How to permanently get rid of the bear in the garden: tips and tricks

28.07.2016 Diseases and Pests

How to get rid of the bear in the garden foreverThe bear in the territory where vegetables and other plants grow is the worst and most dangerous enemy for the gardener. Not only does this insect visually look disgusting and inspire fear, it is also able to inflict severe damage to the crop and even completely destroy the garden. The fact is that the bear destroys plants deep in the ground, breaking through passages and tunnels and reaching the very roots of plant crops, which serve as the main source of nutrition for insects.

Gardeners puzzle over how to get rid of the bear in the garden forever, read the forum reviews, look for folk remedies. But is it possible to destroy the enemy once and for all and is there such a miracle cure? Read about how beautiful do-it-yourself beds in the country.

A bit about the insect

To defeat your enemy, you need to know him in person. In appearance, the bear is very nasty due to the large dimensions of the body, which can reach a length of 5 centimeters. The color of the insect does not differ too much from its own kind: in most cases, the color of the bear is dark brown with red tints.

The body of the insect protects the dense shell, from which it received the nickname "earthen cancer." The bear also has legs that are somewhat reminiscent of claws, it is with this “tool” that the insect digs underground tunnels and passages.

Pest control is complicated by the fact that the insect can crawl and fly, and dig, and also mainly lives deep in the ground, where they mate, sleep, eat, and even winter. The female insect can lay up to 500 eggs, from which new offspring of pests hatch, the bear’s eggs are not a hindrance even to winter cold, so it’s impossible to expect that a fierce winter will kill the insects and not have to fight them on their own. About the ways getting rid of ants in the garden.

Especially it is worth fearing this pest if crops such as cabbage, carrots, potatoes, bell peppers, tomatoes grow in the garden, because these vegetables are the most delicious treat for the bear. The biggest blow falls on potatoes: an insect gnaws holes in a potato tuber, which immediately leads to the death of the entire crop.

How to get rid of the bear in the garden

The sooner you learn how to get rid of the bear in the garden forever, the more chances to save your crop. After all, the bear gnaws the root system, depriving the plants in the future to receive the necessary nutrients, which leads to their withering and death.

Folk methods of struggle

There are several options for how to get rid of the bear in the garden forever with folk remedies. It all depends on what type of soil prevails on the site and in which region the site is located. The most favorable habitat for the bear is the soil rich in humus, but this can also be turned against the enemy. Before letting go of all the hardships, and buying strong chemicals that can damage not only the insect, but also the plants themselves, you can try environmental methods of pest control.

Digging a garden

Yes, digging up the whole garden is a very laborious task that simply knocks down the gardener at the end of the work, but it also “knocks down” the bear. Such a folk remedy, to get rid of the bear in the garden forever, helps to destroy the nests and paved passages of the bear, depriving the insect of the opportunity to continue its life and lay eggs. Dig the earth twice a year: in spring and autumn. In the summer, simply loosening the ground with a fork is enough.

Bear trap

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There are three options for how to get rid of the bear in the garden forever using a trap. From the proposed methods, how to independently make a trap for the bear, you can choose any, depending on the availability of the necessary tools, since each trap works effectively.

How to get rid of a bear

Dung trap

As mentioned earlier, the bears simply adore the dung habitat, but this can also be wrapped against them. In the last months of autumn, when frosts are approaching, you need to dig pits 0.5 meters deep in the garden, completely fill them with horse or cow dung. The bear will bite on the bait, and will begin to equip its nests there for the winter period. When the first frost comes, you should dig out these dung pits and scatter the dung over the site (do not dig it in, but just scatter it), on the surface of the earth in frost the insect will die.

Beer trap

It remains a mystery why the bears react to beer and even love it, but this is only for the benefit of gardeners, since with the help of a beer trap the insect is easy to catch and destroy. In a can of one liter, pour 300 grams of beer. A can of beer should be buried in the ground where the bears live. The neck of the jar must be covered with a plank, leaving a click no more than the spirit of millimeters. Bears will quickly react to the smell of beer and crawl into a trap, but they will not be able to get out.

Water trap

The principle of using such a trap is the same as in the case of a beer trap. Only in this case, as you might guess, not beer, but ordinary water is poured into the can. Be sure to lubricate the neck of the jar with honey to attract the bear.

Chemical Fighting

If the bear has already managed to “occupy” the entire territory and its invasions are repeated from year to year, then folk remedies for getting rid of the bear in the garden are unlikely to be effective forever, in such cases radical measures should be taken, which include chemicals based on chemicals. They are produced in granules, and when such granules are eaten, the bear soon dies, as it simply gets poisoned.

How to get rid of a bear forever

The most popular and common chemical drugs from the bear include:

  • Thunder;
  • Prestige;
  • Medvegon;
  • Grizzly;
  • Phenoxin Plus;
  • Medvedox.

Attention! Before using such drugs, carefully read the instructions for use!

there is different methods of getting rid of the bear in the garden forever, but one rule can be applied to all of them: you need to start the fight against insects as early as possible, even if the bear has not had time to breed. Also, it is better not to neglect the preventive maintenance in the garden of the bear, especially if in the past such a problem already existed.

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