Folk recipes for feeding tomatoes and peppers

21.04.2016 Tomatoes

Folk recipes for feeding tomatoes and peppersSome mixes for top dressing vegetables can be prepared directly in your kitchen, it is not difficult to make them, but proportions and technology must be observed. In order to top up seedlings of tomato and pepper with folk remedies successfully, it is best to use proven recipes that give a good result. To create top dressing, food waste that remains after cooking is often used, it can be eggshell, peel from potatoes, thickened from brewed coffee, sugar or peel from banana, all of which can be part of one of the plant nutrition in the garden.

Feeding with ash

It is worth choosing the best fertilizing of seedlings of tomato and pepper with folk remedies, for example, many plants in the garden are fed with ash, but such a mixture is ideal for tomatoes and sweet pepper. Ash is considered one of the best substances for plant nutrition, since it contains a large amount of phosphorus and potassium, these substances help plants bloom faster and then form large fruits. To create such feeding, it is enough to take two liters of hot water, pour a large spoon of ash into it and mix everything thoroughly. It is important that the tincture should stand in a dark place for at least a day, this is necessary so that the ash has time to give its beneficial substances to the water. Such top dressing of pepper seedlings and tomato folk remedies will be useful for other vegetables, as well as indoor flowers.

Folk recipes for feeding tomatoes and peppers

How to make fertilizer using banana skins?

As you know, bananas are an excellent source of potassium, and it is useful not only to the human body, but also to the plant. Not many summer residents throw away the banana peel, as they know that it can make an excellent fertilizer for plants in the garden. You can dry the peel of bananas directly on the battery, and then make very fine crumbs out of it and mix with soil. There is another feeding method, a special tincture is made from the peel, peel from two ripe bananas is used for it, they are placed in a jar and filled with water, this type of tincture is used twice a month. Such dressing is suitable for many plants, in particular, home-grown flowers like banana peels, but you can use such a tool for outdoor cucumbers. This type of fertilizing seedlings of tomato and pepper with folk remedies (forum) may also be suitable for fertilizing eggplant in the beds.

Egg shell as a fertilizer for plants

The shell contains innumerable trace elements, but the most important substance is calcium. Often you can see that summer residents, before the start of winter, begin to collect shells from eggs and dry it. Some simply scatter crushed shells throughout the garden, while others make nutritious compost out of it. To make such dressing, it is necessary to soak the shell in water, although such a disgusting odor (hydrogen sulfide) will be released when the shell is decomposed, but it is because of this that the plants get their trace elements and begin to bloom and bring a big crop better.

Folk recipes for feeding tomatoes and peppers

And in order to prepare such an infusion, it is necessary to take a shell of four eggs, it is placed in three liters of water and closed with a lid. Such a mixture is infused for three days, after which it is possible, even if to fertilizer. When such top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings with folk remedies (video) is ready, you can notice that the water turned cloudy, and the infusion began to emit an unpleasant specific smell.

Coffee drink dressing

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If the gardener is a lover of real coffee, then he certainly used the remaining grounds to create fertilizer. To fertilize the soil, you just need to mix the dried granules of brewed coffee with soil, and then plant the seeds or plant in the soil. Coffee helps to make the soil lighter and more airy, it is easier to penetrate air and moisture, it becomes lighter, which means it will be easier for seeds to break through it.

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Coffee also contains a large number of trace elements that can contribute to the growth of plants and their fruiting. It is recommended to use such top dressing when planting tomatoes and other vegetables in the soil that require loosened soil. It is important that you can use only roasted and brewed coffee, as fresh granules will deoxidize the soil.

Making onion husk fertilizer

The benefits of onion husks have been known for hundreds of years, even in ancient times, gardeners used onion husks to fertilize the soil. Today, gardeners are still trying to create the best tools that will help fill the soil with nutrients. I would like to note that onions not only help plants bloom better, but also eliminate bacteria and harmful insects in the garden. To prepare such top dressing, it is enough to take about twenty grams of onion peel, and pour it with five liters of warm water. An infusion is prepared for at least four days, after which the mixture can be filtered to eliminate excess husk, and water the plants in the garden or at home. This type of top dressing is very preferable for tomatoes and domestic plants.

Folk recipes for feeding tomatoes and peppers

Yeast dressing

The use of yeast is very important in the spring season, gardeners have repeatedly noticed that when watering plants with a solution of yeast, the vegetables are strong enough, grow better and bring a quality crop. It is important to remember that yeast can act and come to life only in warm soil, if you start watering in cold weather, then there will be no sense from such feeding. This product has a large amount of useful substances and minerals, which is why gardeners love to use yeast in their gardens, but you need to properly prepare the mixture so that the watering gives its results. For example, the easiest method to create a solution is to mix a tablespoon of sugar with two liters of warm water, and then pour a large spoon of yeast there. You should not use high-speed yeast, it is recommended to purchase natural baker's, which are used in large industries.

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Folk recipes for feeding tomatoes and peppers

Modern top dressing

It is not necessary to use only top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings with folk remedies from yeast, shells and other home products, because you can buy a ready-made mixture that will perfectly fulfill the task of fertilizing plants. It is important to note that such fertilizers can only be used according to the instructions, and it must also be taken into account that nitrogenous fertilizers are not used for vegetables, since nitrogen helps to make the vegetation denser, but at the same time the number of fruits becomes smaller. It is better to take mineral fertilizers that nourish the plants with useful substances, this will enable vegetables to grow and bear fruit in full force.

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    thank . You will find out a lot of interesting information in useful recommendations, I want to know more about astra seedlings, how to nursing it, if it is weak, what is better to feed so that it stays firm until planting in the ground

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