How to grow dill on the windowsill in the apartment?

24.07.2017 Dill

Greens - a required attribute of any dishes; consider how to grow dill on the windowsill in the apartment so that you can have a fragrant ingredient on the table at any time.
It is difficult to imagine in any kitchen culinary dishes of meat, fish without the aroma of herbs. An example of a common and sought after plant is dill. In addition to taste, it is still useful. The vitamins, minerals and amino acids contained in dill help to eliminate dysfunctions of the digestive organs and the genitourinary system. The plant is used for disturbed sleep, colds. In the summer, dill is grown on a personal or summer cottage. Experienced gardeners argue that you can get a crop in the winter.

For productivity gardeners with experience, it is recommended to choose the right variety. It is impossible to achieve productivity without quality seeds. Abundant foliage is given, for example, by late-ripening varieties. The same characteristics, as well as the attractive appearance of the varieties that form a voluminous bush. The list of recommended varieties for beginners and gardeners is extensive.

Container selection

In the matter of growing dill on the windowsill in the apartment, it is important to immediately determine the place for planting greens. Experienced gardeners pick up small sized flower pots. The volume of containers is from 1 to 2 liters. Rectangular containers made of plastic, less often wood, are also used, but in this case, you will need to make holes for drainage yourself, as well as a pallet. As practice shows, dill seeds are planted by some gardeners in small pots of peat for seedling. The grown plants are transplanted into a constant container.

Another point is aesthetics. If it is important for the hostess how much the interior elements of the apartment are in harmony with each other, then dill should be planted in an apparently attractive container.

Soil preparation

The bottom of the container prepared for planting is covered with a layer of material that will fulfill the function of drainage. For example, expanded clay. In the absence of suitable pebbles, crushed stone, broken brick. 2-3 cm of sand is poured on top, then - nutrient soil.

Specialty stores offer ready-made mixtures that are designed to grow greens. Gardeners also use land mixed with nutrients.

Sowing seed

In order to get the desired yield from seeds, it is enough to follow simple rules.

When to sow?

Dill is grown in an apartment, regardless of the season. However, for plants with different times for planting, different conditions are required. To reduce the cost of effort, landing is performed between March and August. If the soil was chosen correctly, the window sill is well-lit by natural light, you can get juicy and lush, voluminous dill.

Climatic conditions

To grow any greens, including dill, use windows that overlook the southeast or south side.

Inexperienced gardeners ask a question - how to grow dill on a windowsill in winter. Given that the plant belongs to light and heat-loving species, growing in cold weather requires the provision of additional lighting. Using phytolamps allows you to create the desired temperature regime, as well as extend the daylight hours.

Dill does not tolerate dry air. So that the greens do not die, the shoots are sprayed with a spray.Water temperature - not higher than room temperature. The plant tolerates a decrease in temperature to 8 ° C, so pots are placed on a glazed balcony before autumn comes.

Correct Fit Technology

From the moment of planting the seeds until the first seedlings appear, about 14 days pass. Accelerate the process allows pre-soaking seeds. For this, the seed is laid out on a piece of fabric, moistened with warm water and covered with another cut. Water is replaced with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to eliminate the risk of infection of seeds and the development of diseases. Soaking takes several days, after which they begin to plant in the ground.

Before planting, the soil is slightly moistened with water. Then seeds are evenly distributed and sprinkled with the remaining soil.

Soaking seeds in potassium permanganate

The containers are covered with a film and put away in a dark place. Condensation is collected under the film, which must be removed. As the soil dries, watering is done. After emergence, the container moves to the windowsill.

Important - during the first week at night the containers are placed on the balcony or kept near an open window. This is done to exclude stretching shoots.

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When deciding on the cultivation of dill on the windowsill in winter, the condition for lowering the night temperature is observed differently. It is not available to open a window or move to a balcony. Therefore, containers are carried out in a cool room, for example, a corridor.

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Growing dill without soil

Today, the method of breeding greens without soil is gaining popularity. Hydroponics is a system that involves immersing the roots in a special nutrient solution.

So, to grow dill on the windowsill in an apartment without land, you need to know the basic rules. The basis of the hydroponic installation is a square plastic pipe with prepared holes. At the ends of the pipes, plugs with mounted hoses are installed to drain the spent solution.

The nutrient solution is stored in a container with an attached pipe, pump and heating element. A compressor, which is also part of the system, enriches the solution with oxygen. So that the owner of hydroponics does not have to independently regulate the flow of fluid, a timer is set.

Seeds are grown in pots, the bottom of which has a hole and is covered with expanded clay and a layer of vermiculite. Until the first sprouts appear, the nutrient solution is not used. Pots are also covered with foil.

Advantages of the hydroponic system (user reviews confirm):

  • feeding is fully regulated by the built-in timer according to a specific schedule, due to this the green mass grows faster;
  • lack of soil excludes probability of emergence of weeds;
  • assembly of the system does not require significant investments and special knowledge.

Proper care of dill on the windowsill

Dill refers to crops that do not require special care. Growth is provided by fertile soil, watering as necessary, as well as top dressing.


Dill is attributed to plants that love moisture. In the warm season, watering should be frequent, plentiful. In winter, excess water leads to the development of fungal diseases. Therefore, water the soil only after it dries.


The need for fertilizing arises only if the soil was used for planting, poor in trace elements. This should be done twice a month with fertilizer intended for dill. Also, gardeners to increase the quality of greenery add biohumus to the container.


Getting healthy and tasty dill greens at home, regardless of the time of year, is available without serious time costs. Compliance with technology and sowing at regular intervals allows you to regularly receive fresh greens.

To grow dill on the windowsill in the fall or winter - it will not be difficult for you!

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