The health benefits and harms of beans for diabetes: which is more beneficial

30.04.2019 Beans

People with a lack of insulin in the body should adhere to a diet that keeps a balance of sugar indicators. Beans for diabetics of the first and second type are a nutritious product. This is an annual bean family plant, used for cooking and medicinal purposes. The nutritional content of various vitamins reduces blood sugar. Beans in diabetes are not only beneficial, but also harmful. It is necessary to deal with each type of plant in detail, since there are many varieties of this product.

Chemical composition and nutritional value in various varieties of beans

Legumes are a healthy product that contains large amounts of vegetable protein.

On a note!
Many varieties have phaseolunatin in fresh produce. In order to prevent severe poisoning, you need to heat it.
Variety Calorie content


Essential amino acids (during normal metabolism)

Essential amino acids (ingested only with food)

Saturated Fatty Acids


Carbohydrates - 50 g, fats - 3 g, water 15 g, proteins - 20 g.

B1 - 0.6 mg, B2 - 0.20 mg, B5 - 1.4 mg, B6 - 10, ascorbic acid - 5 mg, vitamin E - 0.7 mg. Serine - 1.23 g, alanine - 0.90 g, glycine - 0.85 g, aspartic acid - 2.50 g, cystine - 0.21 g. Valine - 1.14 g, arginine - 1.14 g, lysine - 1.60 g, threonine - 0.90 g, phenylalanine - 1.15 g. 0.17 g

Carbohydrates - 3.5 g, fats - 0.4 g, water - 100 g, protein - 2.7 g.

Beta carotene - 0.5 mg, B1 - 0.2 mg, B2 - 0.2 mg, B5 - 0.3 mg, B6 - 0.17 mg, ascorbic acid - 22 mg, vitamin E - 0.4 mg. Glycine - 0.070 g, serine - 0.101 g, aspartic acid - 0.030 g, cystine - 0.019 g. Threonine - 0.080 g, arginine - 0.080 g, phenylalanine - 0.070 g, threonine - 0.083 g, valine - 0.094 g 0.15 g
White Carbohydrates - 61 g, fats - 1.51 g, water - 12.13 g, proteins - 23 g. B1 - 0.9 mg, B2 - 0.3 mg, B3 - 2.3 mg, B4 - 88 mg, B6 - 0.5 mg, vitamin K - 2.6 μg. Histidine - 301 mg, cystine - 240 mg, serine - 1100 mg, proline - 800 mg, alanine - 1500 mg. Leucine - 700 mg, Valine - 1120 mg, Phenylalanine - 1000 mg, Threonine - 920 mg 0.17 g
Red Carbohydrates - 63 g, fats - 3 g, proteins - 23 g, water - 15 g. Beta carotene - 0.03 mg, B1 - 0.6 mg, B2 - 0.20 mg, B4 - 100 mg, B5 - 1.4 mg, B9 - 100 μg. Glycine - 0.90 g, serine -1.23 g, cystine - 0.20 g, ceresin - 0.24 g, alanine - 0.90 g. Lysine - 2 g, threonine - 0.90 g, phenylalanine - 1.20 g, valine - 1.15 g.

0, 2 g.


The benefits of bean dishes for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes

Bean soupWhen using legumes, the body is saturated very quickly, they suppress the feeling of hunger. For patients with type 2 diabetes who are prone to obesity, it is very important to consume this product. If a person is losing weight, weight loss restores the blood and regulates the amount of sugar in it. To maintain health in diabetes, you need to follow a low-carb diet.

On a note!
You do not need to remove your favorite foods from the diet, just control the consumption of foods high in sugar.

Nutritionists advise diabetics to consume all 4 types of beans, this is a valuable product for the disease. Beans for diabetics have advantages.

Glycemic index

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The ability to regulate blood sugar. If the indicator is low, carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly, so sugar rises slightly. No discomfort: nausea, dizziness and weakness. The glycemic index in beans of any kind is 80, in red - 30, in white - 37, and in green beans - 16.To maintain a low-carb diet, it is good to eat this product. Beans have a low glycemic level, therefore this product is necessary in the diet for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Nutritional value

The approximate calculation of carbohydrates and calories in beans per 100 g servings:

  • red - 130 kcal, 0.7 g of fat, 16 g of carbohydrates, 8 g of dietary fiber;
  • black - 135 kcal, 0.7 g of fat, 24 g of carbohydrates, 9 g of dietary fiber;
  • white - 137 kcal, 0.60 g of fat, 19 g of carbohydrates, 6.5 g of dietary fiber.

