When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2019 - favorable days on the lunar calendar

13.01.2019 Lunar sowing calendar for the gardener for 2019

In early spring, gardeners begin to plant tomatoes for seedlings, and in 2019 many of them will be guided by the Lunar calendar. Based on practical experience, they argue that the phases of the moon actively influence the growth and development of plants.

Weather in the northern or southern regions of the country also affects the timing of landing. In the Moscow Region, they are sown in March, in Siberia in February, in Belarus and Ukraine, the sowing dates are shifted to April. The time to plant tomatoes in greenhouses and hotbeds comes early for 20-30 days.

What factors influence the timing

To set a specific date for sowing tomato seeds, you need to know the following key indicators:

  • the growing season of the selected tomato variety;
  • the time of appearance of the first cotyledon leaves;
  • after how many days you can transplant seedlings into beds;
  • sensitivity of plants to environmental conditions (air temperature, humidity);
  • average daily weather in the region of residence.

You can find out the growing conditions of a particular variety from the annotation attached to the package with seeds. Producers try to describe them in detail, it remains for gardeners to attach these data to local climatic conditions and determine the place of planting of seedlings: in open ground, in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse.

Planting plants ready for transplantation begins at different times, depending on weather conditions and the place of constant cultivation. Seedlings are transferred to open ground when the following conditions allow:

  • the soil warms up to at least + 12 ° C;
  • within 7-10 days the air temperature did not fall below +12 + 15 ° C;
  • the threat of frost has passed.

In greenhouses you can plant seedlings for 15, and in heated rooms - 20-30 days earlier than for open beds.

The influence of the lunar phases on the growth and development of seedlings

The moon is a satellite of the Earth, which rotates in its orbit at a distance of about 400 thousand kilometers from our planet. The electromagnetic impulses of the satellite reach the Earth and affect the strength of the tides in the oceans and seas.

A full orbit of a satellite lasts 29 days and several hours. At different periods, the Moon is visible from the Earth in certain angles. These spaces are divided into four phases: a growing, full, waning or new moon. The duration of each phase is not the same. The full moon and new moon last one earthly day, and the waning or growing moon - from 12 to 15 days.

In the phase of the growing moon, plants are sown whose value lies in the fruits ripening above the earth's surface: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and other crops. During the waning moon, it is better to plant root crops: potatoes, carrots, beets and all crops whose fruits develop underground.

Tomatoes belong to the first group of plants, so they are sown for seedlings during the growing moon. Gardeners who have been adhering to these planting dates for more than one year claim:

  • seed germination occurs 1-2 days earlier;
  • tomato seedlings grow well, are rarely exposed to diseases;
  • seedlings after transplanting to a permanent place take root faster;
  • tomato productivity rises by an average of 10-15 percent.

In 2019, the numbers will be good days for planting tomatoes:

  • from January 8 to January 19;
  • from February 7 to February 17;
  • from March 8 to March 19;
  • from April 7 to April 17.

These days, the moon is in a growing phase under the influence of different signs of the zodiac. They, in turn, are fertile, infertile or do not affect the development of plants. The least productive signs include: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces.

No need to be upset if you did not have time to sow the seeds at the right time. Pay more attention to such seedlings and make efforts when caring for them. Then everything will be fine.

When to sow seeds in the regions

Climatic conditions and relief features of the area determine the time of planting tomato seedlings in open ground or in greenhouses. The main indicators for determining these terms are:

  • the onset of stable warming;
  • Terrain relief (lowlands, hills, mountain ranges);
  • risk of frost return.

You cannot set a specific date for a transplant of tomato seedlings. Weather phenomena are little predictable, so we give approximate numbers. Gardeners themselves adjust them for their summer cottage, given all the favorable and unfavorable conditions.

Regions Transplant in greenhouses Landing
Moscow region and Moscow region From April 20 From May 20
Tyumen and the Tyumen region From May 20 From June 15
Ural May 15-20 June 12-15
Altai region May 1-9 From June 10
Irkutsk region May 5-12 From June 15
Omsk May 3-10 From June 12

In regions with a mild, warm climate and in places that are protected from cold winds by hills and hills, tomato seedlings develop 1-2 times faster. In severe climatic conditions and in lowlands, where cold air accumulates, seedlings lag behind in growth by 2-3 weeks. Summer residents who planted tomatoes on their plots for many years take into account such nuances. They always get excellent tomato crops. The timing of sowing tomato seeds depends on the variety of culture.

When to plant different varieties

According to the growing season, tomatoes are divided into four categories: ultra-ripe, early, medium and late ripening. In order to constantly have fresh tomatoes on the table, experienced gardeners plant varieties of all groups. The shorter the vegetation of seedlings from sowing to the first fruits, the earlier you can transplant seedlings to a permanent place.

Category Names of varieties and hybrids The growing season in days Transplant seedling age (days)
Ultra-mature Gardener's dream, Early-growing greenhouse F1, Superstar, Meal, Mandarin duck, Present F1, Valentine, Amur Stamb, Roma, Wonder of the World 75-85 40-50

Pearl, Darling F1, Alaska, Riddle, Raja, Watercolor, Blagovest F1, Doll F1, Sinbad, Don Juan


83-100 45-50
Mid-season Scarlet candles, Favorite holiday, Stresa, Intuition, Red pear, Black Sea, Black baron 110-125 55-60
Later Scarlet Mustang, Midas, Honey Spas, Ballerina, Asteroid, Riddle, Eleanor 120-140 65-70

An example of calculating the timing of sowing tomatoes:

  • the desired date for receiving the fruit is July 20;
  • count from this date back the number of days of the tomato growing season, take for example 110 days - this will be mid-February;
  • Sow seeds on February 7-17, after 55-60 days, that is, from April 5 to 20, seedlings can be transplanted into the ground.

