Fighting ants in the garden

28.06.2016 Diseases and Pests

How to deal with antsIt's important to know, how to deal with ants in the garden and the garden, as well as competently organize disinfection in order to permanently protect the garden from small pests.

There are many ways to effectively control insects. It is impossible to say with absolute accuracy that such methods will be of great benefit. Everything depends on the quality of the chemical product, as well as its manufacturer. The main problem is that there is no universal way with ants. Therefore, experienced experts recommend a competent approach to solving this issue in order to eliminate pests. Everyone can try different options and bring in some new way to deal effectively with ants.

Garden pests

In the suburban area, you can meet various insects. They can bring considerable benefits, but also lead to damage. Therefore, it is better to get rid of pests, especially if you know how to deal with ants in the garden and the garden with ammonia. Vinegar or concentrate should be used as an alternative control. On each site on which the ants are located, 3 tablespoons of acetic acid are evenly applied.

Black ants

These insects are also called garden insects. ants. They represent a real threat when compared with forest tribesmen. In addition, such insects do not build anthills, but break through small holes in the soil and cover the whole thing with a small slide. Moreover, their shelter can be located in the structure of a tree or shrub.

How to deal with ants in the garden

Garden ants prefer to feed on secretions aphids. Therefore, they are trying to protect their breadwinners. As a result, there is a certain symbiosis between them: aphids harm fruit trees, and ants protect it from being eaten by other insects, such as a ladybug.

Everyone knows that aphids do great damage to plants. In addition, some trees may die for this reason. Thus, in the habitat of aphids, there are always orders of ants. If you do not take certain measures to eliminate insects, the aphid will begin to multiply and gradually destroy the fruit tree or other crop.

Therefore, before you learn how to deal with ants in the garden and the garden with folk remedies, you need to take care of the effective extermination of aphids. Moreover, you need to eliminate insects at the same time. Otherwise, the result deliverance from ants will not be.

How to deal with ants in the garden


Red-bellied ants

Such inhabitants are also called pharaohs. When they settle on a summer cottage, plants begin to decline. To remove and completely eliminate the colony of ants, it is necessary to resort to the use of chemicals and then the gardener will know how to deal with ants in the garden and the garden, red pests. Otherwise, ginger pests will eventually begin to not only destroy plants and trees, but also settle in the house.

Most often, fruit trees suffer from pharaohs, because they prefer to organize nests in the roots of trees. According to experienced experts, a large column is able to destroy a tree within 3 years. Even in the situation when the anthill is formed in the garden, there will be nothing to grow next to this place, so you need to know how to deal with ants in the garden and the garden (video instruction below). Just like black counterparts, red pests feed on excreta. To remove insects should use chemical reagents. However, do not forget that the content of poisons in such substances can cause great harm to vegetable crops.Therefore, it is better to use proven methods.

Fighting ants in a summer cottage

Do not forget that pest control should be carried out comprehensively.

You should also remember the fact that ants prefer quiet places. Basically, they settle in those areas where the soil is cultivated much less frequently. The main rule of the struggle or how to deal with ants in the garden and the vegetable garden: people's reviews, regular cultivation and plowing of the land. Continuous cultivation of the land reduces the chances of ants to build a large and fortified nest.

To protect fruit trees from ants, it is necessary to thoroughly treat the trunks with lime mortar. In this case, the solution must be stable and strong. It is applied throughout the tree trunk.

In the situation when the summer resident in the garden discovered an ant nest, then it must be destroyed. The nest is dug up as deep as possible and poured with lime mortar. You can also add some ash or go ash. After that, the land must be cultivated again, especially in those places where the nests are located. However, do not forget about how to deal with ants in the garden: the forum and the fact that eliminating the nest does not guarantee the complete destruction of pests. Because they can move to another place. It is also possible that pests can erect a new nest in a more remote area of ​​the garden.

How to deal with ants in the garden

Effective Ant Elimination

First of all, to effectively eliminate ants, you should get rid of from aphids and uterine pests. In a situation where insects lack quality nutrition in the garden, they begin to look for new places. However, eliminating the nest and uterus will reduce the likelihood of their further stay on the site.

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However, with an avid hunt for pests, gardeners forget that insects and organisms constitute a complete system. Thus, the elimination of a certain type can lead to the appearance of even more dangerous pests.

Getting rid of ants using chemicals

Many manufacturers offer effective chemical-based products to eliminate insect pests, including ants.

To eliminate pests, you can apply chemicals that contain various components of diazinon. They are chemicals that cause paralysis. A few days after processing the nest, the ants begin to die. Do not forget about how to deal with ants in the garden and the millet garden. In this case, millet can be used in solution with a chemical substance.

How to deal with ants in the garden

Especially noteworthy is the fact that the minimum amount of chemicals is consumed. For effective destruction, you can use only 10 ml of the substance for 50 m² of land. About an average of about 200 anthills on such a site.

Such a tool effectively eliminates both larvae and adult ants. A kidney treated with diazinon becomes fatal to ants. They cannot build new nests in these places. In extreme cases, the summer resident has about 20 days left.

However, do not get carried away with chemicals. Since the oversaturation of such substances can cause great harm to both plants and soil. Therefore, it is better to use folk remedies for the effective elimination of ants.

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Folk ways to fight effectively

Ants do not tolerate plant odors: parsley, mustard, and tomatoes. If you correctly place the leaves of the above plants near the nest or fruit trees, then the ants are likely to leave their habitat.

How to deal with ants in the garden

In addition, insects do not tolerate the smells of valerian and mint. These plants can be planted next to the garden where ants live. Such aromas will scare away the ants, and they will leave this place forever.

Ant nests can also be bombarded with baking soda. Near ant nests, you can place lime or ash. Now every summer resident knows how to deal with ants in the garden and the garden with baking soda. Alternatively, a sugar solution or boric acid may be used.

As another way, you can use fragrant herbs and sulfur in a 2: 1 ratio. In addition, such mixtures do not harm plants and vegetables. Therefore, they can be safely used to eliminate pests.

Ant nests can be filled with kerosene solution in the proportion of 10 tablespoons per 10 liters. water. The habitat can be filled with sunflower oil with a solution of water.

After sunset, the ant nest should be carefully digged up and filled with boiling water. This method helps to eliminate ants, especially in the situation when the uterus is destroyed.

How to deal with ants

Other pest methods

There is another method for effectively getting rid of ants. Stripes are cut out of the sheep’s wool and moistened in acid on a carbolic basis. After that, it is necessary to wrap raspberries soaked with wool at a height of no more than 10 cm. Acidic scent will cause pests to leave a long distance from this place.

As another method, dig a small hole. It is filled with carbon dioxide and ignited. This is one of the most effective ways. Because insects burn out as a result of arson. In this situation, the ants do not even have time to leave the nest.

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Ant nests can also be covered with grated onions or garlic, or cook poison. It is prepared in the following way: 3 tablespoons of water for 1 sugar and borax. All this is thoroughly mixed and supplemented with 1 teaspoon of honey. The finished mixture must be installed next to the anthill.

To learn how to deal with ants in the garden and the garden with folk remedies: video, you can prepare a solution of sweet water. To prepare it, mix honey and sugar in a small container with water. The finished solution is poured in a small stream into the ant nest using a gutter. As you know, ants are not indifferent to sweets. Therefore, the summer resident will only collect insects. This procedure is repeated after a few days. As a result, a gardener or gardener can get rid of pests and protect plants.

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