When to plant a cucumber for seedlings in 2019: the lunar calendar

13.04.2019 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

It is difficult to imagine a modern summer cottage without cucumbers. When to plant them on seedlings will tell the lunar calendar for 2019. If you perform all the work on time, then the harvest will delight. Is this not the main task of the summer resident.

Optimum seeding time

To determine the timing of sowing cucumbers, you need to pay attention to some points:

You may be interested in:
  1. Climatic conditions. Since the culture is thermophilic, it is not worth rushing with planting. You need to wait until the weather is warm. The thermometer should show at least +15 degrees. By this time, and frost will have receded.
  2. Plot for growing. When is it better to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2019, the lunar calendar will tell. It is important to observe the timing of sowing. But do not forget that the choice of beds is of great importance. You can plant plants in a greenhouse 1-3 weeks earlier than in open ground.
  3. Seedling period. This indicator can be calculated by adding the following components: time for seed preparation, seed germination. Approximately the growing period is 1 month.
  4. Manufacturer's tips. All necessary information is presented on the packaging with seeds. Before disembarking, you must familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the manufacturers. Do not ignore their advice. Otherwise, you can be left without a crop.
There is no need to rush with planting seeds. The seedling period is quite short. Plants at the time of planting in open ground can outgrow. As a result, a good harvest is unlikely to succeed.

Sowing seedlings according to the lunar calendar

When to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2019? According to the lunar calendar, it is advisable to begin landing work in April. This month is the most suitable for growing healthy plants. Many summer residents turn to astrologers for help, and perform work at a strictly defined time. This allows you to collect a good harvest, and get the maximum benefit from your activities.

Table No. 1 provides information on successful landing days. At this time, it is advisable to plant cucumbers.

Month Favorable days for planting cucumbers
February 15-17, 23-25
March 15-19, 23-25
April 6-9, 11-13, 20, 21, 24-26, 29, 30
May 3, 4, 8-10, 17, 18, 21-23, 26-28, 31

In table No. 2 you can find information about adverse days. At this time, it is best not to touch the seeds. Get a good harvest will not succeed.

Month Unfavorable days for planting cucumbers
February 4, 5, 9
March 6, 7, 21
April 5, 19
May 5, 19

On adverse days, it is advisable to abandon the sowing work. Otherwise, all work will be in vain. Seedlings are likely to be weak. You’ll have to sow the seeds again, and lose your precious time.

Preparatory Activities

Before embarking on planting, it is necessary to carry out preparatory procedures. The main ones are as follows:

  1. Seed preparation. Seeds must be sorted out, selecting the largest specimens. Seeds need to be warmed up, disinfected, treated with a growth stimulator.
  2. Container preparation.For planting seedlings, you need to choose small cups, about 10 cm high.
  3. Soil preparation. Cucumbers to the soil composition do not impose special requirements. But best of all, the culture grows in the following mixture: sawdust, humus, peat.

The preparatory measures are over, you can proceed directly to the landing work.

Growing seedlings

Sowing seeds is easy. To do this, do the following:

  • fill the glasses with soil;
  • put seeds on top;
  • to irrigate, sprinkle everything with earth;
  • put the glasses in the pan, cover with glass or polyethylene;
  • transfer crops to a warm place, and maintain the temperature regime within +25 degrees.
At first, watering must be carried out using a spray gun.

In a week the first shoots will appear. After that, you need to carry out daily ventilation. Later, the film should be removed, and seedlings put on a well-consecrated window sill. After a month, the plants can be transplanted into the greenhouse. By this time they should have 3 sheets.

Cultivation in protected ground

When to plant cucumbers on seedlings for a greenhouse can be found on the lunar calendar for 2019. Plants are already strong by April. To get summer vegetables, planting should be done in May-June.

In table No. 3 you can see which days for planting cucumbers are successful and which are not.

Month Good days Bad days
April 8-10, 14-16 5, 11-13, 19
May 6, 7, 11, 13-18 5, 8-10, 19
June 4, 8-9, 11-14 3, 5-7, 10, 16-18

Basic rules for growing:

  1. First you need to prepare the greenhouses. They need to be treated with a solution of vitriol and Karbofos.
  2. 14 days before planting, fertilizers should be applied to the soil.
  3. In the same period, it is worth preparing beds 30 cm high and 70 cm wide.
  4. 7 days before planting seedlings, beds should be warmed up.
  5. As soon as the temperature is set within 20 degrees, the seedlings should be transferred to the greenhouse.
  6. Plants should be planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other.
  7. Cucumbers are light and hygrophilous plants. Therefore, they must be watered, fertilized, and provide additional lighting.
  8. Adult plants must be tied up, pinched.