When compiling the menu, you need to consider these indicators. In packaged products, they are indicated on the packaging.

People with diabetes can eat green beans. It is able to remove all unnecessary from the body and regulates the structure of the blood. It is enough to use it once a week, since the effect of the application is long-term.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

For diabetics, the menu should consist of a protein diet. This type of product contains only 30% protein and 4% fat. The chemical composition depends on the type of meat, for example, if the dish is made of beef, carbohydrates are completely absent. Beans should be consumed at least twice a week - it can replace meat.

Bean Harm and Side Effects

Despite the fact that the plant has positive properties, there are features of the body in which you need to abandon this culture as part of a diet for diabetes:

  • blood glucose is below normal (hypoklemia);
  • gastritis, ulcer and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • idiosyncrasy and allergy to legumes;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Do not use beans in large volumes, it can do harm - cause flatulence if the product is improperly prepared and if the plant is not cooked long enough (less than 1 hour), signs of poisoning may appear.

What beans are better for diabetes - white or red

Light beans with diabetes are more preferable than red ones. They contain less carbohydrates. The second is more high-calorie due to fiber and complex carbohydrates. If you enjoy a meal with red beans, there will be no jump in blood sugar. The amount of nutrients in these varieties is the same.


On the table, most often as a side dish she is found. It goes well with various seasonings. For main dishes and salads is a good basis. It is a stabilizer of metabolic processes, regulates digestion and strengthens the immune system. It is useful for overweight people, as it contains a large amount of fiber and gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.


The culture is also useful for patients with diabetes, thanks to its pleasant taste it can be used as a side dish.

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus is chronic, so eating right is not a temporary measure, but a well-formed lifestyle.

White beans promotes healing of cracks and normalizes blood sugar. When using this variety, you can not limit yourself, since it gives a positive effect in diabetes:

  • prevents fluctuations in blood sugar;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • restores the cardiovascular system;
  • provides an antibacterial effect in external wounds.
On a note!
It is necessary to introduce legumes into the diet gradually in order to get rid of the negative impact on the intestines.

Alternative treatment of kidney beans type 1 and type 2

To maintain a normal blood sugar level, the components found in beans play an important role:

  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • mineral;.
  • amino acids of plant origin.

From the plant prepare various dishes that make up diet food.In traditional medicine, recipes from green beans are used for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus:

  1. Mix Thoroughly rinse the bean pods, nettle leaves, and dandelion root. Put in a deep bowl and grind. 3 tablespoons of the resulting mixture pour 3 cups of boiled water and put on low heat. Boil for 20 minutes. Strain the mixture, cool and take 1 cup 2 times a day.
  2. Decoction of bean pods. Grind 2 cups and pour 4 cups of boiled water. Boil for 20 minutes over low heat, insist 30 minutes, strain. Consume an hour before meals 3 times a day.
  3. Decoction for people aged with diabetes. Bean pods and blueberry leaf in a ratio of 1/1 pour 300 ml of boiling water, put on low heat, bring to a boil. Cool and strain. Take a decoction of 1 cup 15 minutes before a meal. The course of therapy is 1.5 months. Then a 3 week break and repeat the treatment.


Irina, Moscow, 42 years old

Beans are a very tasty product, I prepare soups from it, make salads and dishes for the second. And it also has healing properties for patients with diabetes. My sister has always been the healthiest and most fun person in our family. Suddenly we are in trouble - a sharp deterioration in her health. She lost 15 kg and became depressed. We persuaded her to do tests, as these symptoms aroused suspicion of diabetes. So it turned out - the diagnosis was confirmed. We began to take action, put her on a low-carb diet, doctors prescribed drugs - Metformin and Forsigu. The indicators began to decline, from 21 mmol / l to 16. I read all about the benefits of beans in diabetes, included in the daily diet dishes with this plant. After 3 months, along with the pills and the new diet, a cumulative effect occurred. My sister's rates were from 7 to 8 mmol / L.

Among the products used for patients with diabetes, legumes are in the first line. Beans contain nutrients that help fight this disease. If you eat the culture regularly, you can achieve weight loss due to the presence of vegetable protein and the lack of fast carbohydrates.

The benefits of beans are obvious. This is a healing medicine that nature has created, as well as a tasty and nutritious product. It has a wide range of useful properties, but there are contraindications. The amount of legumes consumed should be considered to avoid overdose and unwanted side effects.

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