Favorable days for planting zucchini in 2019

20.01.2019 Zucchini

Zucchini is often found in gardeners' beds: this vegetable is easy to grow, but its yield depends on some features. In 2019, close attention should be paid to the lunar calendar, weather forecasts and the recommendations of the creators of the variety should be correlated with the climate of the growing region.

Planting zucchini on seedlings

Zucchini can grow through seedlings or plant seeds in greenhouses and on open ground. Depending on the variety and weather, the preparatory phase may begin in April in regions with a cold climate, from May in the southern regions of the country. According to weather forecasts, the coming year in Russia will not bring climate disasters. Favorable days for planting zucchini will remain traditional in 2019.

when to plant zucchini

Regional features of planting seeds

Despite the fact that the vegetable crop behaves identically in any territory of the country, the weather conditions of certain regions make their own adjustments to the process. If in sunny Krasnodar or Rostov sprouts on the open ground take root already in the middle of spring, then in Perm seedlings can be planted on the beds no earlier than June. When to sow seeds? The main rule: from the moment of planting to the transfer of the sprout to the ground, 25 to 30 days should pass.

Moscow region

Soil in the Moscow region after winter will warm up only by the end of April - early May. The transfer of green sprouts to the garden can be done no earlier than the 20th of April. In order for the plant to grow stronger and take root, it needs about a month to grow at home. Usually zucchini seeds are planted on seedlings after March 20th.

For residents of the Moscow Region, breeders strongly recommend monitoring the change in the weather forecast: even with a slight decrease, the sprouts need to be protected with covering material. In addition, gardeners in this region should opt for climate-adapted varieties: Iskander F1, Roller, Zebra.

when to plant zucchini in 2019


The Urals is famous for its late and short summers. Therefore, the timing of growing zucchini here are shifting to earlier indicators. Ural land warms up sufficiently only by the beginning of summer, seedlings are planted on beds no earlier than June 5. Accordingly, you can sow seeds in early May.

If the forecast shows low temperatures in early June, it is better to leave the seedlings in pots in greenhouse conditions for 7-10 days, and only then send it to the open ground. Varieties developed specifically for the Urals - Golden, Macaroni, Peanut.


In Siberia, night temperatures in June can drop below 18 degrees, and this is unacceptable for growing zucchini. Plant growth slows down, fruiting may not occur at all. Considering that the thermometer readings become stable by the second half of June, the period from 20 to 25 May is considered the standard seed planting date. Varieties that can tolerate Siberian frosts - White Swan, Anchor, Aeronaut.

Zucchini do not tolerate transplant. Therefore, it is better to put the sprouted seed in a peat pot, and a month later send it to the garden in this container. If you still need to extract the roots from the container, do not violate their integrity, otherwise the plant may die.

Dependence of planting dates on the variety

If the goal of growing zucchini is to harvest in a short time, you should choose early ripe varieties of vegetable. Such crops grow and ripen faster, therefore, you need to sow the seeds a little earlier, in April.Late-ripening varieties, on the contrary, are prepared for seedlings later, in mid-May.

Varieties created in Russia are adapted to the unstable weather conditions of the regions of risky farming. Such specimens are capable of producing a good harvest in a short time. Hybrids bred abroad, as a rule, are intended for the southern regions, and they will not survive in the gardens of Siberia or the Urals.

Lunar Calendar Recommendations

  1. You can start working with zucchini and zucchini seeds from February. From the 15th to the 17th and from the 23rd to the 25th of the month, it is possible to get seed seeds, choose healthy-looking specimens and warm them in the sun.
  2. In March, gardeners of the Moscow Region prepare seeds for seedlings, gardeners of the southern regions sow seeds in greenhouses. Suitable days for this are from 15 to 19, from 23 to 25, from March 27 to 30. On March 6, 7 and 21 it is better not to engage in landings.
  3. April is rich in favorable dates more than others. April 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30 are suitable for classes with squash seedlings. But on the 5th and 19th of the year it is absolutely impossible to approach sprouts.
  4. May is the time to plant zucchini for seedlings in the current 2019 according to the lunar calendar to residents of the Urals and Siberia. 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, and 31 are favorable for the future harvest. May 5 is completely unsuitable for gardening. May 19 will be even less successful.
  5. In June, planting material will take root on open ground if it was planted on the 5th, 6th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 19th, and 20th dates. On June 3, 4 and 17 it is better not to disturb the sprouts, the Moon will not be favorable to them.
Seeds of last year's crop are not suitable for seedlings. Powerful specimens with large leaves strewn with male flowers will grow from them, but there will be few ovaries. If the planting material is about six years old, the result will be impressive: high yield, resistance to pests and diseases.

