How to grow Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse

11.09.2018 Cabbage

growing cabbage

It makes sense to grow Chinese cabbage. It is stored for a long time after cutting, it contains a lot of useful substances, it is tasty and quickly cooks. If there is a greenhouse in the country house or in a country house, then it is not difficult to provide your family with tasty heads of cabbage.

For the season, which continues in closed ground from early spring to late autumn, 2-3 crops can be harvested.

About the features of Beijing cabbage

Beijing cabbage is a short day crop. This must be taken into account when planning the landing dates. A full crop can be grown when planting cabbage in the early spring, late summer or early autumn.

In terms of temperature and humidity, this vegetable also has certain requirements. Beijing cabbage does not like heat, for it the best temperature range is from 15 to 20 ° C, and air humidity is at the level of 70-75%.

The reason for the shooting can be:

  • daylight hours lasting more than 12 hours;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • lack of regularity in irrigation.

If the daylight hours are more than 12 hours, then the head of cabbage will not form, the plant will throw an arrow.

Which one to choose - sort out the varieties

In the spring, some varieties (hybrids) of cabbage are planted in the greenhouse, in the fall others, there are universal varieties that are equally suitable for spring-autumn plantings. For high yields, hybrids should be preferred. On their packs with seeds next to the name there is an F1 marking.

When choosing one or another kind of Beijing cabbage, the cabbage heads are evaluated what quality they want to grow. Varietal characteristics are different. One species is stored for a long time, the other is not, the third is ideal for pickling.

The main consideration when buying seeds is to pay what kind of ripening period the variety has. They determine the period when the cabbies are ready for harvesting, calculate the landing time, plan the landing scheme, draw up a work plan. According to the reviews of summer residents who grow Peking cabbage in greenhouses, hybrids showed themselves well in spring sowing:

  1. Spring beauty. Early ripe culture with good resistance to shooting, rarely sick, productive. The growing season is from 55 to 65 days, the weight of heads of cabbage is 2 kg, the yield is about 7 kg / sq. m
  2. Spring jade. From an area of ​​1 m² they cut up to 9 kg of heads of cabbage, each weighing at least 2 kg, there are also larger specimens weighing 3 kg. Heads are forming early. It takes only 50 days from sowing to cutting. Immunity and taste are high.

In the fall, summer residents prefer to plant varieties of long-term storage. If in the spring the goal is to get an early harvest for summer consumption, then in the fall cabbage is sown for winter storage. Characteristics of hybrids suitable for this purpose are given in the table.

Characteristic Autumn jade F1 Sentyabrina F1 Autumn beauty
weight of head from 3 to 3.5 kg from 0.8 to 1.5 kg from 1.5 to 2.5 kg
ripening dates from 40 to 45 days 50 days from 55 to 60 days
the appointment for salads, salting, storage for salads, cooking used in cooking, used to make salads
diseases resistant to downy mildew and viral mosaic pathogens immunity to major cruciferous diseases lack of coloriness, immunity to disease, tolerates shading, cold

Selected Chinese, Miss China - forms universal in terms of planting, giving good yield in spring and autumn planting. By maturity, these are early ripe forms; heading of cabbage is started after 45-55 days. Decent fruit weight - up to 4 kg.

Greenhouse and growing conditions

A greenhouse of any design is suitable for growing Beijing cabbage. Basic requirements for construction:

  • warm
  • without drafts;
  • has good ventilation.

To maintain the desired temperature in the cold season, the greenhouse is equipped with heating devices. During seed germination, you need to maintain an air temperature of 20 ° C, during the week after the emergence of sprouts 10 ° C, throughout the entire growing season at night - 15 ° C, in the daytime - 20-22 ° C.

For heading out, culture needs daylight hours of 10 hours. In winter, in bad weather, planting must be illuminated. To create artificial lighting in a greenhouse, install:

  • phytolamps;
  • incandescent lamps;
  • fluorescent lamps.

Other crops are recommended to be planted next to Beijing cabbage: onions, herbs, arugula, radish.