Following the technology of growing crops, it will be possible to grow a good crop. The fruits will be delicious and attractive in appearance.

Outdoor cultivation

Focusing on the lunar calendar, in 2019 it is advisable to plant cucumbers for seedlings in April. When planting plants in the garden, many summer residents are interested. Since the waning moon falls at the end of May, it will be necessary to abandon the landing work.

In table No. 4 you can find information about successful and unsuccessful days for planting seedlings on beds.

Month Auspicious days Bad days
June 4, 8-9, 11-14 3, 5-7, 10, 16-18

Seedlings are placed on the site, at a distance of 40 cm from each other. The success of growing a crop depends on the preparations. Before planting plants in the ground, they need to be hardened. The procedure is worth 2 weeks. Every day, seedlings need to be taken out to fresh air, and gradually increase their time spent on the street.

Planting cucumbers by region

In different areas, the timing of sowing crops is different. This is due to the climate. If in the south you can plant plants on a bed in early May, then in the north you have to wait a bit. Landing work is desirable to start closer to summer.

Planting cucumbers in Moscow

If you are interested in the question of when to plant cucumbers for seedlings in Moscow, you should look at the lunar calendar for 2019.You can start planting crops from May 16. All work is desirable to be completed by mid-June.

Planting cucumbers in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is known for a changeable climate. It’s not worth rushing here to plant crops. As soon as the temperature rises to +22 degrees, you can sow plants in the garden. When to plant seedlings for 2019 in St. Petersburg will tell the lunar calendar. It’s worth doing the work in early May.

Experts do not recommend purchasing seeds of foreign producers. The climate in St. Petersburg is special and does not allow cultivating many varieties.

Planting cucumbers in the northern regions

According to the lunar calendar, you can determine when to plant cucumbers for seedlings in 2019 in the Urals. The climate is cool. Therefore, it is not advisable to rush to the landing. If you plant the seeds too early, the plants will stretch and become weak. Such seedlings will not be able to give a good harvest.

In the Urals, it is customary to sow cucumber seeds from April 7 to 20. If crops will be grown in a greenhouse, then the dates can be postponed a week earlier. For this region, it is advisable to choose seeds that are resistant to frost. Others simply will not be able to ascend under such conditions.

Crop care

Finding out when to plant cucumbers for seedlings is not enough. You should read the information on how to care for plants by lunar calendar 2019. In May, summer residents have a lot of work to do. Therefore, you need to be patient, and perform all the procedures according to the recommendations of astrologers.

In table No. 5 you can find the information of interest. Here are the types of work and the favorable time for its implementation.

Type of work performed Favorable days for work
March April May June
Weeding, thinning seedlings 8-14, 17, 23, 26 9-16, 19, 27, 28 9-16, 18, 27, 28, 31 7-14, 17, 25, 26, 29
Soil cultivation, cultivation 5, 8-14, 17, 20, 27-31 4, 7-13, 16, 19, 26-30 4, 7-13, 16, 18, 26-31 2, 5-11, 14, 17, 24-29
Watering 10-14, 17, 23, 27-31 9-13, 16, 19, 22, 26-30 9-13, 16, 18, 22, 26-31 7-11, 14, 17, 20, 24-29
Processing crops from diseases and pests 10-14, 17, 20, 23, 24, 27-31 9-13, 16, 19, 22, 23, 26-30 9-13, 16, 18, 22, 26-31 7-11, 14, 17, 20, 24-29

If you perform all the work on the specified dates, you will be able to get a positive result. Productivity will increase, and summer residents will be able to collect high-quality fruits.

The dream of every gardener is strong, good and tasty cucumbers. In order to get the maximum benefit from your activity, you will have to try. Of course, it is necessary to carry out all the activities on time, and it is desirable to coordinate them with the lunar calendar.

We must not forget about the climatic conditions. The recommendations of astrologers are of course important, but you should not hurry with planting a culture. This is especially true of the northern regions. Otherwise, all work will be in vain, and the summer resident will not be able to harvest a good crop from the site.

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