Bear in the garden: get rid of folk remedies

11.08.2016 Diseases and Pests

How to deal with a bear in the garden folk remediesIn this material, we will consider detailed and proven methods of how to deal with a bear in the garden using folk remedies. Of course, to get rid of this insect on the site, you can always buy the appropriate chemicals in the store. But they are unsafe to use, while alternative methods are usually simple, accessible and safe.

Medvedka It is a fairly large insect that eats not only plants, but even small animals. She likes to live in moist soil, where there is a lot of humus. So, among crops, the bear is common and cause great damage to the crop. If the parasite appears on the site, you need to take measures to fight it.

How to deal with a bear in the garden folk remedies (with video)

Fencing off

It often happens that a bear enters the area from its neighbors. Therefore, it is possible to put sheets around the perimeter rigid, dug them up to 60 cm in depth. As for the height above the surface of the soil, it should be the same. If there is no time to dig in the sheets, then you can dig a ditch up to 50 cm in depth and sprinkle it with broken glass, brick or rubble.


Now we turn to the folk methods of getting rid of the bear in the garden, which are tricky traps. For example, an ordinary beer that needs to be poured into a small can is suitable for a trap. Dig a can into the ground at the very neck. The smell of this drink will attract insects, and when they swim in beer, it is enough just to get rid of them, because the bear can no longer get out.


For ten liters of water, 100 ml of kerosene will be enough. In the evening, you need to pour one and a half tablespoons of the mixture into each well-known mink of the bear. Alternatively, you can pour a tablespoon of kerosene into a bucket of sand, mix everything and then scatter this sand along the paths that go between the beds. A greater effect can be achieved by combining these two methods.


Another trap, the essence of which is that the jar needs to be smeared with honey, and then bury in the ground at the very neck, as was done with a can of beer. Now honey will attract an insect, and due to its sticky properties, it will keep the bear in a trap.

How to deal with the bear folk remedies
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Horse manure

This method is suitable for autumn. In those places where a bear appeared most often in the summer, small pits should be made in which to put manure. Sprinkle each hole on top of the ground. Medvedka will definitely choose manure as the best and warm place for wintering. When the cold comes, you will need to dig holes and scatter manure on the ground. From the cold, the bear will die and simply will not survive until the new spring.

Soap and water

A simple and effective way to implement which you will need 10 grams of laundry soap (you can take 50 grams of washing powder). Remedy in a bucket of water. Pour 0.5 liters of remedy into each opening of the bear’s stroke. After a couple of minutes, the insect will crawl out or die underground. Also read about ways how to get rid of ants in a summer cottage.

Wet rags

If you need to protect tomatoes or peppers from the bear’s attack, use this method. Wrap the stems of the plant with a damp, thin rag, they should be both underground and above ground. Soak the rags in a simple soapy solution - now the bear will bypass your plants exactly.

How to deal with a bear in the garden

Fish head

This tool should not be abused, but once a season on the site around the perimeter you can bury the heads of raw fish. Bury to a depth of 30 cm.

Pure mechanics

So that the bear does not act on the site, it is possible to fight its larvae already at the end of spring. Just in late May and early June there is an active egg laying. Earth should be dug up, because open air is the enemy of the larvae of this insect.

These are the options how to deal with a bear in the garden folk remedies, you can safely use in your garden. All folk methods are tested, but in different situations they have different efficiencies. Therefore, in order to understand what tool to choose for a specific situation and site, you will need to try to do everything yourself.

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    FOLK METHOD EGG SCHARKLUPA When planting, shredded chopper shells with a pinch to pour into the holes of a bear eats it and dies

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