Potato Nevsky: variety description, photos, reviews

1.04.2017 Potatoes

Potato Nevsky: description and characteristics of the variety, photo, reviewsHaving learned more about what Nevsky potato, the description of the variety, photos and reviews, summer residents stop their choice on it. They like the appearance, taste and unpretentiousness of the variety to the soil.


According to not only ordinary citizens, but also experts, Nevsky is considered one of the most popular and recognized varieties. For the first time, the variety was bred in 1976, in the North-West then NIIISH, when two other varieties were crossed, Candidate with Veselovsky. The result was extremely successful, there is a good yield and resistance to diseases, adverse external factors, which sometimes affect the health and quantity of the crop.

Now this potato variety they are grown on 26% of all areas that the state allocates annually for potatoes. Nevsky is liked both by large producers responsible for supplying potatoes to markets, shops, and small, local summer residents who grow vegetables for themselves.

In terms of maturity, Nevsky can be attributed rather to the mid-early variety. Counting from the day of the first sprouts to full maturity, when they harvest the finished crop, it takes about 75-90 days.


Tubers - in addition to the technical component, the appearance that buyers actually judge is undoubtedly important, because each cultivated variety should pay off well. The tubers have an oblong, sometimes rounded shape with a smooth, smooth skin. No roughness, tubercles. The pulp is white, with a light yellow tint. The peel is light, brown or yellowish. Tender pulp is visible through the cut, even if left unprotected, it retains its natural shade for a long time without darkening.

• Starch somewhere around 10.4 no higher than 14.8%
• The weight of medium tubers is 90 to 130 g.

Perhaps it’s beautiful, even tubers that help Nevsky keep popular love behind him. After all, potatoes are pleasing to the eye, they are also easy to clean, peel without any problems and keep their shape during cooking, which is important.

Bushes are usually low, they have many erect stems, fluffy, with a large branching. Leaflets of a pleasant, green tint, are dark or light green, usually of medium size. The Colorado potato beetle loves Nevsky no less than people, but leaves after eating are able to recover quickly, so the bushes do not get irreparable harm. Their flowering is short-lived, but beautiful and friendly, these are snow-white inflorescences, spread all over the potato bed with a carpet.

Productivity is another key factor, especially attracting summer residents. After all, the majority of sites are medium, they are looking for varieties with maximum return, so that each bush fully justifies its place. Nevsky really has a high yield. If the care is good, the bush will give up to 8-15 medium tubers, and this is 1.5 kg. The variety has developed potential. It responds immediately to spring fertilizers and loves timely processing. If the conditions are favorable, the owner is attentive, he can please him 60 tons, this is a hectare, which is considered an excellent indicator getting a good potato crop.

Adaptation is the behavior of a variety to changing environmental conditions. Alas, not every summer resident can grow vegetables in protected plantations. Most plant simply, on open beds and here sprouts are already meeting sudden frosts, hail, and hardness of the soil. Such factors, even an attentive host cannot change, this is nature. Nevsky is recognized as a drought tolerant variety; it has a powerful and branched root system that seeks and absorbs moisture, penetrating deeper into the soil.

The bushes have thick, numerous leaves, this does not allow moisture to evaporate actively when hot days go.When the heat rises, the leaves may look wilted, in reality they simply curl to reduce the area for evaporation of moisture. They have a smooth, glossy surface that reflects the Sun well. This is a truly developed adaptation mechanism.

Long-term observations could show that Nevsky also tolerates high humidity. True, the yield will be affected if humidity is accompanied by cold soil.

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Diseases - alas, you often have to treat growing crops, protecting them from various diseases that are inherent in plants too. Nevsky firmly endures possible mechanical damage, usually inherent in excavating, then transporting, sorting, and transporting. Also, it is less susceptible to the influence of fungal, viral and other diseases.

The variety does not succumb to ordinary scab, rarely there is potato cancer (yes, vegetables also have a similar misfortune), rhizoctonia, and also a black leg. And most importantly, it steadily reflects the attacks of the main of the nightshade enemies - late blight. Alas, this disease has become a real scourge, forcing summer residents and large producers to mass-treat growing crops with harmful fungicides.

Harvest - you can notice how the tops go down, then wither already somewhere in the middle of a hot summer. By the 15th day of August, it is already completely dry. This is a clear sign even to a novice summer resident that you can’t pull more with cleaning. It will get colder, the soil will cool, and potatoes can hardly tolerate this. Before the fall, be sure to dig up the crop, especially when early frosts occur in the region. Timely cleaning provides up to 95% of marketability.

Other characteristics

What else, besides a pleasant appearance, productivity, resistance to various diseases, is important for a summer resident or a large producer? For example, storage. After all plant potatoes a lot of it just under the reserve for the winter. Nevsky tubers are able to stand quietly until spring, but then they will begin to sprout actively. It is worth looking at stocks so as not to miss such moments and in time to begin the next pre-preparation. Otherwise, potatoes may not tolerate violently cutting off their sprouts.

Nevsky will respond with a good, rich crop if preliminary preparation is carried out. It is worth including decontamination there, with the germination of selected tubers in the light for about 2-3 weeks.

The variety, in principle, takes root well in any soil, but loves more than others fertile sandy loam with light loamy ones. Extremely responsive to fertilizers. The weak side is low temperatures when they hold on for a long time. But this is basically not a problem, because potatoes are planted in the spring and harvested before the start of autumn. The main thing here is to choose warm days for the planting period.

As a product, potatoes perfectly go both to salads and soups, it makes tasty, beautiful mashed potatoes, though you need to cook longer. Holds well, without boiling for a long time, this is appreciated by the cook.

Nevsky is included in the best varieties in several countries. He is loved for taste, appearance and stability. People know that even in unfavorable, lean years, potatoes will spawn, especially if you please them with fertilizers.



“I’ve probably been growing Nevsky for 20 years. The bushes are stocky, very beautiful, they can be seen from afar, if you look at the garden, like a business card for the variety. The leaves are larger, wider and not so dissected. The tubers are oval, usually of medium size with pink small eyes. Very convenient, the probability of accidental mixing with other potatoes is small. I use it in salads, I boil it in a uniform. Delicious, does not boil, does not even crack.

Minus - it does not rise well after breaking off, even if you accidentally damage the sprouts before planting.Therefore, it is safer to lay out tubers selected for planting in boxes, to bottom them with sawdust. As time approaches, shift already to the ground. Once broke the sprouts accidentally, alas 1/3 of the bushes did not work. In the fall, such bushes, which did not really sprout, gave only a pair of small potatoes ”


“Part of the garden has long been occupied by Nevsky. Of course, I don’t give the whole area, I noticed that the harvest is not constant. For sale, but we plant more, they take it well for a neat appearance, and the taste also pleases. I don’t advise to germinate, sprouts easily break off "

Recommended:How to fertilize potatoes for the best harvest


“I’ve been growing Nevsky for the eighth year, I noticed that potatoes are extremely fond of fertilizers, modern care. You can use hay or straw in planting or replanting the soil prepared for it, first mix it with rich humus "

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