How to fertilize tomato seedlings at home

28.05.2016 Tomatoes

Topping up tomato seedlings at homeIf not the most fertile soil is used for planting, then you will have to immediately use special top dressing, because it is the additional substances that will make the plant strong and fertile. In order for the plants to quickly take root, it is worth immediately after planting the sprouts in the soil to apply fertilizer to the soil, but it is not necessary to add too little fertilizing, the quality of the future crop will depend on it. But it is not recommended to fill the plants with excess fertilizing, as excess nutrients can seriously harm not only the plant, but the entire crop. It is especially worthwhile to use nitrogen fertilizer, as this additive can seriously damage the quality of the crop or completely destroy it. Do not forget protect the area from ticks.

To get high-quality seedlings, it is necessary not only to use top dressing of tomato seedlings at home (video), but also to choose the right seed, because future small shoots will depend on their quality.

What signs indicate a lack of plant nutrition

If the tomatoes are completely healthy and they have enough nutrients, then their leaves will have a dark color, and they will be very dense to the touch. It is also worth paying attention to the stem, it can have a dark purple hue, in this case you can use a special fertilizer for tomatoes, but only once, fertilizing tomato seedlings at home with folk remedies before planting them from the greenhouse.

Topping up tomato seedlings at home

If the seedlings lack nitrogen, they will begin to show signs of a lack of this element:

The first symptom of a lack of nitrogen is the appearance of yellowness on the leaves of the sprouts, also the leaves of the plant may fall, this is caused by too low air temperature, and also if the gardener over-irrigates the plants. These two reasons can also become a reason for leaf fall. That is why it is worth very carefully checking whether excessive watering of the sprouts has become the reason that the leaves fall from the sprouts.

If the leaves begin to turn purple, then the only thing that can cause such a change is an insufficient amount of phosphorus in the plant. But if the leaves grow normally, then you should not use fertilizers, as they can only harm the future crop. If the leaves begin to turn pale, then this may indicate a manifestation of chlorosis or an insufficient amount of iron, in which case the leaves change and very noticeable streaks appear on them.

Topping up tomato seedlings at home

How to properly feed plants

When the plants begin to sprout, they should not be touched, but after two weeks of growth, you can pick these seedlings. After seedling picks It is recommended to fertilize tomato seedlings at home with ash or other types of fertilizers that are suitable for tomatoes. The first top dressing is done immediately after a dive, and the next two are done every two weeks, this will help to achieve good productivity. Nevertheless, there are several differences in the feeding of sprouts for the greenhouse and for the seedlings that are planted under the open sky.

The first top dressing is recommended to be done after planting plants in greenhouse soil, but only twenty days after planting seedlings in the soil. It is recommended to use potassium fertilizer for the first feeding, one large spoonful of potassium fertilizer can be taken per liter of pure liquid, but nitrogen would be better not to use, since it will worsen the yield of tomatoes.

Topping up tomato seedlings at home

But the next top dressing can be done only after fourteen days, after fertilizing tomatoes of any kind.It is best to wait about two weeks, and only Group A solutions are used to fertilize tomato seedlings, gardeners record comfort during this period, use top dressing of tomato seedlings at home with chicken droppings, as it helps to bring a large amount of nutritious news to the soil. If you use the solutions of group A, then they should be used in the amount of forty-five grams per ten liters of pure water. For each plant, it is worth using one liter of this solution, this will make up for the insufficient amount of substances in the soil.

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It is also worth protecting plants from rot, as this is not uncommon in tomatoes, and in order to avoid this problem, it is worth using calcium nitrate. Plants are especially susceptible to decay if they have begun the flowering period, it is enough to take a tablespoon of this substance for one bucket of water. Only with the correct use of top dressing tomato seedlings at home (forum), you can get a good crop, and fertilize the soil immediately after moistening the soil of the plant, so the substances penetrate the soil much deeper.

Fertilizing off the ground

If the gardener wants to get the crop a little earlier than the due date, it is worth using solutions that are used outside the soil to fertilize the tomatoes. Such fertilizers help protect tomatoes from various pests, diseases and strengthen their condition. It is the tomatoes that perfectly respond to foliar top dressing of tomato seedlings at home with nitrophosphate or other solutions, it is important to prepare them correctly so that the product does not spoil the appearance of the plant and its productivity.

Topping up tomato seedlings at home

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Such types of dressing can be done every week, it is recommended to use any potassium fertilizer for dressing, saltpeter or Aquamarine is suitable, just put one small spoon in one bucket of water and water the plants with this solution. It is best to spray the plants only in the late evening, as nutrients can be absorbed into the leaves along with the dew.

What nutrient solutions can be used to fertilize the soil

In addition to the fertilizers that can be purchased at the store, there are simpler nutrients that fill the soil with substances that will help plants to bear fruit normally. For example, you can feed tomato seedlings at home with iodine, infusions of various herbs or purifications from fruits. It is worth considering in detail the options for feeding.

Egg shell use

To prepare such a solution, one large can is taken (about three liters of water), a shell from several eggs is laid there, and then everything is closed with a lid and adjusted for three days. The infusion will have a cloudy appearance, and the smell will be extremely unpleasant, since the egg shell will begin to decompose, which is what will benefit the plants. When the liquid is infused, it is diluted with pure water, using a ratio of one to three. Instead of such top dressing, you can use ordinary ash, it is poured with hot water and allowed to infuse for some time, this product is filtered and the plants are watered with it.

Topping up tomato seedlings at home

Tomato Fertilizer Herbs

For starters, you should take a large barrel, fresh nettle leaves, waste from the kitchen or any weeds are placed in it, pour it all with water to get a green slush after a few days of insisting. The barrel is left in the open sun for at least a week, so that the plants decompose and an almost uniform consistency is obtained. If desired, a small amount of manure or chicken manure is added to this mass, this will improve the quality of future fertilizer.

If the infusion is poured into a bucket and put in a greenhouse, then the plants will grow better very soon, because the solution releases a lot of carbon dioxide, which very favorably affects tomato plants. It is important to carry out further care for tomato seedlings at home, which were fed recently, for example, do not forget about the timely watering and destruction of pests. Necessary to spray trees and bushes in the spring from pests.

You can buy special fertilizer in one of the stores for gardeners, or you can make such fertilizer right at home. The main thing is to correctly calculate the time of plant nutrition and the dose that will be introduced into the soil under each of the plants.

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