White and red beans: which is tastier and healthier

25.05.2019 Beans

Beans have many beneficial properties. However, few people know which beans are healthier, white or red, its vegetable or grain variety. Often, beginning gardeners have questions about the effect of the color of the grains on the healing properties of the crop. Not all gardeners can answer the question, what is the difference in them according to the content of trace elements, vitamins or calorie content of the product.

General characteristics and differences

Both crops belong to the cereal variety of the plant. Fully ripened grains are eaten. The pods are unsuitable for food, because when ripe, a parchment layer forms on the inside of their cusps. It is fibrous and hard, contains toxic substances.

White and red beans differ from each other in the following ways:

  • the content of beans, vitamins and trace elements in beans;
  • the shape and size of the bushes, grains, ripening dates;
  • the ability to store nutrients after heat treatment.

The grains of many varieties of beans must be cooked for a long time. Not all trace elements retain their beneficial qualities. They disintegrate or transform into substances that are useless and even harmful to humans.


There are two main types of culture:

  • American beans - small short pods, large grains of various shapes and colors;
  • Asian beans - tall bushes with long serpentine pods and many small grains.

Both types of plants are divided into 3 groups according to the shape of bushes:

  • bush - up to 65 cm high;
  • creeping crops - the length of the stems reaches 2 meters;
  • curly - creepers are very long up to 5 meters; a garter on trellises is required.

According to the method of eating, all varieties are divided:

  • vegetable (sugar) - use young pods and grains;
  • grain (shelling) - consume only beans, heat treatment is required.

The maturity of the culture: early, middle and late, depends on the variety.

In size, the beans are small, medium, large, depending on the variety.

The colors of the peas also vary. The main representatives of this subgroup include: black, white, red and motley beans.


The most popular varieties of white beans: Nevi, Chali, Black Eye.

Their advantages are in the low content (than in red beans) of protein. It is used in the preparation of diet foods for weight loss. The use of the product contributes to the normal rhythm of the heartbeat, cleansing the blood vessels.


Gardeners prefer varieties: Tomato. Tashkent, Skorospelka.

Beans with Red Grains colors are appreciated for the high protein content necessary to maintain the health of the whole organism. Antioxidants help eliminate harmful microorganisms.

On a note!
A sign of ripening beans is drying pods. When harvesting, their wings should be easy to open. If this does not happen, the fruits need to be dried in a warm, dark place.

Nutritional value and beneficial properties

The content of vitamins, minerals and minerals in different types of beans is insignificant, but varies.The calorie content of dishes prepared from red bean grains is almost the same as that of soups and main dishes, which are prepared from white beans. However, white beans have 4 times less fat, which indicates greater benefits for maintaining normal weight.

100 grams of product contains:


Red Beans (g)

White Beans (g)

Squirrels 22,6 22,3
Fats 9,8 2,4
Carbohydrates 61,3 60,8
Calorie dishes (calories) 337 298

Eating red beans helps to restore strength, build muscle and normalize heart function. It is recommended to people leading an active lifestyle, engaged in heavy physical labor or sports.

The vegetable protein that is part of the product is comparable in quality to animal proteins found in meat and fish. The difference lies in the amount of saturated fat, which is almost absent in beans. They do not turn into subcutaneous fat, quickly disintegrate in the body.


Products made from beans also have various vitamins that people need for a normal metabolism. In the composition of red and white beans, these groups have many similarities in quantity, belonging to species and properties.


The amount of mg in 100 g of beans

Beneficial features

A (retinol) 0, 04 — 0,06 It normalizes the immune system, improves vision, protects against colds, reduces the negative symptoms of measles and chickenpox

B vitamins:

B 1 (thiamine)

0,07 — 0,1 Positive effect on the nervous system, brain function, muscle tone of the heart. Participates in metabolic processes that maintain energy balance at the cellular level
B 2 (riboflavin) 0,15 — 0,2 Protects hair from the formation of scaly formations (seborrhea), improves the functions of the organs of vision, brain, nervous system. It is necessary for the synthesis of red bodies and antibodies.
B 5 (panthenol) 0,18 — 0,2 Participates in the formation of substances that contribute to the rapid healing of wounds and abrasions, the restoration of damaged tissue cells. Reduces the negative impact of stress on the human nervous system. It is necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes in cells

B 6 (pyridoxine)


0,16 — 0,2


It performs all of these functions, is responsible for the healthy state of hair, nails, skin
B 9 (folic acid) 0,027 — 0,03 Participates in the formation of the skeleton, spinal cord and brain, as well as the nervous system of the child (fetus) in the womb. Cell growth and division also occurs with the participation of vitamin B 9
E (tocopherol) 2,5 — 3 It accelerates the regeneration of damaged cells of the internal organs of a person, helps restore tissue after surgery, improves blood flow. Rejuvenates the skin, has a beneficial effect on the health of pregnant women and the fetus
PP (niacin) 0,4 — 0,5 It is considered a drug. Maintains a balance of cholesterol and phospholipids in the body. Reduces irritability, improves blood supply to the brain. Under its influence, enzymes are activated that “burn” fats, convert them into energy. Help diabetic patients manage a lower dose of insulin per day.
C (ascorbic acid) 17 — 20 All the most useful properties are combined in this substance. Energy, tranquility, good mood will not leave a person if his body receives a sufficient amount of products containing vitamin C. Red and white beans are such a source. Even boiled, stewed, it retains at least 10 - 15 mg of this useful substance in 100 g of the finished dish
On a note!
Red bean is a source of energy and strength. Protein, which is found in large quantities in its beans, is used in the preparation of cocktails for athletes.


