Folk remedies to combat carrot fly

16.09.2016 Diseases and Pests

morkovnaya-muxa-kak-borotsya-narodnymi-sredstvamiIf a carrot fly has appeared, how to fight with folk remedies you need to know, be able to and be sure to practice. It should be emphasized separately that this pest develops from eggs. When the larvae appear, they immediately rush to the tips of the roots of the plants and begin to actively eat them, gnawing passages there. It’s easy to notice the activity - an unpleasant rusty shade will appear on the roots.

It is clear that the pest got its name in vain, because he loves to eat such root crops as carrots. But not only this orange vegetable affects carrot flies. Also, the insect loves parsnips, celery and even parsley. Carrot fly lives in shaded areas with high humidity - in such places in the garden the damage to the crop will be maximum.

Important! If garlic or onions are planted next to carrots, the smell of carrots can be killed and scared away by pests in this way. This simple trick according to the scheme of planting a crop will help preserve the crop. About which cabbage pests need to remember when growing this vegetable.

Signs of infection

Before using folk remedies to fight carrot flies in their area, you need to correctly identify the parasite. Pay attention to the leaves - they will be purple in the affected plant, and then turn yellow and dry.

Also on the affected root crops, this pest always leaves winding passages, transverse cracks appear. As a rule, any root crop with a prolonged exposure to a carrot fly on it will change its shape. Most often, damage to the root crop is noticeably near the growth point.

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A carrot fly and its larvae can hit a plant even after harvesting at its storage location. The larva penetrates from one carrot into the core of another and continues to destroy the crop.

Important! If you notice a plant with purple leaves in your garden, you need to pull it out of the soil and quickly destroy it.

How to fight folk remedies with a carrot fly:
1. This insect does not tolerate peat. So, mulching of beds of root crops is possible with the help of peat.
2. Between the beds it is recommended to sprinkle ash or, as an alternative, ground pepper. Dry mustard is suitable for the same purpose.
3. In summer, it is recommended to sprinkle a mixture of river sand in ten parts with one part of naphthalene on paths next to ridges of carrots and other root crops. After the first time, repeat the process in a week.
4. If you have naphthalene at hand, you can put a tablet in the bottle, close the bottle, and then make cuts in it a little above the base in a circle. Put a bottle between the rows of root crops. This is a convenient way to scare off a fly by smell, without worrying about landing and weather conditions.
5. Sprinkle young carrots with a mixture of wood ash and tobacco dust. Spray the product safely onto the leaves and repeat three times. Caution, work must be done with gloves and a gauze bandage.
6. If you want some more powerful tool, then use ammonia. You will need to take 2 ml of a solution of 10% ammonia and dilute in five liters of water. Immediately use the solution for processing, after 15 days repeat the procedure.
7. Alternatively, ammonia can be diluted in 12 liters of water, which is itself a 25% ammonia solution.

8. You can use a solution of calcium carbide to combat the pest, as well as in the onion fly. Put a few pieces of such calcium in the watering can and pour water on top.Boil for two minutes, then water the beds once a week.
9. To kill the attractive smell of carrot tops for a fly, you can make an infusion of orange peels.
10. To prevent the appearance of carrot flies at the beginning and end of the garden season, between the rows with root crops, you can lay out fresh leaves of horseradish.
11. To prevent the occurrence of a pest in early summer, it will be necessary to spray the garden with the infusion of onion husks or garlic. For two liters of water, only 200 grams of onion peel is taken. Spray only after a day, as the infusion will stand. Then add 5 liters of water, you can add a little liquid soap. Can this fly harm tomato seedlings?

Now you know, if a carrot fly appeared, how to deal with folk remedies. As you can see, simple ingredients and not complicated methods are used to control the pest. At the same time, folk methods do not harm the environment and, of course, do not spoil the crop, the useful qualities of root crops.

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    The easiest and cheapest way is to sprinkle ground pepper between the beds. In addition, the method is not only simple and cheap, but also copes with the destruction of carrot flies. Personally, I have always used only ground pepper for a large number of years and there are no problems, but it is important to notice the fly as early as possible so that it does not have time to multiply greatly.

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