How to Collect Vigna Asparagus Seeds

30.09.2016 Beans

How to Harvest Vigna Asparagus SeedsVigna asparagus beans are now very popular among summer residents. Still: her long lash pods help to get a rich harvest in a small area! Therefore, there are a lot of cowpea seeds - a little expensive, compared to ordinary beans. But I decided to tell you how to collect asparagus bean seeds for planting next year. This is quite simple and practical: in this way, you can plan how much from the end of the summer season wigny plant next season.

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Although the general appearance of this bean is very different from the usual one (its pods reach 70 cm, and not white but black beans are “hidden” inside them), the life cycle of this plant looks the same. That is, at first the bean bushes grow from the seeds, then they begin to weave, bloom and generate pods with beans.
Signal Bean Pods
It can bear fruit until October - and this is even with early planting in early May. But you will not wait for this seed before the second half of August. So they are harvested for a month and a half - from the second half of August to October.

How to Collect Vigna Asparagus Bean Seeds Correctly

1. Wigna pods go through several stages of development. First, a thin green stick appears in place of the flower, looking more like a stamen than a bean pod. Then this baby grows and develops - turns into a full-fledged pod of a cow with a length of 30-70 cm (depending on the soil and care). At this stage, the pods are eaten, but they are not suitable for harvesting planting material.
Wigne pods
2. Overgrowth pods (those that are no longer suitable for food) are characterized by a stiff tendril at the junction of two wings. Then the cowpea pod is stained with reddish spots: during this period, the leaves give all the nutrients stored for the season to the beans. But harvesting seeds at this stage is still just too early.
Signal bean sprout pods
3. But when the pods completely dry and become light beige, they can be easily plucked and the beans themselves can be harvested.
Signal Bean Pods
4. The cue for good reason is called asparagus bean, because there are more pods in it than beans! You will remember this immediately after the separation of the leaves of the first pod. Indeed, despite its impressive length, the bean in it will be ... not 30 and not 40, but only from 2 to 10. Knowing this, you can plan how many pods you will need to leave for the seeds - 3 (for a small planting wigs along fence) or 10 (for a larger landing or for presentations to neighbors-summer residents).
How to Collect Wigna Seeds
5. Place the asparagus bean seeds in a storage container - a jar with a lid or a plastic bag. Beans can be stored only in closed boxes where pest beetles cannot get!
Even a beginner of a summer cottage business will be able to harvest seeds of cigar! But due to the small amount of beans in the pods, not everyone can like this process. Nevertheless, you will get your own wigney seeds, of which you are sure!

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