use of chemicals is not excluded, but folk remedies are safer for plants.

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Folk recipes against ants in the garden

There are several recipes on how to get rid of ants in the garden forever with folk remedies. Consider the most effective and affordable of them.
For example, it happens such a toolwhich is generally intended to improve plant growth. But, as many of our readers have noticed, ants are afraid of this remedy.

Soap solution

The preparation of a soap solution and the subsequent treatment of plants with it will contribute to the formation of a thin soap film, which will prevent breathing through the skin of aphids - the main and favorite source of food for ants. There will be nothing to eat - the ants will leave the territory in search of a more reliable source.


It is very easy to prepare such a mixture: 0.1 liter of liquid soap should be dissolved in ten liters of ordinary water. It is necessary to process such a mixture of plants from all sides, paying special attention to the leaves, smearing them on the outside and inside (the aphid likes to hide from the back of the foliage). The processing procedure must be carried out at sunset, so that a film forms overnight.

Pungent odors as an insect repellent

Ants do not tolerate pungent odors, so if you take care of this, they will leave the territory. You can treat your plot with onion or garlic tincture, which is prepared as follows: chop onion or garlic, pour with ordinary water so that all particles of crops are buried in it.Then the container with tincture is tightly closed with a lid and wait 7 to 10 days. After this time, the tincture will be ready, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. This means you can spray the plants and the plot.


Fight with ants or not, each gardener decides for himself individually. After all, if there is no damage from their stay in the garden, then loading yourself with unnecessary work is not necessary. But, you must always remember that it is often visually impossible to determine whether ants harm or not, and when external signs of damage appear, it is already too late.

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