When to sow strawberries with seed for seedlings?

10.02.2019 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

Experienced gardeners know that you need to prepare for the planting season in the winter. And now is the time to carry out all the necessary preparatory work in order to grow a rich and varied crop in 2019.

Growing strawberries is no exception.

The influence of the lunar calendar on the development of strawberries

Due to its proximity to the Earth, the Moon has a significant impact on it. And this applies not only to the well-being of all living organisms, human mood, etc. Influences the satellite of the Earth on the development of plants. For the cultivation of strawberries, like all other crops, the phases of the moon are important:

  1. During the period of the growth of the moon, it accelerates the development of parts above the earth.
  2. In the young moon, experts warn: with transplanting seedlings, picking, fertilizing and applying fertilizers it is better to wait.
  3. In the waning moon, all the energy of green spaces is concentrated underground - this is the time of active activity of the root system. This means that this is an ideal period for transplanting, diving, and feeding seedlings: in this case, they take root perfectly, after which they do not get sick and grow quickly.

Therefore, in order to grow a good strawberry crop with minimal losses and a waste of time, effort and nerves, many are guided in plantings on their lunar plot on the lunar calendar. They also resort to his help when growing vegetables, fruits, and planting berries, as well as ornamental plants and flowers.

How to work with strawberry seeds in 2019 on the moon

The recommendations of the lunar calendar will help to avoid unpleasant consequences when working with strawberry seeds. Thanks to the orientation on “favorable” and “unfavorable” days, death, disease of the plant, its poor growth and survival can be avoided.

The lunar calendar helps save time and plan work in the garden, because according to it you can draw up an optimal plan of activities for the entire warm season.

In any case, you need to focus on the region and its climatic conditions: in the south, work in the garden begins earlier, in the spring, in colder cities - strictly in the summer. Thus, first the gardener needs to take into account the weather of the environment, and then adjust these conditions to the lunar calendar. So, in 2019, he is as follows:

Month Work allowed Work prohibited
In February 2019 6-8, 11-13, 15-18, 22-23 4, 5
March 2019 8-12, 15-19, 23-26 6, 7, 21
April 2019 1-4, 6-9, 11-13, 15-17, 20, 21, 24-26 5, 19
May 2019 3, 4, 8-14, 17-18, 21-23, 26-28, 31 5, 20
June 2019 5, 6, 13-15 3, 4, 17

In July 2019, work with the planting of strawberries is no longer carried out. In August 2019, you can begin to propagate the plant with the help of antennae. There are several favorable days for this - 8, 12-14, 24-27. In September 2019, strawberries are continued only in warm regions. In October 2019, all work with her should be completed.

Terms of work with strawberries, taking into account the ripeness of the variety and the characteristics of the region

When choosing favorable days for sowing seeds, as well as transplanting seedlings, you need to consider the plant variety:

Strawberry ripening period Sowing seeds Transplanting seedlings
Early March: 7-30 From April 25 to mid-May
Average From mid-March to mid-April From the second decade of May to June 5
Late The second half of April - early May Beginning of June - end of the third decade of June

Thus, if spring promises to be warm, then seeds should be planted already in early spring, for example, in late May, to transfer the seedlings of berries to the open ground. And weather conditions directly depend on the region of residence and its climatic conditions. Each part of our country has its own subtleties:

  1. In the middle zone and Moscow region, the average daily temperature in spring is low, so gardeners are waiting for May.
  2. In the vicinity of St. Petersburg, the forecast for 2019 promises the beginning of work on open ground around the beginning of May.
  3. In the south, with its early spring, sowing begins in April-early May, at which time frosts usually no longer occur.
  4. Later, gardening works will start in Siberia and the Urals, where they will begin to deal with seedlings in 2019 only in the summer or a little earlier - strictly observing such a need as covering the plants with a protective film.

When to sow strawberries for seedlings

When choosing a time for sowing seeds, you should first take into account the period of planting seedlings, it can be spring or autumn. The timing of the ripening of the crop depends on this.

When planting in the fall, spring crops will delight in abundance, when planting in the spring - will be few. This depends on the fact that strawberries yield abundantly only by the second year of development.

For spring planting, seeds are sown already at the very beginning of the year - January or February 2019. The most favorable day, when it is best to plant strawberries with seeds for seedlings in 2019, will again tell the lunar calendar.

Taking into account all the recommendations in the spring, the gardener will receive plants that have been formed from seeds to the right degree, which will firmly transfer the resettlement to the open ground and in time will give a good harvest.

The procedure for landing is as follows:

  1. Seeds are carefully distributed on the surface of the earth, loosening the substrate and watering.
  2. When sown in peat tablets, two seeds are placed, in large - several. The distance between them should be about three centimeters.
  3. After the procedure, the seeds are sprayed with a spray.
  4. To provide heat and achieve good seed growth at home, the containers are covered with a film, put them in a warm place.
  5. Seeds that do not hatch will sprout within two to three weeks, after which the containers are rearranged in a cooler and lighter place.

The benefits of growing strawberries from seeds

The huge selection of seeds on the market today gives the gardener room for imagination and choosing the best option. However, there is always the possibility that seeds can be substituted on the market, and strawberries obtained in this way will not give the expected result.

Experienced gardeners recommend seeking the help of large offline or online stores that have a good reputation and have long been working in this area.

Employees of companies will help you choose varieties for which the ripening and fruiting period will be different. So, delicious berries will delight a long period of time.

