How to care for geraniums in winter?

6.02.2016 Dahlia

How to care for geraniums at home in winterAlmost every hostess can find such a plant on the windowsill or balcony - this is not surprising. But for any flower there are some nuances for care, which must be taken into account. Geranium is a kind of doctor, it has a specific smell, which, incidentally, is not to everyone's liking. Flower for giving or the courtyard has bactericidal properties that the leaves secrete, so in winter such a flower will come in handy on your windowsill. There are many different types of this flower, so women can find something special for themselves. But how to care for geraniums at home in the winter?

What care does geranium need?

Geranium is an unpretentious plant that does not need special care. The only thing you need to know is that she loves the sun. For it, direct sunlight is not afraid, therefore it can even stand under the sultry sun and nothing will happen to it, but insufficient lighting can cause tarnishing of the plant and the flowers themselves, so you need to choose a place in the house where there is access to the sun.

The temperature regime for geraniums does not need any particular one, so you do not have to create additional conditions for the normal growth of the plant.

As for watering, it should be moderate, because geraniums feel better in dry ground than in too wet. It is worth watering only when the ground is completely dry, because a lot of liquid can cause plant disease and even it can disappear. At the same time, you should make sure that there is a possibility of water leaving and monitor its quantity in the stand. Geranium does not tolerate humid air, it does not need to be washed, sprayed, so you should choose flowerpots in your neighbors that do not need additional moisture.

By the way, we recommend that you also look at the beautiful shrubs -Clematis.

How to care for geraniums at home in winter

It is worth feeding the plant only in the summer with special fertilizers several times a month, then it will have all the beneficial properties in the soil and delight your eye with its flowering.

For the soil, too, there is no particular caution, so it can easily be planted in the finished soil, which is sold in stores. When transplanting into another pot, it is worth preparing the drainage soil - lay pebbles on the bottom, in which case the moisture will not be retained. It is also worth considering that the pot should match the flower. Do not transplant her very often, because she does not like it.

In winter, geraniums need a little more attention than in the warm season. But how to care for geraniums at home in winter to bloom?

In winter, geraniums are in sleep mode, which is why it is undesirable to feed and transplant it. She must be in a state of calm. There are some requirements to the temperature regime - the room should be no higher than 10 degrees, then it will feel comfortable and bloom beautifully. If the temperature is much higher, it will simply throw off all the buds. It is best to put her in that room where it is cool, but if there is no such opportunity or room, then it is quite possible to arrange it on the windowsill, cool air will come from the glass and this will be enough for her. Only it is worth checking carefully that the leaves do not touch the glass otherwise there will be hypothermia.

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How to care for geraniums at home in winter

Natural lighting in the winter may not be enough for her, so you should take care of this in advance and buy special lamps for plants.

Points to pay attention to

When caring for a flower, you need to constantly monitor its condition, so if you notice the following signs, you need to act immediately, otherwise you will lose the flower:

- the leaves are yellow and very dry - this indicates that the amount of moisture is insufficient and the geranium should be watered more;

- the leaves have become very lethargic and yellow - a lot of moisture - you need to control the amount of water in the stand and pour it periodically;

- gray spots began to appear on leaves and stems - a lot of moisture and the plant begins to rot, some should stop watering the soil;

- the lower leaves begin to fall off - there is little lighting, so you should install a lamp or look for a place where there will be more sunlight;

- does not bloom - the reason may be a large pot or a violation of the dormant regime in winter.

How to care for geraniums

The network has a lot of information on how to care for geraniums at home and photos show how to do this in detail. One has only to look for information and you can find everything you need for proper care of the plant. However, this is only one of the beautiful plants for a garden or garden, take a look at peonies.

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Comments on the article: one
  1. Avatar


    My geranium blossomed almost the whole year this year. In winter, it’s not, of course, plentiful as in summer. In the autumn I cut almost to the root and it quickly builds up shoots and blooms.

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