No need to wait for the date indicated in the table. Overgrown seedlings will not take root well and hurt. If the weather allows, and the seedlings are ready, but the timing of the transplant has not yet come, feel free to transplant it into a greenhouse or open ground.

2-3 weeks before the alleged transplant, seedlings need to be hardened. Take the seedling pots to fresh air. First, for half an hour, and then every day increase this time by 5-10 minutes.

Favorable and forbidden days for the care of seedlings

An important role in caring for tomato seedlings is played by timely picking, watering and top dressing. The approximate dates indicated in the lunar calendar will help this gardener (see table):

Month Dive Days Watering Days Dry Feeding Days
February 11-13  —
March 7, 10-13   —
April 7-8  —
May 5 1-4, 19-22, 24, 25, 29-31 6-7
June 1, 15, 16, 18-21, 25-29 2, 4, 11, 12, 30
July 12-14, 22-24, 26-28 1, 10, 11
August 3, 6-8, 11, 12, 21, 22, 26, 27, 31 4, 5, 16, 17, 23-25

Seedling seedlings are made in the early stages, when the sprouts have 2-3 real leaflets.

The first top dressing is combined with watering during the transplantation of seedlings to the main cultivation site. Once a month, you can feed tomato bushes with dry fertilizers or organics.

Each month, the Moon arrives, fills a complete disk, and then decreases, disappearing from the sight of earthlings. The days when it is in the Full Moon or New Moon phase are considered prohibited days for sowing, watering, fertilizing and other care of the plantings. Dates before and after these phases are also unfavorable.

During periods of the New or Full Moon, a change in the activity of vitality in plants occurs. Life-giving juices transfer their activity from the roots to the tops or vice versa. Tomato seedlings become fragile and weak, not capable of further development. Any contact with them can lead to injury and death of the bushes. You can’t even water the plants. Do not touch them, let them rest and gain new strength in these 3 days. In 2019 according to the lunar calendar, such numbers will be:

  • March - 5-7, 20-22;
  • April - 4-6, 18-20;
  • May - 4-6, 18-20;
  • June - 2-4, 16-18;
  • July - 1-3, 16-18, 31;
  • August - 1-2, 14-16;
  • September —13-15, 27-29.

On such dangerous days, gardeners can do ordinary household chores: clean paths, remove weed from beds, fill compost boxes.

Mistakes and shortcomings when growing seedlings

Regardless of the timing of sowing and transplanting, tomato seedlings acquire undesirable symptoms that affect their further development. The main causes and solutions to errors:

Symptoms Causes How to fix
Seedlings are yellow and dry

The soil is not suitable for growing tomatoes

Violated the rules of care: watering, top dressing, lighting

Thickened landing

Use a substrate intended for tomato seedlings

Observe the watering regime, do not overfeed plants with nitrogen fertilizers, add light

Thin out planting on time

Bushes of tomatoes bloomed at home

Air temperature above normal

Excessively heavy watering

Excessive fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers

Remove inflorescences, move seedlings to a cooler place

Reduce watering volume and frequency

Apply fertilizer in reasonable amounts

Seedlings stretched excessively

Plants lack light

Excessive moisture and nitrogen overfeeding

Thickly planted tomato seeds

Seedlings of seedlings in separate containers

Reduce watering, place seedlings in a more lighted place

Seedlings outgrow in a pot

The temperature regime is violated - the air near the container with seedlings is warmer + 25 ° C

Abundant watering, moisture trapped in the container

Poor lighting

Seedlings should grow at a temperature not exceeding + 20 °, they should create such conditions

Do not water too often and in large volumes. Optimum - 1-2 times a week, 200 ml per container

Before sowing seeds, put drainage material in the container: pebbles, expanded clay, vermiculite

Extend daylight hours by 1-2 hours by adding lighting (turn on table lamp)

The stems of seedlings fall

Incorrect seedling care

The disease is a black leg

Normalize substrate moisture: water abundantly, but not often enough. Once a week, 0.5 l per container

Properly organize lighting, top dressing

Monitor humidity and temperature, do not use fertilizers containing nitrogen

Remove seedlings with signs of black legs, spill all remaining seedlings with potassium permanganate

All problems arise due to improper care of seedlings.Create optimal conditions for seedlings: warm, but not superheated air up to + 20 °, humidity not lower than 70%, 1-2 watering per week, top dressing - 1 time per month.

The time for planting tomatoes to obtain high-quality seedlings begins in late February or early March. On these days, even rather cool air is kept in the room, the duration of daylight hours is still insufficient for the normal development of barely hatching sprouts. Our caring and hardworking gardeners overcome all obstacles and grow wonderful tomato seedlings.

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Comments on the article: 2
  1. Avatar

    Valentin Ananyev

    Afftar - let it be to you, a fool, that the Moon does not have a magnetic field, and therefore no electromagnetic impulses can reach the Earth! The interaction of the Moon and the Earth is determined by the force of universal gravitation and nothing else!
    Further - The growing moon - the term means that the size of the shadow of the Earth on the moon decreases.
    Waning Moon - The size of the Earth’s shadow on the Moon is growing.
    The size of the Earth’s shadow on the Moon in no way can and does not affect the growth processes in plants on Earth. All your recommendations on the timing of sowing and caring for tomatoes, based on the phases of the moon - bullshit!
    Stop fooling people!

    To answer
  2. Avatar


    I am 76 years old. When grandmother taught me something to plant in my youth. He will look at the moon and say: here is the new moon, it looks like an upturned “C”, we will sow tomatoes, and if the moon looks like a regular “C”, then we will plant potatoes. We always had good harvests. Therefore, who makes a fool of someone will judge the garden. There are many scientists, and nature is mother alone.

    To answer

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