Planting material is stored for up to four years, it is resistant to disease, therefore, to improve strawberries, it is enough to collect seeds from painful bushes in the garden and sow, treating them with fungicides.

Choice and independent procurement of seeds for seedlings

It is sometimes difficult to choose a suitable variety, because each of the producers promises to receive tasty, large, ripening berries that are resistant to weather changes and diseases.

Large berries produce varieties such as:

However, it is better to grow seeds with small-fruited berries, among the most suitable varieties:

  • Yellow miracle;
  • Ali Baba;
  • Crimean early.

The latter is considered the leader among strawberries grown under a film, and it also tolerates heat and can withstand diseases.

More and more gardeners prefer strawberries to strawberries, and for good reason.The latter ripens earlier, has aromatic large berries, it is unpretentious, and its productivity is much higher due to the fact that the flowers self-pollinate.

When sowing strawberries with seeds, you can get any of its varieties. However, alpine, despite the smaller size of the berries, develops faster and better. Therefore, many prefer it to her.

When sowing strawberries for seedlings, gardeners are guided by the same principles as when working with strawberries.

To plant strawberry seeds for seedlings and then get a good harvest, it is important to properly prepare the soil. It should be lush, light and loose, saturated with oxygen. You can purchase universal soil or land intended for begonias and violets.

You can prepare good soil yourself. Several recipes are suitable for this:

  1. A mixture of sand (2 parts), peat (1 part) and turf land (1 part), which must be well transported, saturated with oxygen.
  2. A mixture of low acid peat (three parts), coarse sand (one part) and vermicompost (one part).

Self-prepared mixture for planting strawberries must be decontaminated with a dark manganese solution, heating in the microwave for 5 minutes or in the oven for 30 minutes at 150 degrees, heating in a water bath. In order for the soil to be inhabited by beneficial bacteria, it must be kept for two weeks in a warm place, wrapped in cellophane.

In stores, the seeds are pre-processed properly, but if you cook them yourself, you need to do a few manipulations.

This may take about two weeks, therefore, when compiling your planting schedule in 2019 in the Moscow region, you should take this point into account. Seeds must be soaked in a solution of manganese for half an hour, then rinsed and placed on gauze in a warm place for two days. After the seeds are transferred to the cold for two weeks, carefully monitoring all this time to ensure that they remain moist. If you do not properly prepare the seed, the seedlings will sprout slowly or not at all.

How to grow strawberry seedlings

The soil is prepared, the seeds are swollen, it's time to prepare for growing strawberries for seedlings in 2019. In order to make plants comfortable, you need to use wide plastic containers that have been previously treated with a potassium permanganate solution for disinfection. For successful drainage, small holes are made in the tanks, expanded clay is poured into them and then the soil. Seeds are distributed at a distance of about four centimeters into loose soil, sprayed with warm water and covered with a film. Tanks are sent to a bright and warm place.

Strawberries are afraid of the bright sun; the soil may dry out too quickly. To avoid this, the tanks are ventilated daily, carefully sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

When the sprouts appear, they need to start preparing for life without a protective film in cooler conditions. To do this, it is often aired, and after the appearance of the first leaves, the coating is completely removed. You can plant it after the appearance of three or four leaves.

For transplantation, you need cups prepared in the same way as containers for planting seeds. They provide drainage, fill the soil. One sprout is planted in each container along with the ground. When weaving the roots, the seedlings are first abundantly moistened with water, and then the roots are carefully untangled by hand.

The neck of the plant root should be at ground level. And before the transplant, pinch the central root. After all the manipulations, the plant is watered, if desired, add substances that stimulate its growth, and wait for suitable weather.

Transfer to beds

Of course, landing times will vary by region. In the south, the soil warms up much earlier, which means that air and weather will favor the planting of seedlings grown earlier. As soon as the temperature settles at a mark not lower than 12 degrees, the other day, strawberries are allowed to transplant.

In southern cities, May, and sometimes April, is suitable for this. However, year after year is not necessary, so the gardener will adapt to the conditions of 2019. In advance, strawberries should be prepared for transplanting into the open ground: in about a couple of weeks they begin to accustom them to cooler conditions - starting from half an hour and reaching the day - for example, on the balcony.

Important Tips

There are a few tips that are based on the movement of the stars:

  1. Planting of any plants is recommended to be scheduled for the days of such signs as Taurus, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio. On these favorable days for planting, seeds, seedlings, seedlings will take root well, and in the future they will actively grow and bear fruit.
  2. Attempts to carry out any procedures in the garden are best left on days of such infertile signs as Aries, Gemini, Leo and Aquarius. But this is a great time to deal with weeds.
  3. The days when Libra, Capricorn, Sagittarius and Virgo rule are neutral. It is possible to deal with plants during this period, but to be sure of an excellent harvest is not worth it - this may not happen.
  4. It is recommended to use complex mineral fertilizers as a top dressing on the growing Moon, and organic fertilizers on the waning Moon.
  5. The optimal time for planting any plants is in the afternoon, until 14:00.

Be that as it may, hoping for a lunar calendar alone and its recommendations is not worth it: whether the harvest will be plentiful depends on the efforts and inspiration of the farmer. However, listening to the "advice" of the luminaries will not be superfluous: according to the lunar calendar for 2019, you can correctly plan the gardener and gardener all his actions on the infield, correctly organize the process taking into account the conditions dictated by nature itself.

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