Onions "Stuttgart Riesen": growing from seeds, when to plant

19.10.2016 Onion

luk-repchatyj-shtutgarter-rizen-vyrashhivanie-iz-semyan-kogda-sazhatEach summer resident on his site allocates a place for onions, without which it is difficult to imagine the preparation of various dishes. Today there are many varieties of onions, one of which is a native of non-German meat - onions "Stuttgart Riesen", about the cultivation of seeds of which, and when to plant, we will tell in this material.

Brief description of the variety

Before you know when to plant and how to grow from the seeds of onions "Stuttgart Riesen", you should get to know them a little closer and find out what characteristics it has.

The described variety can be attributed to early ripening, since from the moment of planting the seeds to the collection of the first fruits it takes up to 70 days. The variety shows a high yield, because so many summer residents prefer it. From one square meter it is possible to collect up to 8 kilos of the crop, if the proper cultivation is done from the seeds, and the deadlines for planting the onions “Stuttgarter Riesen” are met.

Bulbs of the described variety have a flat round shape, and can grow both large and medium in size. The mass of one fruit can reach up to 200 grams, and the taste of this onion has spicy notes. This onion can be preserved, and also it is suitable for cooking a variety of dishes.


Seed cultivation

So that the onion "Stuttgart Riesen" does not disappoint and really turns out exactly the way it is described, it is important to know when to plant it and how to grow it from seeds correctly.

Firstly, this variety prefers fertile, loamy, chernozem soil. But acidic soil is categorically contraindicated for this variety.

As for the sowing dates, the onions of this variety can be planted with seeds, both in early spring and early autumn. But, in the second case, it is necessary to mulch the soil with peat or humus. Onion seeds are deepened by two centimeters into the soil, no more, and the gap between them should be equal to one centimeter. When the seeds are in the ground, the soil needs to be slightly compacted.

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How to care for the Stuttgart Riesen bow

To get a rich harvest, you must follow the rules for the care of the beam of the described variety.

As for irrigation, the onion prefers moderate watering. If there is a drought in the thief in the first month from the moment of planting the seeds, then you need to regularly provide the plant with watering.

Recommended: How to grow onions at home.

If onions were planted in early spring, then during the summer the beds with the plant must be weeded at least five times, and the soil should be loosened, especially after irrigation.


There are such cases that after 2 weeks from the moment of planting, the onion does not begin to grow well, which means that the plant needs to be fertilized, since the nutrients in the soil are obviously not enough for full growth. You can feed onions with mullein solution or bird droppings. The second time you need to feed the plant in 1-1.5 months. For the second time, a bucket of water with 15 grams of urea and superphosphate and 40 grams of potassium salt will act as fertilizer.

When the bulbs begin to form on the plant, you can feed it a third time. A bucket of water will take 30 grams of superphosphate and 15 grams of potassium salt.

Important! All three top dressings must be done before July.

So that the pest does not attack the pests and does not harm its growth, fresh manure cannot be introduced into the soil.

Properly growing from the seeds of onions "Stuttgart Riesen" and meeting the deadlines when planting it is the key to an early, tasty and wholesome crop.In principle, this variety is unpretentious in care, so every gardener can grow it.

Good luck in the beds!

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