The metabolism and synthesis of substances in the human body takes place with the participation of not only the necessary vitamins, but macro and microelements are also needed here. The lack of these substances can lead to metabolic disorders, and subsequently to diseases.

Mineral content in mg per 100 grams of product.

Micro and macrocells

Red beans

White beans

Beneficial features

Calcium 150 147 Prevents cramps and muscle spasms, lowers blood cholesterol, protects the body from impaired adrenal, thyroid, pancreas and gonads
Potassium 1100 1185 Regulates and normalizes water, salt, acid and alkaline balance in cells, promotes the absorption of many vitamins, improves the digestive tract
Phosphorus 480 407 Performs functions that preserve the strength and strength of the teeth, bones of the skeleton. Participates in the formation of fetal bone tissue during pregnancy
Iron 6 5,5 Normalizes oxygen balance, participates in metabolic processes, activates the work of brain cells, thyroid gland
Manganese 1,34 1,4 Provides the normal functioning of muscle tissue cells, protects against the manifestation of atherosclerosis, deactivates the effects of harmful lipoproteins
Zinc 1,07 3,7 It is important for the health of men during puberty. Supports the normal development of the genitals, promotes the formation of male hormone (testosterone)
Selenium 25 11 One of the main antioxidants in the body. Blocks and promotes the elimination of free radicals
Magnesium 103 145 Reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases, normalizes blood pressure, helps in the treatment of diabetes
Copper 0,24 0,8 Helps in the absorption of many vitamins, supports the immune system, helps to strengthen bones, performs anti-inflammatory functions
On a note!
Moderation is the main condition if we do not want to harm our health. High-calorie bean dishes, you can eat them in small portions of 150-200 grams no more than 2-3 times every 10 days.


Red and white beans are used in cooking, in diet food. Obese people are contraindicated in consuming red beans, while the elderly will be limited to small portions of boiled or stewed white beans. Overeating is detrimental to health. This product cannot bring critical harm. Just need to know the measure.

Sick people should consult their doctor or nutritionist about whether they can eat beans, if so, in what quantity.

The right variety

Seeds for growing beans in your own area should be selected based on the following indicators:

  • they must be zoned in the area where the site is located;
  • bush species are best planted in greenhouses, so the ripening time is reduced;
  • climbing varieties are selected for areas where there is little space, tie them vertically to the supports;
  • varieties with white grains are better planted in larger quantities than red beans.

The assortment of seeds of legumes is large, but it is better to determine which variety is suitable for you through samples. To begin with, we recommend planting several varieties of both types of 2-3 bushes. What fruits will satisfy your taste more, those and continue to plant.

Storage and preparation methods

Grain varieties, which include red and white beans, are required to peel before laying, that is, they remove the beans from the pods. Drain the grains in the air or in the oven. Shelf life - up to 2-3 years. Fresh fruits can be frozen or canned.


Raw beans just removed from the pods are harmful and even dangerous. They accumulate toxic substances that decompose only during heat treatment. In dishes made from fresh beans, more vitamins and minerals are stored.


Frozen product is almost as healthy as fresh, but during long-term storage it loses most of the nutrients, its taste is deteriorated.


In canned form, beans can be stored for up to 2 years. However, it is often impossible to eat a lot of it, because the spices, salt and sugar added to the preservatives increase the calorie content of such food and increase the cholesterol content.

Recommendations for the preparation of different types

Red beans before cooking soups or main dishes should be soaked in warm water for 2-3 hours. Add 1 ½ teaspoon of baking soda to 1 liter of water. This will reduce the cooking time by 2 times. White beans are cooked faster, it is not necessary to soak it, it is better to scald the grains with boiling water.

Before freezing, the beans are blanched, kept in boiling water for 5-7 minutes, and recline in a colander. Spread on a towel for partial drying, then sent to containers for freezing.

For preservation, beans are prepared in the same order: beans are blanched, put in jars, spices, sugar and salt are added according to recipes. Banks hermetically clog.

The benefits of red and white bean obvious, and the harm is the least, if you follow all the recommendations of doctors and nutritionists. The fruits of this culture will provide gardeners and their families with a useful product. The plant will not tire of the work of caring for it, because it is not picky, will please a high yield.

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