Who planted the blast tomato: photos, reviews

22.04.2016 Tomatoes

Tomato As one such popular option, we consider in this material the tomato "Explosion", reviews and photos of those who planted. The basic requirements are known, it was for them that the search for the tomato variety most liked by gardeners was carried out. High yields, resistance to diseases, ripening dates and the duration of fruiting, and the taste of fruits, of course, were chosen as determining conditions. For all these indicators, the tomato variety "explosion" has the highest ratings, we will consider them in more detail, and also give some recommendations for beginners in gardening.

Grade description

It is enough to say that the tomato variety “explosion” refers to hybrids, and for experienced gardeners it is already clear that it has a number of advantages classic for them:

- high productivity;

- disease resistance;

- unpretentiousness to growing conditions;

- a beautiful, regular fruit shape.

Considered the best tomato variety of 2016. The only disadvantage of this variety is also the universal minus for all hybrids, namely, the impossibility of collecting seeds for planting next year. The results of your work will be recouped, which is called "more than", however, the next year will have to be spent on seeds again.

So, it should immediately be noted that the tomato seeds “explosion”, judging by the reviews (photos) of those who planted, are incredibly convenient in that they can be planted directly in the ground, especially when it comes to the southern regions of the country. This alone attracts the coveted views of gardeners who want to simplify their work by refusing to grow seedlings.


The considered type of tomato belongs to early ripening, the fruiting time after planting in open ground is determined by the spread within 90 - 110 days. If you plant seeds directly in the soil, then you will get the crop a little later than when planting seedlings, however, as a moral compensation, you can feast on tomatoes until the frosts. The scheme of planting seeds in the soil 70 * 40 cm.

Describing the growing conditions favorable for this variety, it should be noted its high resistance to drought, and the tomato also tolerates cold and even light frosts, while there is only a slight lag in development. The hybrid is also resistant to drafts, dry winds, and also perfectly tolerates the scorching rays of the sun in the July heat.

Due to the fact that this type of tomato is premature, it successfully avoids late blight disease, however, in order to protect the seedlings to "one hundred", it is better to carry out its processing. Resistant tomato "explosion" according to reviews (photos), who planted, and to root decay, as well as to other diseases characteristic of tomatoes. Fit these greenhouse tomatoes.

The ripe tomato bush is quite stunted, reaches, on average, a height of up to 65 cm, the lateral shoots are numerous. If desired, it is quite possible to do without tying up, having a low indeterminate sprawling bush, strewn with numerous fruits of small size. The “explosion” tomato fruits have a dense red flesh, the weight of the largest reaches 150-200 g, and the fruits on the lower shoots are larger. Such characteristics of tomatoes are very attractive for those who plan to transport and sell them, as they are quite portable and have long shelf life after harvest.



As already noted, the seeds of this type of tomato can be planted directly in the soil, however, it will be more rational to combine the two methods of planting, i.e. using seedlings and seeds. Such a combination will extend the time for harvesting, from the earliest to late autumn.

Sowing seedlings of this precocious tomato variety should be in late March - early April, preparing a light slightly acidic soil. It is most convenient to sow tomato seeds “explosion”, judging by the reviews (photos) who planted, in pots, or using a more advanced technology of planting in peat tablets.

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Planting seeds in pots or tablets does not require a dive, and when planting in the soil, trauma to the root system is avoided, which often leads to a suspension of the plant development process.

To prepare the soil, you can use the finished mixture by adding washed sand to it, at the rate of 0.5 parts of sand for 3 parts of the soil, filling the prepared cups with it.

Before planting seeds for seedlings they should be checked for suitability, for which the seeds are placed in a pre-prepared salt solution of 3-4%, we remove the seeds that have surfaced on the surface. The remaining ones that have sunk to the bottom are removed and lowered into the next disinfecting solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Then wash the tomato seeds and dry.


After these procedures, it is also necessary to stimulate the seeds for active growth, for which we lower them into a special growth stimulator, or use home remedies. To home growth stimulants can be attributed a solution of ash, which has up to thirty different trace elements, or use a mixture of water with aloe juice. Experienced gardeners have their own secrets and recipes for stimulating tomato seeds "Explosion" reviews (photos) of those who planted, but using one of these options above is quite enough. Soak tomato seeds in a stimulating solution for 5 to 6 hours, after which they need to be slightly dried.

Before planting, tomato seeds should be hardened, for which they are soaked and after they swell slightly, placed in the refrigerator, ensuring a temperature of 1-2 C for a day and a half.

Having prepared the seeds of the explosion explosion, you can proceed to planting in prepared pots, or peat tablets. For convenience, you can use tweezers, spreading two pieces of seeds in each pot, sprinkle them with soil so that the soil layer does not exceed 2 - 3 cm.

We expose the seedling tray in a warm place with a temperature of 25 ° C and cover it from above, after the sprouts hatch, remove the shelter and put it in a cooler place with a temperature of 17 ° C. Provide the seedlings with comfortable conditions with adequate lighting and watering.


After stable warm weather without frosts with stable plus temperatures at night, which corresponds to the beginning of June for the middle lane, is established, we plant seedlings in the ground. The soil for this variety of tomatoes should be selected light, fertile, it is advisable to choose a site where last year cabbage, cucumbers, onions, carrots or legumes grew.

Recommended:Diseases of tomatoes in a greenhouse and their treatment

Planting seedlings in the ground should be on 55 - 70 days after planting seeds on seedlings, it is desirable to lay the mulching layer on top, this agrotechnical technique will reliably provide a high yield for this particular type of tomato.


On the fifth and sixth day after the planting of tomato seedlings “explosion”, based on the reviews (photos) of those who planted, a manganese irrigation of the plantation should be carried out, spilling the soil with a drop method to a depth of 20 cm. Thus, you will ensure the safety of seedlings from characteristic diseases .

For the entire growing season, it is necessary to carry out three top dressings, for which you can use both organic fertilizers, if possible, and inorganic complex ones. To prepare organic fertilizer, you can add a 10-liter can of mullein with 1 tbsp. To 10 liters of water.nitrofoski, pour up to 700 ml of fertilizer under each bush. Inorganic fertilizer can be prepared by dissolving 20 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water.

After transplanting seedlings into the soil, fertilizers should not be applied immediately, it is necessary that it take root in a new place, the first top dressing within 14 days after transplanting the seedlings will be most optimal.


The second dressing must be carried out after the beginning of flowering, in the presence of 1-2 flower brushes. The third top dressing is necessarily necessary in the phase of active fruiting, you can also water for this purpose a solution of wood ash rich in microelements, such top dressing will also be an additional protection for tomatoes "explosion", according to reviews (photos) of those who planted, from parasites.

Do not forget about the effective organic feeding of chicken manure, for which a half-liter can of manure is bred in 10 liters of water.

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