When to plant eggplant for seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendar

20.03.2016 Eggplant

When to plant eggplant for seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendarToday there are many people who like to work in their summer cottages. After all, growing various cultures, many receive their own satisfaction. The time is approaching for sowing seeds of various seedlings. Everyone's favorite eggplant is no exception.

Undoubtedly, before starting sowing, it is necessary to choose the right seeds for seedlings, the right time, as well as to study all the subtleties and nuances without which a good crop will not be achieved. Indeed, today in stores there is a wide selection of different seeds. There are early crops that ripen in a shorter period of time; there are later crops that ripen much later and delight with their fruits before the onset of cold weather. Some gardeners plant different varieties of eggplant to enjoy their pleasant taste all summer.

Based on what, many summer residents are interested in when to plant eggplants for seedlings in 2017 according to the lunar calendar? After all, it is known that the correct planting of seeds will provide a decent harvest. Therefore, in 2017, sowing seeds is best done in early February, this is for early crops, and the later ones are best sown in early March starting from the 4th. These days according to the lunar calendar will be more favorable for sowing.


Preparing seeds for planting

When to plant eggplant for seedlings in 2017

Typically, preparation begins a few weeks before sowing. Indeed, almost every gardener knows that eggplant seeds sometimes sprout much longer than, for example, tomato seeds. It is necessary to carry out preparation, because in this case, as practice shows, the yield of fruits is much higher.

Therefore, to begin with, the seeds must be soaked in warm water for half an hour. Then they must be decontaminated so that the seedlings are more seasoned for various diseases. For this, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is bred and the seeds are kept there for several hours.

Some amateur gardeners additionally harden the seeds before sowing. To do this, they are placed in a damp cloth for a week and kept at room temperature all day, and put in a cool place at night. After which everything is repeated again, thus, the seeds are hardened to differences in various temperatures. This is especially important for early crops, as they are planted in the ground earlier. Thus, the seeds are fully prepared for sowing.

When to plant eggplant for seedlings in 2017

Planting eggplant for seedlings depends largely on the climatic conditions of the region, so you need to know what seedlings are planted in the soil about 60 days after germination.

You need to sow seeds in moist soil, some make the mistake of sowing in dry soil and then water them abundantly. The fact is that in most cases, under such conditions, the sprouts that appear may die, because they simply do not have enough oxygen. If the seeds are already sprouted, then you should not plant them too deeply, you just need to sprinkle them with earth a little, after which the sprouts will quickly appear on the surface.

So that after germination the sprouts do not stretch, you should put them in a bright place, then the roots of such plants will be strong. After the appearance of several leaflets in the seedlings, it should be dived, but first you need to water it abundantly, wetting the soil well, this approach will not damage the roots when diving.

They usually pick with a small spatula to capture a piece of land around the spine so as not to disturb its structure. Many gardeners use peat cups for such purposes, then for sure no one will be able to disturb the root system of the plant.After all, after landing in the ground, such cups are able to completely dissolve in the soil, which is very convenient for both the gardener and the plant. It should be noted that the soil during the dive should be neutral in acidity, loose and light.

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When to plant eggplant for seedlings

In general, eggplants do not like transplants and often die if their root system is violated, and no matter how reverent care is before, everything will be in vain. Therefore, gardeners strongly recommend growing seedlings without diving.

To do this, take the necessary containers and sow 3 seeds there. After the seeds have sprouted from the sprouts, you need to choose the largest and strongest, and the rest are simply thrown away. It is not uncommon that before sowing, the container is half filled with earth. This is done for convenience in consequence, when the sprout sprouts, it will be possible to sprinkle the earth. Then the root system will not be disturbed, and the plant will be able to gain strength and grow stronger.

If eggplant seedlings are sown in a common box, while experienced gardeners advise, picking is necessary. Because densely growing sprouts closely both develop and eat. Full development of such plants is not achieved.

Of course, many people know that picking inhibits plant growth, but this process favorably affects the development of the root system. Plants after this better take root and develop when a complete transplant to the prepared beds is already taking place.

It is traditionally believed that the sooner the dive occurs, the better, that is, many do not wait for the appearance of several leaves, but begin to plant seedlings before they appear. Such a dive approach will be less painful for the plant, since the roots are quite small and more convenient to carry into the ground with a lump.

Many make a mistake when transplanting seedlings that have already grown over seedlings begin to transplant. Because the roots of such plants are often intertwined, that is, when transplanted, they are severely damaged. It is almost impossible to take such a sprout with an earth ball. Based on what, the plant begins to hurt and often dies. At such stages, it is better not to touch the seedlings at all.

When to plant eggplant

If it so happens that the seedlings have grown and diving is impossible, then it is best to wait for planting in prepared beds. Dampen the ground liberally and land as carefully as possible with the least disturbance to the root system. Then you should monitor the moistened soil, because when the earth dries up, the seedlings will die immediately. It is not uncommon for many experienced gardeners to sprinkle a surface of soil with a small layer of peat. This will help the earth not dry out so quickly, as well as prevent undesired cracks.

In order for seedlings to better take root in a new place, one should follow moderate watering in combination with top dressing. To do this, many use eggshells, which are crushed, poured with water for several days and then irrigated. You can use the old tea leaves left over from tea. The tea leaves are poured with boiling water, allowed to cool, and then watered. Some are filtered, but this is considered optional, since all this goes more like fertilizer.

Sometimes it happens that everything seems to be done right, but the seedlings do not grow and sit still. In such cases, urea can be used. It will help to strengthen and give sprouts nutrition. Use it according to the attached instructions. You can add wood ash, but you must make sure that it does not fall on the leaves of the plant. It should be noted that feeding or watering should be done in the morning, in order to avoid the "black leg" disease.

Also, to prevent undesirable plant diseases, it is necessary to treat them with biological preparations. For example, Trichodermin, which is an effective disinfectant.They treat both the soil and the plant itself. This drug makes plants more stable and accelerates the ripening of their fruits. Moreover, it should be noted that for a person he is absolutely harmless, which is an important aspect.

When growing seedlings for eggplant, it takes a lot of time and effort, so that they are not in vain, you must follow all the rules and nuances that are pleasing to these plants. Indeed, sometimes if these requirements are not met, even the most inveterate gardeners grow poor seedlings. Eggplant requires special attention, therefore, to achieve a good result, it is necessary to show reverent attention to such a plant, and the care shown will please its result.


Eggplant planted, now you can learn when and how to plant tomatoes.

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