Liquid ammonia to combat the carrot fly

18.09.2016 Diseases and Pests

morkovnaya-muxa-kak-s-nei% cc% 86-borotsya-sposobyIn order not to harm the benefits of the future crop, many gardeners try to fight insect pests with folk remedies. If a carrot fly has settled in the garden: how to deal with ammonia and not only it, we will consider in this material. This parasite is quite common, regales not only carrots, but also parsley, celery.

Short description

From the name it is clear that this pest in appearance is a fly that has a black color and is common in most regions of our large country. The size of the fly is small, it rarely grows more than 5 mm, the wings are transparent, and the head and legs are transparent.

Already in the second half of May, if this pest lives in your garden, it will be active. It is necessary to act on the adoption of preventive measures at a time when the color of apple and mountain ash. This fly is very prolific, and the larvae tolerate winter well in root crops, even just in the soil.

Especially often, this fly settles in those areas of vegetable gardens where it is shaded and humid. If you plant carrots and other crops from the risk zone on the sunny side of the garden, it is unlikely that the parasite will attack the crop. But, if it so happened that a carrot fly appeared on the site, then measures must be taken to save the crop. First of all, pay attention to folk recipes, in particular, ammonia will help perfectly.

Important! Liquid ammonia is a great help in how to get rid of carrot flies folk remedies. So, do not immediately take on insecticides that are absorbed into the fruits.

As an option for excellent prevention, remember that many garden pests and carrot flies will not be an exception here, they cannot tolerate certain odors. For example, between the beds as a prophylaxis and even a method of disposal, you can sprinkle tobacco or cinnamon, red or black pepper, dry mustard.

Root crops damaged by larvae of a carrot fly.
Root crops damaged by larvae of a carrot fly.

Folk methods of struggle:
1. Fresh wormwood will help get rid of this parasite. A bucket of this herb should be poured with boiling water, then left to cool the broth. After that, divide the contents of the Veda into three parts and dilute 8 liters of each part. water. Then diluted wormwood infusion to use for watering the beds. By the way, the grass itself should not be thrown out - it can be further expanded between rows.
2. You can also take tomato tops in the amount of 5 kg. Pour it with a bucket of water and leave for several hours. Here also rub 50 grams of laundry soap, cool. Dilute with water in a proportion of one to three, then water the beds.
3. If you plant onions or garlic next to carrots, the smell will deter carrot flies. As an option, you can simply spread garlic cloves or chopped onion between the beds.
4. Naphthalene helps to get rid of parasites perfectly. It will be necessary to put it in a bottle of beer, which must first be cut, placed in the area.
5. Do not use fresh manure to feed carrots, there may be larvae of this pest.
6. For irrigation of seedlings, namely during this period the larvae become active, a weak saline solution can be used.
7. To fight in the spring, you can take the upper part and root of the burdock. Chop greens, add water and leave for a week. Then add laundry soap and use the mixture for easy spraying.
8. If you mix the ash with tobacco and spread the mixture between the rows, this will also be the prevention of the fight against a carrot fly.

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Remind that it is dangerous pestcarrot fly. How to deal with ammonia: it is enough to dilute the alcohol in water, then use the composition to spray the plant in any growth period.

What preventive measures to remember

In order not to fight the parasite later, you can think in advance about decent and effective methods of prevention. For example, do not plant crops in the lowlands. Also, do not immediately plant nearby carrots, celery and parsnips - any goodies of a carrot fly on the site.

Seeds before planting must be etched to protect them from the development of parasite larvae as early as possible at this stage. Water these crops only after the top crust of the earth dries. Be sure to periodically loosen the earth throughout the garden season.


Once again in detail about alcohol

How to deal with a carrot fly with ammonia, we tell in detail once again about this common method. It is necessary to add a milliliter of alcohol in five liters of water and spray the culture with this solution.

Interesting! This way processing garden crops also helps to cope with the bear on the site and many other parasites.

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