How to plant grapes in autumn with cuttings

17.11.2018 Grape

Growing a vineyard is far from the easiest task. Especially when you need to produce reproduction. Gardeners consider autumn the best time for this procedure. This is due to the fact that new plants in spring will be able to get an impulse to intensive growth. The first crop can be obtained already in the second year. To do this, you need to plant grapes in autumn with cuttings. You should not forget about the many nuances that have to be observed.

Grape growing

Important Nuances

The nuances of growing grapes at home

To plant grape seeds in autumn, you need to buy them or prepare them yourself. If the choice stops at the second option, then you should take care in advance to get a healthy and strong material. Cuttings are cut from the mother bushes, which showed the best yield. And also they should not have any signs of disease.

It is impossible to apply cuttings for grape planting in autumn that have at least the slightest mechanical damage. Not suitable are those that have elongated internodes. Thin and curved material should also be discarded. If we are talking about buying, it is advisable to purchase cuttings of those plants that have shown good fruiting in the growing region. Acclimatized Chubuki take root much better.

It is necessary to take planting material only from the vine that is ripe. There are several signs. With their help, you can understand it.:

  1. The branches of the plant become light brown.
  2. You can take an escape in your hand. Green will be much colder when compared with ready for cuttings.
  3. The minimum diameter of the chubuk is 10 mm. They should have 3 live kidneys.
  4. You can check the readiness of the plant by placing it in an iodine solution. Mature shoots will change the color of the liquid. The solution will turn bluish.
  5. Fatty shoots are not suitable for cuttings, as they will not be able to reproduce the root system.
  6. The length of the shoot should be about half a meter.
Maternal bushes need to be selected in advance so that in autumn they are not mixed up, you can put some marks. The preparation of cuttings begins at the moment when all the foliage falls from the vineyard. They need to be taken only from the vine, which gave a good harvest this season.

Suitable time

Autumn planting of grapes

Many gardeners are sure that it is possible to plant or plant grapes all year round, except for winter. Some fans cope with this task even in the winter. Properly planting grapes with cuttings in the fall is a rather time-consuming task.

To plant plants, you must first select the desired variety and understand all its features. If this species loves heat too much, then the autumn procedure will not give any result.

Wild grapes are adapted to any conditions, so it can be planted at a convenient time for the gardener. For him, you just need to choose a place. Further it will develop independently. But wild grapes in the garden are intended only to decorate the arbor.

To plant grapes in autumn with a vine, it is advisable to choose a frost-resistant variety. So it will be much calmer in the winter, when there will be severe frosts outside the window.

When choosing a landing time several factors need to be considered:

  1. Autumn planting should be done only before the first frost and lowering the temperature of the soil. If this is not taken into account, the plant will die and all efforts will be in vain.
  2. The best period is mid-September or early October.
  3. Most vineyard lovers believe that cuttings are best done on a growing moon. But, most likely, this is just superstition.
  4. All working tools that will be used during planting should be treated with a potassium permanganate solution. This will make it possible to disinfect and prevent various pathogenic fungi from hitting the future vine.
  5. You need to plant cuttings only in the morning and in dry, calm weather.
For everything to go well, you should strictly adhere to the instructions. Then you can get great small bushes next year. Therefore, it is advisable not to experiment.

Rooting cuttings

Amateur gardeners have two main ways of planting chubuk. The first is the planting of the processes of grapes immediately in the open soil. For the second, you must first root the cuttings, then later in the winter to build them up.

Rooting grape cuttings

It is important to remember that sections of the vine can be wintered successfully only if they are in a region with a mild climate. It is necessary that in winter the soil does not freeze too deep. In northern areas, planting should only be done when there is no room for storing cuttings.

Thanks to the autumn planting, it is possible to grow such varieties that practically do not lend themselves to the usual spring rooting. But such a process must be reproduced as correctly as possible. Operation Algorithm:

  1. Cut planting material.
  2. Prepare it. One end of the handle needs to be lowered for several days in a jar of water.
  3. Set the stage. It should be loose and wet.
The instructions are quite simple, but their implementation is mandatory. So it will be possible to land ready-made Chubuki.

Process cutting

Grape splicing

Stiff planting material must be preparedwhen the last pruning will be done. This is done after the leaves fall and before the constant frosts come. If you take the standard method, then on each branch should be 3-4 buds. On average, the length is 30-40 cm. Sometimes other options are also used. For example, gardeners take root in a vine, the length of which can range from 80 cm to 2 meters.

Basic requirements for the vine:

  1. Shoots should be annual, but matured and have normal strength.
  2. The wood must be smooth and have a glossy brown color.
  3. The best thickness is about 10 mm.
  4. There should not be any external signs of the disease.
Experts always know how to properly cut the cuttings from the main vine, so as not to confuse the ends. You need to do different slices. From above, you can cut exactly (about 2 cm above the eye), and from below - obliquely, near the kidney.