Greenhouse soil is shed with a solution of potassium permanganate. Processing is carried out 5 days before the sowing of Beijing cabbage. Organic matter (compost, biohumus, humus, peat, ash) is added to the soil, and mineral fertilizers are added if necessary. Culture loves light and fertile soil mixtures.

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Rules for planting Beijing cabbage

Planting dates depend on the type of greenhouse. In heated structures, in March, you can sow the seeds of Beijing cabbage. In unheated film and polycarbonate greenhouses, Beijing is sown in April.

On sachets with seeds, the manufacturer always indicates the optimal planting scheme for the variety. It must be followed when marking the furrows. Standard requirements:

  • the distance between the rows is 30-40 cm;
  • seed consumption 2 g / m²;
  • backfill depth from 1 to 1.5 cm.

To get an early harvest, planting seedlings in a greenhouse. At the same time, they take into account that culture does not like picking. Sow seeds for seedlings in separate containers, planted in the soil according to the recommended schemes 30 * 40 cm by transshipment method.


Even having prepared the soil of the greenhouse for planting cabbage, do not forget about fertilizing. From seedlings to the cutting of heads of cabbage, fertilizers are applied at least 2 times when planting in late summer, 3 times - when sowing in early spring. Beijing cabbage needs nitrogen. Best culture perceives infusions made from freshly cut grass, mullein, chicken droppings.

Raw materials Amount (kg) Water (L)
mullein 1 10
chicken droppings 0,5 10
grass 1 9

The infusion should be infused for a week, its consumption is 1 liter per 1 plant. To head out faster, cabbage is treated on a sheet with a solution of boric acid. It is bred only in hot water. It does not dissolve in cold. Take 2 g of powder, pour it into 1 liter of boiling water. After the acid has dissolved, 9 l of water is added, cabbage is sprayed over the leaf.

Cabbage ridges are watered in a timely manner, making sure that the soil in the greenhouse does not dry out and is not flooded. Both that, and another negatively influences a crop. Overmoistening can lead to decay of the roots, lack of moisture affects the taste, affects the size of the head.


From slugs, the garden is watered with brilliant green. The contents of 1 bottle are added to a 10 liter bucket.

Throughout the season, they monitor the cleanliness of the soil. It is loosened, weeds are removed. Peking cabbage can be attacked by insects. The most dangerous pest is the cruciferous flea. It is especially dangerous to young plants. To scare insects, beds in the greenhouse are dusted:

  • ash;
  • tobacco dust;
  • hot pepper.

How to store

As soon as the heads of cabbage become dense, resilient, they are cut off. When cutting, at least 2-3 covering sheets are left at the outlet. Spring and summer crops are not stored for a long time. Cabbage is used to make salads, first and second courses. Harvested in autumn can be stored until spring.

The room requirements are simple.The air temperature should not rise above 5 ° C and fall below 0 ° C. The air should be moderately humid. In order for the cabbage heads not to dry, during storage they are wrapped in several layers of cling film and put in boxes.


Mikhail, Stary Oskol

I’m fooling my Beijing so that she doesn’t shoot. I sow seeds in peat tablets in early April (from 5 to 10). When shoots appear, I close them after 18-00 with cardboard boxes. After transplanting into the greenhouse, I repeat the closing procedure, I close the ridges with black spanbond.

Nadezhda, Leningrad Region

The summer was hot, I had to save cabbage from a flea. I sprayed it with a vigorous solution of black and red pepper. For sticking, I added liquid soap. I will not say that the effect was 100%, but most of the fleas adhered.

Natalya, Moscow region

Last season, a hybrid of Monaco planted. He proved to be excellent. There was no shooting, heady, large, weighing up to 2 kg. Planted in the spring and in the second half of summer. Both crops were on top. Germination of the hybrid is 100%.


Growing an excellent harvest of Beijing cabbage in a greenhouse is not difficult. To achieve good results, you need to buy a successful hybrid, guess with the timing of planting, do not forget to water and feed cabbage.

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