Outdoor cucumbers - self-pollinating varieties

26.03.2016 Cucumbers

Varieties of cucumbers for open ground, self-pollinatedIn ancient times, many people planted it’s the cucumbers in order to cleanse the body of diseases and ailments, the fact is that the vegetable consists of seventy percent of the water, and the consumption of the vegetable in food occurs at the moment when the fruits reach the correct size and juicy green color, since in this form they will have a sweetish and very juicy taste, but ripe fruits cannot be used as food, they only select seeds from them to plant them next year.

You can find many varieties of cucumbers for self-pollinated open ground, which can be added to various salads from vegetables, as well as twisted into cans with brine for the winter. But cucumbers can be closed not only for the winter, but also make them thin, side or pickled, in any form this vegetable will taste great.

What are the varieties of these vegetables (self-pollinated)

As mentioned above, cucumbers have been grown for more than one thousand years, during which time gardeners were able to develop many new varieties and hybrids of this vegetable, and one of the most popular today is the self-pollinated variety of vegetables. If the cucumbers are sorted, you can see one hundred all of them differ in size, they can be medium in size, quite large or quite small (gherkins), the surface of the vegetable can have a smooth skin or a pimply. In this case, the gardener will have to choose for himself the most suitable early variety of self-pollinated cucumbers for open ground, since vegetables can be used in different ways. Small gherkins are closed in a jar, medium vegetables are perfect for harvesting in pickle for the winter, but large cucumbers are used for vegetable salads, as they have too thick skin and large size.

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Varieties of cucumbers for open ground, self-pollinated

Each variety can have a set of female and male hormones, but besides this, there are also mixed species of plants. For example, if a gardener chooses for himself a variety of this plant so that it contains only female hormones, or only male hormones, then cucumbers will need pollination to get fruits, which means you can’t do without bees. Often this is very inconvenient for gardeners, it is because of poor pollination and the yield is reduced, so you should buy high-yielding varieties of cucumbers for open ground, self-pollinated, they do not need to pollinate from other plants of the opposite sex, since they have male and female in their set traits that helps to achieve the highest yield. Especially, this rule applies to greenhouse plants, since it is simply impossible to keep bees insulated, which means that if you buy cucumbers with a set of only female or only male hormones, this will lead to the fact that there will be no harvest at all.

Each variety can differ not only in its appearance, landing datesbut also taste. Some are preferable to use in salads (in this case, the cucumbers should remain fresh), you can also close the vegetables in jars for the winter season (they will be crispy and tasty), some varieties are suitable for pickling or pickling (to get light-salted cucumbers). If the variety is early, then it will most likely have a more delicate and mild taste, it will be very juicy, and the peel of the vegetable will be thin, such cucumbers are better for eating them in fresh vegetable salads than for canning in jars. But later varieties of cucumbers for open ground, or medium ripeness, can be used both for spinning and pickling, and for making vegetable salads.

Varieties of cucumbers for open ground, self-pollinated

How to grow such varieties of cucumbers yourself

In fact, it’s not at all difficult to plant and grow beautiful plants that will yield a large crop. If some varieties are planted only in the prepared soil of the greenhouse only in the form of seedlings, then you can pick up those varieties of cucumbers for open ground self-pollinated for the Moscow Region, which are simply ridiculed directly in the open ground. It is with such a method that such types of cucumbers are grown, since the vegetable perfectly adapts to the conditions and feels great even in cold weather. These types of vegetables are very economical, since they do not need to devote such a large amount of their time, as well as acquire additional substances for their processing, compared to cucumbers that are grown in a greenhouse. Nevertheless, if these cucumbers receive less water and heat, then they will be able to give a not very large crop, therefore, to get a good yield, it is worthwhile to choose high-quality plant species, as well as produce minimal care for them.

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I would like to note some varieties of cucumbers that are quite suitable for growing in open ground, they are pollinated independently, but it is very important for them to have protected ground. For example, it can be such waters of cucumbers as “Connie”, “Gerda” or “Friendly family”. It is worth talking about these varieties of cucumbers for open ground self-pollinated for Siberia in more detail.

Varieties of cucumbers for open ground, self-pollinated

Variety "Gerda" - this type of vegetables is very welcomed by gardeners and gardeners, the variety is considered medium-ripening, of course, it is pollinated during flowering. It is this species that is used for growing outdoors in the ground, but the main condition for growing vegetables is the fact that the plants will feel good, only in protected soil. Each cucumber warms up a month after it is planted in the ground, sometimes it may take forty days. This variety has small cucumbers, otherwise they are called gherkins. On each branch, about five cucumbers can form, which are up to ten centimeters in length. The appearance of cucumbers is very remarkable in that it easily tolerates a wide variety of diseases, this variety also has an excellent taste both when consumed fresh and with salting.

"Friendly family" is no less popular. This type of vegetables is considered to be early or medium ripening, as the first cucumbers can be picked already after forty-five days after landing seedlings in the ground. When the fruit reaches maturity, it can grow up to twelve centimeters in length, also the type of vegetable perfectly fights various diseases, cucumbers are not bitter, and are also dense, which allows the use of such varieties of cucumbers for self-pollinated open ground for the Urals to use small vegetables for salting in cans.

Varieties of cucumbers for open ground, self-pollinated

Is it worth growing greenhouse cucumbers?

Gardeners sincerely believe that plants planted in a greenhouse can cause harm to human health or simply may not be as useful as those vegetables that were grown in open ground. I would like to say that if you follow the rules for fertilizing the soil, as well as properly watering and ventilating the greenhouse, you can get vegetables that are absolutely safe for health and that will taste great. If you grow self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers for open ground in a greenhouse, they only speak positively about them, since it is from such varieties that gardeners get a very large and rich harvest, if you compare these types of vegetables with those that are grown in the open.For example, if you consider the yield per square meter of the greenhouse for the entire growing season of cucumbers, you can see that the yield is about thirty kilograms per square meter, while plants grown under the open sky will yield ten times less.

Varieties of cucumbers for open ground, self-pollinated

Of course, in order to grow varieties of cucumbers for open soil self-pollinated bush, you will have to spend not a little money on building a greenhouse, heating it and high-quality lighting, you will also need constant watering and fertilizer, but even such costs will be well paid for by the resulting crop. It is worth paying attention to the special varieties of cucumbers that can be pollinated independently, for example, "Zatek", "Emelya" or "Zozulya", there are many other popular varieties, but these were especially noted by gardeners.

Type of cucumbers "Emelya", this grade can be considered one of the best, since the first vegetables ripen already a month and a half after planting seedlings in the ground. These varieties are recommended to be used exclusively for planting in closed greenhouse spaces, and in some cases vegetables are grown in ordinary greenhouses. I would like to note that with one square sister you can get more than thirteen kilograms of the crop, and this figure is very good for a greenhouse plant. The very first vegetables can be started to be harvested only after a month of planting the variety in the ground, the fruits themselves can have a very bright and saturated green hue, but the taste of cucumbers is simply amazing - very fresh and softly sweet. The plant is a hybrid, therefore, like other bred varieties, it tolerates a variety of diseases that can attack the bushes.

Varieties of cucumbers for open ground, self-pollinated

"Zozulya" is another excellent crop variety of cucumbers for open ground, self-pollinated, which undoubtedly deserves attention. Since a large number of female flowers predominate in this variety, the harvest can be very good, for example, from one square meter you can collect more than twenty-four kilograms of ripe and tasty fruits. Such fruits are often used for canning, and they can also be eaten fresh and added to vegetable salads, since each fruit can have both medium and large sizes.

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