When to plant cabbage for seedlings in 2016 according to the lunar calendar

23.03.2016 Cabbage

When to plant cabbage for seedlings in 2016 according to the lunar calendarIt is time to sow various crops of cabbage. Today you can count a huge variety of varieties of varieties of this plant. It is unlikely that at least one garden does without such a useful vegetable. But before you grow high-quality seedlings of this crop, you need to choose favorable days for sowing seeds.


So, when sowing cabbage for seedlings in 2016 according to the lunar calendar, it can be said unequivocally that in many respects everything depends on the chosen variety of culture. After all, some people begin to sow first the early species, then the middle - ripe and later already late.


In order to correctly determine the timing, it should be noted that the early varieties are sown, starting in mid-March. Middle and late species are sown in April near the end of the month. From this it follows that sowing seeds for seedlings is necessary at different times.


Some experienced gardeners say that for sowing cabbage seeds, you should take the land from under the cucumbers, supposedly on this soil the seedlings are better. In this case, the earth needs to be fertilized. To do this, it is mixed with wood ash, then the soil is loose and light.

When to plant cabbage for seedlings in 2016

When to sow early cabbage for seedlings in 2016 according to the lunar calendar is now known, but in order for the seeds to sprout well they must be soaked in warm water. Water should be induced with the addition of potassium permanganate, then a solution is obtained that will provide resistance to diseases. After all, seedlings often die for precisely these reasons.


After that, the seeds can be dried and additionally treated with a biological preparation, so that for sure there will be no troubles due to the appearance of various diseases. After that, you can prepare the necessary auxiliary means for sowing. These include a scoop, a container for planting and a watering can for irrigation.


When planting cabbage in 2016 is now known, then you need to figure out how to properly care for it. Indeed, in order to grow good seedlings, you need to work hard, otherwise a good harvest can not be expected.

When to plant cabbage for seedlings

Once you know the timing and everything you need is prepared, you can start sowing seeds. To do this, take containers for seedlings, fill it with half of the earth, spill with a disinfectant solution of potassium permanganate and make not very deep grooves. Some experienced gardeners sometimes specially germinate seeds in advance, then their germination will be much better.


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For this, before sowing, seeds are wrapped in a wet rag and insisted for a couple of days. When they hatch they are planted. If the seeds were not soaked, then after sowing in the grooves the container with seedlings must be covered with a film, then their germination will improve. If the seeds are planted soaked, they are lightly sprinkled with earth and do not cover, put in the sun, and they quickly come out to the surface.


After sowing, some people pour seeds heavily with water, supposedly so that they sprout faster, and so, not infrequently, this approach leads to their death. Seeds simply rot in the ground from dampness. Watering should be provided moderate, not allowing the soil to dry on top.


If all the requirements are met, the seeds will begin to sprout pretty quickly. It should be noted that after sowing dry seeds into the ground and after the appearance of sprouts, the film must be removed immediately, otherwise the sprouts may die.


After sprouts appeared, seedlings should be kept in a warm place and in the sun, otherwise it will begin to stretch.Do not forget that cabbage is very fond of the sun and to ensure proper proper growth, this requirement must be met.

When to plant cabbage for seedlings in 2016

The sun is an important aspect for the future harvest, because if earlier during the seedling period the cabbage did not gain the necessary, after landing on the beds, it may not give an ovary to the heads.


If the seedlings are not sown separately, then after the germination of several leaves it is dived. Such a process is necessary for good growth and nutrition of the sprout. Then the seedlings grow strong and strong bushes. Many do not, and seedlings become frail and thin.


When planting on beds, cabbage should grow in a sunny, unshaded place, otherwise there will be bushes, it will only be fluffy, but they will not give a crop. It is also known that this culture loves plentiful watering. It is not uncommon for many to notice that after transplanting seedlings perish, so it should be noted that cabbage cannot be planted in the same place.


This is explained by the fact that the former cabbage pests that successfully wintered in the earth come to life and begin to destroy plants. Therefore, this culture is always planted in different places. In addition, after planting, of course, it is necessary to protect the sprouts that have not yet taken root from the scorching sun, from caterpillars, butterflies and other pests. For this, treatment should already be carried out with chemical preparations. If all the described requirements are met, then the crop will be good and will appreciate its quality.


An interesting article turned out when to plant cabbage, and now we offer to study when to plant cauliflower for seedlings

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