Raspberry “Cumberland”: variety description, photo

25.10.2016 Raspberry

malina_kumberlend-opisanie-sorta-fotoRaspberry is not only a delicious berry, but also medicinal, so it is so popular in summer cottages. Moreover, even if raspberries did not bring the desired crop, in order to obtain its healing properties, you can use the leaves of its bushes. In this article, we will share a description with photos of such an amazing and unusual variety as Cumberland raspberries.

General characteristics of the Kumbreland raspberry variety

For all gardeners who appreciate an unusual variety, Cumberland Raspberries will do. And all because the berries of this exotic variety have a completely unusual color for raspberries. Ripe Raspberry "Cumberland" in ripe form have a dark purple color, and sometimes even black. Some even confuse these berries with an attractive blackberry, but after trying one berry, doubts about the fact that it’s still raspberry, disappear.

In the description with the photo of the Cumberland raspberry variety, it is said that in the same place it can grow for about 20 years, which immediately sweeps away such works as transplanting raspberry bushes in the fall.

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Despite the exotic variety, it cannot be called whimsical, which means that every gardener will be able to grow black raspberries in his area with a minimum of effort.


The main advantages in describing the Cumberland raspberry variety include:

  • Excellent tastes and bright aroma;
  • It can be consumed fresh and used to make compote and preserves;
  • The bushes of the described raspberries are slightly sprawling, and their shoots hang down, creating a living arch on the site;
  • The fruits of the variety have a round shape without elongation, almost perfect;
  • Raspberries bear fruit abundantly for 15 years, if she is given minimal care;
  • Raspberries have late ripening, but at the same time they tolerate transportation well and can be stored for a long time;
  • With proper care, 10 brushes are formed on one shoot, on which from 10 to 15 berries grow;
  • "Cumberland" is highly resistant to attacks by pests and diseases, apparently from the "confuses" the unusual color of the berry;
  • Bushes of this variety do not creep around the site, as they do not give root shoots, and this saves time and strength of the gardener.

Once you have planted Cumberland raspberries in your area, it’s already impossible to be disappointed in it! This plant bears fruit well, is rare, gives tasty and juicy fruits filled with vitamins, and most importantly, requires a minimum of care!

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