The timing of planting pumpkins for seedlings in 2019

11.02.2019 Pumpkin

Pumpkin is considered one of the unpretentious gourds. The sweetest and largest fruits can be obtained with an abundance of light and heat, however, it manages to ripen even in cold regions with a short summer.

To improve yields, seedlings can be used, not regular seeds. In this case, you need to start preparing for the transplant as early as possible, focusing on climatic norms and the advice of the lunar calendar.

Landing dates in the regions

The timing of planting pumpkins of various varieties for seedlings depends on the length of the summer period with stable illumination and high average daily temperatures. Before moving into the open garden soil, the shoots should grow stronger, develop the root system and give several full leaves. In this case, the survival rate will be high, the plant will easily endure even a temporary drop in temperature.

On a note!
Zoned varieties that are characterized by high productivity and disease resistance are excellent for difficult conditions.

Sowing pumpkin seeds directly to the site is suitable only for the southern regions. For all other areas, the seedling method is most convenient. The average exposure time before transplantation is one and a half months. In the middle temperate zone, in the cold suburbs, planting material is sown in late April. In May and June 2019, according to the forecast, the conditions will be favorable: pronounced frosts are unlikely, daylight hours are long for the active formation of foliage and ovaries.

In the regions of Siberia and the Far East, when growing by seedling, time is needed for hardening seeds, as well as adaptation of young plants. Therefore, it is recommended to start work in late April, so that in mid-June, the pumpkin will be completely moved to the open ground. Seeds sprout on average in five days, then about the same amount is required for the adaptation of the sprouts to the difficult weather conditions of the climate in this part of the country. At the same time, the timing of the recommended sowing does not shift relative to the beginning of June, since the vegetative period of the pumpkin does not decrease, in the short Siberian summer, the fruits do not have time to ripen. The best option would be earlier planting seedlings, the use of zoned varieties and species. Similar recommendations should be followed by those who cultivate pumpkin in the Middle and Northern Urals.

In the neighboring Leningrad Region, the conditions are similar to the Moscow Region or the Volga Region. Pumpkin sprouts can be transferred to the ground only if it has warmed up to a stable mark of 15 degrees. Given the damp and often cool weather in the vicinity of the Northern capital, determining this time can be difficult. It is convenient to focus on the state of birches, of which there are quite a lot. If the leaves are fully unfolded and grown to the size of a five-ruble coin, transfer can be carried out.

On a note!
Experts advise to plant seeds a little later in the Leningrad Region: May, its first dates, are perfect for this in 2019.

Gardeners are ambiguous about picking seedlings of this culture. Since planting volumes are often not too large, you can immediately sow in separate containers. Pumpkin roots in a confined space develop slowly. Thin processes penetrate deep into the soil after being transferred to the ground, but they are very easy to damage. Therefore, if such a need arose, it is recommended to plan the planting 30 days after emergence. In this case, the weakest plants need to be removed, they are unlikely to survive such a procedure.

Moon calendar

So that the pumpkin can be transferred to the open ground within a month and a half, it is necessary to achieve both the strengthening of the root system and the active growth of the aboveground green part. Therefore, planting a pumpkin for seedlings in the coming 2019 according to the lunar calendar is necessary only on the growing moon. Unlike most root crops, this plant is not processed on a waning moon. In April in 2019, for all manipulations, the most suitable numbers are 21, 21, 22. Favorable days for planting, processing pumpkins in May are more numerous. From 15 days to 25, you can perform all the necessary work. An excellent day for planting will be May 8th. During this period, the moon grows, is in the segment of the so-called "fertile" zodiac sign. This will be convenient for those whose terms of the planned sowing have been shifted due to the colder climate.

In most regions, seedlings will need to be moved to open ground in June. During this period, it is especially important to consider the influence of the moon. The 12th, 14th, 16th numbers will be held under the signs of Cancer, Gemini and Taurus, which patronize the yield this month. If on these days the daytime temperatures are still not too high, which is especially common in Siberia, you can postpone work until early July. In this case, favorable lunar days for sowing pumpkin seeds will fall on 3,5,6 numbers.

If at hand there are no specific recommendations for this culture, you can navigate by the signs of the zodiac and the phases of the satellite. On a growing moon it is necessary to dive, sow, transplant. In periods of decreasing, you can make top dressing, loosening and weeding. At the same time, it is better to leave the days of the full moon and new moon free. Also, a strong influence on the growth of the pumpkin has segments of the zodiac signs, which the moon passes monthly. The most fertile of them include:

  • Pisces
  • Capricorn
  • Libra;
  • Sagittarius
  • Taurus
  • Cancer
On a note!
On infertile and unfavorable days, you can transplant or pinch if you need to stop the rapid growth of seedlings.

Since the pumpkin is appreciated for its ability to be stored even longer than one winter, it is necessary to carefully choose the time for harvesting. This should be done exclusively on the waning moon. During this period, the plant collects the least amount of juice from the soil and foliage, thus, the percentage of water in the pulp is reduced, and the shelf life can be increased.

Features of agricultural technology

Many gardeners are sure that planting pumpkins with seedlings is impractical. This opinion was formed due to numerous errors in agricultural technology, which often lead to the death of planting material. Initially, the vegetable was cultivated in warm and sunny regions, where there is no need for such preparation today. For the south of the country, sowing seeds is the best option. However, the emergence of zoned varieties and hybrids made it possible to harvest from varieties with a high sugar content, bright flesh, pronounced taste and aroma even in northern latitudes. Here, one can not do without seedlings and their further hardening. But in order to get a good result, you need to follow a number of rules.

Pumpkin is unpretentious to the quality of the soil. Only fertile soil that can be harvested in the fall and clean peat of good quality are needed. Regular peat pots are perfect for seed germination. Their comfortable plant directly on open groundbecause you can not separate from the roots. Pumpkin has weak processes, it is easy to damage them. Such transshipment is preferred, it allows you to save even the weakest plants.

Although culture loves light and sun, it needs to be tempered. First, seedlings must be kept warm on the southern windowsill. The temperature should not be lower than 25 degrees.After a month of active growth, you need to start accustoming the plant to a cooler regime. The temperature is reduced by a couple of degrees daily, then you can even move the boxes under a light shelter to the street. If pumpkins need to be grown in large volumes, it is more convenient to do all this in greenhouses and hotbeds with openable elements for temperature regulation and ventilation.

On a note!
You can reduce the temperature in the room earlier if the seedlings begin to stretch. This growth will not help to form strong lashes, but will additionally weaken the root system.

To get strong seedlings, you need to feed the seedlings several times. Initially, no additives are added to the soil. Seeds germinate well already on the fourth day. Two weeks after the appearance of the first green, you can water it with mullein diluted 10 times with clean water at room temperature. 100 milliliters is enough for one plant. Three weeks later, nitrofos feeding in the same amounts is repeated. Before planting, both feeding and watering are limited. Greens will become less fragile, well tolerate a change of place.

Determining the time when to plant pumpkin seedlings, it is important to focus on climatic norms, agricultural practices and even the lunar calendar. This culture is considered unpretentious, however, in the northern regions it is not easy to get sweet, bright and large fruits without first germinating in home or greenhouse conditions. At the same time, observing simple rules, you can significantly increase productivity, expand the range of varieties used even in adverse climatic conditions.

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