Seed preparation and sowing

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Before planting the seeds of zucchini on seedlings, they should be dried on a sunny windowsill for several days. On the third or fourth day, seeds should be placed in a mixture of warm water (1 l) and wood ash (1 tbsp). Microelements will strengthen the plant during the period of active growth. If planting material is not credible, it can be treated with a weak manganese solution.

Before sending each seed into a separate peat cup, they should be soaked for a couple of hours in warm water, and then sprouted on a damp cotton cloth. Sprouts should hatch in a week. If this does not happen, the room may be too cold or the planting material is of poor quality.

For the traditional method of growing seedlings, soil or soil mixture will be required. Before landing, fill the bottom of the tank with drainage. If there is neither moss, nor special drainage, nor small stones at hand, it is worth making holes in the bottom of the pot so that excess moisture comes out. Then fill the container with a mixture of sand, humus and peat. Deepen the seeds by 3.5-4 cm. Seedlings will appear in about 7-10 days.

Other landing method - seedlings without land. As a container, a deep plate or cups will do. Fill the bottom with toilet paper in three to four layers, pour it so that it is evenly wet. Put the germinated seeds, cover with the same volume of paper on top, place under a plastic film in a warm place. After about 3-4 days, seedlings will appear. Remove the polyethylene and keep the paper in a wet state until the sprouts are transplanted into the ground.

Sprouts grown from the seed more than half a centimeter are not suitable for planting in the soil mixture. In this state, they are extremely brittle and do not adapt well to new conditions. Even if the sprouts take root, a weakened plant with a small number of ovaries will appear on the bed.

Seedling Care

In order for the seedlings to be strong, you need to monitor it. The soil or other material in which the sprouts develop needs to be kept moist. If the material (for example, toilet paper) is deformed by the strong pressure of water, you can use a spray bottle. The main thing here is not to overdo it with watering, in a waterlogged environment, the roots are prone to decay.

when to plant zucchini

Young shoots of zucchini should be fed several times. If the soil is taken from the garden without adding additional elements, complex fertilizer ("Bud", "Agricola") must be applied a week after germination. After seven days, the procedure should be repeated. If humus, minerals and compost are included in the planting mixture, the first top dressing can be moved forward a week. Draw the second through the same period.


Even if you follow all the recommendations of specialists, there may come a time when it is too late to plant seedlings in the ground. Such a problem will appear if the young shoots spent on the sunny windowsill for more than 35 days. A month is the best time for seedling growth. Overgrown specimens tolerate transplantation extremely poorly, grow slowly and give a limited number of flowers. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor all stages of growing seedlings of zucchini:

  1. Temperature mode. At the beginning of growth, the air temperature should not fall below 26 degrees, in the future be in the range of 19-24 degrees.
  2. Timely dressing. Too frequent fertilizer, as well as its complete absence, is dangerous for seedling growth. Inappropriate dressing can disrupt the roots of the plant, and a lack of trace elements can significantly slow down its growth.
  3. Maintaining humidity. The frequency of watering seedlings depends on the level of humidity and air temperature. Dried roots will not be able to maintain the viability of the plant, and waterlogged rot.
  4. Time frame. The time of planting seeds depends on the variety and climate of cultivation of the crop. In any case, it is necessary to transfer the finished seedlings to the open ground 25-30 days after the appearance of the first seedlings.

These are zucchini growing rules. If you adhere to them, the content of the vegetable crop will not bring heavy efforts and unnecessary worries, and high productivity will please several times a season.

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