How to protect the site from ticks

27.05.2016 Diseases and Pests

How to treat the site from ticks yourselfHow to detect ticks in your area?

Since insects threaten the health and safety of animals and humans, often the owners of the plots think about how to treat the plot from ticks. It is not difficult to do it yourself, but first you need to take care of the method of applying the poison, and choose effective drugs that, when exposed, will not harm the surrounding plants. Today, a rather large variety of tools for combating ticks and spraying trees and bushes.

Mechanical methods for eliminating harmful insects are also popular. Often, chemicals are used to combat ticks, but you can also treat the site with folk remedies. The main thing is not to make a mistake when choosing the active ingredients specified in the recipe, and to correctly perform the processing procedure.

Having decided on the chemical treatment of the garden or vegetable garden, it is advisable once again to make sure that the procedure is reasonable. A lot of time to find out if there are pests on the land will not be required. In addition, the search procedure for such parasites does not require special skills or the use of additional tools.

How to treat the site from ticks yourself

A simple tick "detector" for detecting pests can be done by yourself. It is necessary to find a long strong stick, on which a flap of white fabric should be tied. The size of the piece should be approximately meter per meter. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a regular waffle towel with a corrugated surface.

When the device is ready, it is worth waiting for suitable conditions in which ticks are most active. The best time for searching is considered morning, but it is better to wait until the grass dries slightly from dew. Having walked around the site and slowly moving the towel, you can find out whether ticks are present on this land plot or not. If they settled here, then they will surely move from grass to fabric. If the towel remains clean, then you should not worry about how to treat the area from ticks. To obtain fertilizer, you can make DIY compost pit at the cottage.

How to treat the site from ticks yourself

Eliminate ticks in the garden mechanically

In a modest small garden or garden without the use of pesticides, you can still try to get rid of harmful insects. It will take a lot more time, desire and perseverance. The mechanical method of cleaning the territory from ticks involves the use of the above devices. The secret of the technique is quite simple: you need to walk with the tool and catch parasites for 10-14 days.

Carrying out each regular procedure must necessarily end with cutting the grass. Within two weeks, the result will be achieved, and there will be no insects until the beginning of the next season. Undoubtedly, this method cannot guarantee 100% that there will be no more ticks in the garden, but the chances of problems arising will significantly reduce.

How to treat the site from ticks yourself

The principle of operation of the mechanical method of eliminating insects is directly related to the nature of ticks. They can hardly be called mobile, since most of their lives they simply sit waiting for a passing animal or person to attack.

Only after getting rid of ticks, they can again appear on the site with the help of rodents. Therefore, testing with a waffle towel should be repeated periodically, at least a couple of times a month. In modest areas, catching ticks is considered quite effective.But in larger areas, it will be more rational to take care in advance about how to treat the site from ticks yourself - with folk remedies or chemical preparations.

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Getting rid of parasites using chemistry

As already mentioned, it is extremely important to choose a tool that will cause significant damage to insects and will not harm plants to a large extent. Among summer residents and gardening enthusiasts, a number of drugs are in demand, which have long been in demand and popularity.

How to treat the site from ticks yourself

• DDT - this type includes agents that are actively fighting ticks and have excessive resistance. By the way, this is where their main drawback is manifested, since with intensive and regular treatment the substances of the drug accumulate in the soil. In the future, this may negatively affect the fertility of the soil.
• Groups of insecticides are considered no less effective against ticks. Moreover, they have a high degree of danger to humans. If exposed to open skin or mucous membranes, and even evaporating from the surface of plants, can harm human health.
• Pyrethroids in small household plots are fairly widespread. Such drugs are most often used by the owners. They are considered relatively safe for animals and humans with a low level of toxicity. However, the use of pyrethroids in order to destroy ticks on more extensive land plots is not recommended. Chemicals based on such components include potent substances that adversely affect bees and birds.

Before process strawberries and the entire area from ticks yourself, you have to choose the most suitable remedy, but for this you must first carefully read the instructions for use. When working with chemicals, you must remain extremely careful. Using any drug from the list provided that safety precautions are not observed can harm not only yourself, but also all representatives of the environment, since all of them are more or less poisonous.

How to treat the site from ticks yourself

Traditional methods of combating ticks

Folk recipes also promise to rid the site of ticks, but, as practice shows, no one has managed to prepare a truly killer drug from such parasites at home. But still, some of the options used by the people still deserved attention, if only because with their help they managed to overcome not all ticks, but their predominant part on the site. In addition, natural preparations will not harm to the extent that toxic chemicals can cause damage.

1. Places of accumulation of ticks must be sprinkled with boric acid, ciliates, soda.
2. These arachnids do not tolerate too harsh odors, so citrus juice is often sprayed from the spray bottle onto the grass.
3. Solutions and infusions of some plants with a persistent pronounced aroma, also used against ticks. Basically, these are rosemary, sage, peppermint, geranium, garlic and the most fragrant types of essential oils.

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When the owner is faced with the question of how to treat the area from ticks independently, without or with chemistry, it is necessary to take into account such important points as:

• the area of ​​the land;
• the number of places with a densely populated habitat of parasites;
• nearby fruit and vegetable crops;
• the presence of animals, birds, etc.

Prevention is the best solution to prevent ticks

Preventing the appearance of dangerous parasites, in particular ticks, is much easier than eliminating them from the site. Regular prevention will minimize the risk of insects in a particular area. To do this, you must:

1. Do not forget about mowing the grass (tall herbaceous plants - a hotbed of ticks).
2. Fallen leaves or dry grass must also be burned, as parasites can comfortably winter in it.
3. The accumulation of useless trash creates an optimal environment for the development of harmful insects, including ticks and mosquitoes.
4. Around the garden plot, experienced gardeners recommend making a gravel mound.
5. The appearance of rodents in the garden is fraught with the spread of ticks, since mice and rats are a natural "transport" for arachnids.

If you know for sure how to treat the area from ticks and mosquitoes yourself, you can rid the household area of ​​harmful insects. It should be remembered that such parasites are capable of transmitting infections that cause complex diseases.

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