Preparation and pickling

Squeezing grape cuttings

Stigma greatly helps to stimulate the growth of the root system. If the cuttings will be planted before winter in open ground, then this procedure is not required. But the sprouted young roots, most likely, will not be able to tolerate the cold November weather, which will greatly cool the soil.

To prepare the planting material for autumn planting, it is necessary to soak the cuttings in water for 1-3 days. They should be washed with copper sulfate or a very weak solution of potassium permanganate. This will prevent the occurrence of various fungal diseases, which very often appear in moist and cold soil.

When the cuttings are planted in containers that are warm at home, it is necessary to perform witching. To do this, you can take a glass with water or some moistened substrate. Ordinary sand is perfect. The glass must be placed above the battery. The bottom will be warm, and the top will be cool.

Vineyard soil

You can plant cuttings in the autumn period in absolutely any soil. Grapes in this regard is a very unpretentious plant. But still, certain nuances should be taken into account. For example, table and dessert varieties need different soil. Landing also happens differently.

Vineyard soil

If it was decided to propagate some table variety with the help of Chubuk, then the best solution would be to land in humus-rich land. It is very good if the groundwater flows shallow.

Dark vineyards grow well. Thanks to light, it warms up much better, since it reflects less amount of solar energy.

Most suitable soil:

  1. Clay
  2. Chestnut.
  3. Sulfur.
  4. Carbonate Vineyards feel good on low-carbonate soil.
  5. Chernozem.
  6. Red earth.
  7. Sulfur.

The main thing is that the soil is light, well breathable and has high fertility. Throughout the vegetative period after planting cuttings should constantly loosen the earth.

It should be borne in mind that planting grapes in any way is very not recommended on wetlands. The root system will not be able to get enough oxygen, which will lead to the death of the plant.

Landing pits should be prepared in advance. It is necessary that the soil has time to settle well.

Seat selection

Preparing a place for planting grapes

To get the best results when growing vineyards, you need to pick good seat. This plant is very photophilous. Therefore, the place should be chosen as much as possible lit. It is also advisable to take care that the grapes are not exposed to cold winds, but there is enough space for good air circulation.

It should be remembered that vineyards need a lot of area so that they can grow and develop normally. Shrubs should not be placed too close.

Before planting cuttings, it is necessary to cultivate the land. It is necessary to remove all weeds, dig and loosen the soil. Then, it is necessary to add organic, phosphorus and potash fertilizers to the soil. After a few days, it is advisable to dig the earth again.

Only after that it is possible to start creating special pits or trenches that will be used for planting cuttings. This must be done so that the grapes probably take root.

Correct Landing Pit

Preparing a pit for planting grape cuttings

Chubuk landing is performed in a pit or trench. When the earth will dig, it must be thrown in both directions. The top layer 30 cm deep leans back in one side. It is this soil that is fertile. In the other, the rest of the land is discarded. After landing, it can be completely removed. The trench must be made with a width of 80 cm.

If planted in holes, then their diameter should be 80 cm. The minimum depth is also 80 cm. We need plenty of space, because the growing grapes have a very large root system. She needs to feel free.

Drainage is laid at the bottom. Fine crushed stone is excellent for this. Next, a layer of humus is laid. And you can also add mineral fertilizers. This is required to create a nourishing pillow that will supply the vineyard with the necessary substances until next year.

Humus must be thoroughly mixed with fertilizer. The next layer is filled with fertile soil, which was discarded in a separate direction. It is impossible to plant cuttings immediately on a nutrient pillow. If this is done, then they will get severe burns. The plant will die in this case. Before planting, you need to wait until the soil settles.

Chubuk planting

To plant chubuk will require a lot of patience and attention, as this is not the easiest job. The future grape harvest will depend on proper planting.

Planting grape cuttings in autumn


Landing algorithm:

  1. Landing should be done in early October. It is necessary to have time to do everything before the first frost.
  2. The distance between future bushes of 2.5 meters should be observed.
  3. The minimum distance between each row is 3 m.
  4. The handle needs to be deepened into the ground and trick. Carefully compact the soil around it. It is necessary to deepen so that at least two kidneys remain above the surface of the soil.
  5. A cut plastic bottle should be worn on each stalk, and then you need to carefully spill the ground. During each landing, 40 liters of water are poured into each pit.

After absorbing water into the ground, you need to loosen a little. This is necessary to resume access to deep air. Autumn planting requires that the cuttings be immediately covered with needles, since the ambient temperature is already close to zero. Instead of pine needles, peat or regular sawdust can be used. For the insulation to work, the thickness of the blanket should be at least 30 cm. A little space should be left between the pit and the coniferous insulation.

Already in the first year of planting, a very good root system will have time to appear on the cuttings. Next spring, the plant will begin to develop rapidly from a young seedling. Now all that remains is to make regular maintenance of the vineyard.

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