Where the mushroom grows netkonoska and its description (+17 photos)

13.02.2019 Mushrooms

One of the most prominent representatives of the kingdom of mushrooms is the nettlefish, or dual dictiophore. If you are lucky enough, walking through the forest, to meet this rare specimen, it is simply impossible not to notice. First of all, the specific appearance of the fruiting body that is not characteristic of other representatives of the kingdom catches the eye.

Netting refers to endangered species and is listed in the Red Book. It grows in a temperate climate, attributed to conditionally edible species due to the specific smell. People call her a lady with a veil, which is associated with the presence of an openwork mesh under the hat. It is impossible not to mention the fact that the netting lives only a day, and grows by 5 mm every minute. The attention of many mushroom pickers attracts a large number of useful properties that this species possesses.

Characteristic features of the variety

The dual dictiophore is very easy to distinguish from other representatives of the kingdom due to the peculiarities of its external features and morphology. This species belongs to the genus Veselka and the Veselkov family.

A characteristic feature of a dictophore is its two-phase development, where each phase has its own characteristics. Since Phallus duplicatus belongs to the gastroomycete species, the fruit part remains completely closed until the spores mature. At the moment, there is a decrease in the number of species.

Description of double mesh nets and photo mushroom

The mushroom is small in size. It has a cone-shaped hat of olive color, the surface looks smooth and slippery. An openwork mesh grows from the edges of the hat, which can completely cover the leg. The mesh is white, in the dark it takes on a green hue.

The leg is barrel-shaped, high, up to 20 cm. Outwardly, the net-nose is similar to Hadrian’s fun, ordinary funky and bell-shaped dictiophore. The following are photos and a detailed description of the variety.


In the place of growth of the fruit part, a rounded base initially appears with a jelly-like mass inside. This mass contains the rudiments of the fruit part. Then the rounded base takes the shape of a cylinder or chicken egg (for which it was called the witch's egg) and reaches 7 cm in height. The formation initially has a white color, gradually turns yellow and becomes brownish. After which the base is torn into two parts and a mature fruiting body emerges from them.

The hat is cellular in structure, has the shape of a cone and is covered on top with a slippery mucous layer. The fruiting body, after going outside, gives off an unpleasant putrefactive odor that repels fungi, but attracts the attention of insects. Due to this smell, flies that spread spores often land on the surface, and the lace part increases the area for insects.

The height of the hat reaches 5 cm. At the top there is a disc-shaped slot. The veil falls from the edges of the hat and can cover the mushroom half or completely. On the veil there are cells of the same round shape. The leg is high, porous in texture, resembles a sponge and has the shape of a cylinder. It extends to the center and has a diameter of about 2-3 cm.


Most often, netting grows in deciduous or mixed forests, giving preference to places near poplars, firs and shrubs. It can also be found in forest plantations near the city, near residential buildings and summer cottages.The fungus attracts a substrate saturated with organic substances. This species grows alone and rarely bears fruit. Peak yields occur in the middle and end of summer. In Russia, it can be found throughout the territory, although it is extremely rare.

Edible or inedible

Setkonoska refers to edible varieties when it is at the initial stage of development and does not exceed the size of a chicken egg. It is during this period that it is eaten.

Today, picking a mushroom is prohibited, as the species is considered endangered.

In folk medicine, there were many recipes according to which the mushroom was used to treat gout. It was also consumed fried or boiled, with dressing made from sour cream and spices. Ripe mushrooms were not eaten, due to the specific smell that comes from the legs and the net.

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When and how to collect

The dual dictophore is found from the beginning of summer, and the peak of its productivity falls in the middle of summer. Due to the fact that the fungus is a rare and endangered species, it is strictly forbidden to collect it.

Such mushrooms are protected by the state, and their collection entails administrative liability and a fine. Today, if you are lucky to see this instance, they can only admire and move on.

How to distinguish from similar mushrooms?

Dictiophore has similarities with some representatives of the Veselka species, from which it differs in its color. Most often, mesh noses are confused with the fun of Adrian, which has a pink-purple color of the egg from which it develops, and also mature mushrooms thin out a pleasant aroma reminiscent of yeast.

Another difference is that Adriana's fun is edible not only at the egg stage, but also in the form of a ripe fruit.


Setkonosku was often compared with a blooming fern, only looking for it for medicinal purposes. This species is widely known, due to its useful properties, which are actively used in traditional medicine.

Medicinal properties and restrictions for use

The main indications for treatment are:

  • gastritis and stomach ulcer;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • impaired renal function;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms.
Double wire mesh
Double wire mesh

In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions were often used to treat benign and malignant tumors. Mesh nets are rich in polysaccharides, which affect the synthesis of perforin in the body. Perforin, in turn, damages the membranes of cancer cells, thus killing them.

Thanks to beneficial properties in the body, cholesterol and blood pressure are reduced, which contributes to the treatment of hypertension. Dictiophore also received many good reviews about the effectiveness of the treatment for gout and rheumatism.

Stage of exoperidia rupture in Setkonoski
Stage of exoperidia rupture in Setkonoski

It was often used for skin inflammations and diseases, for non-healing wounds, insect bites, ulcers, bedsores and tumor processes. The fungus contains phytoncides, which have antibacterial and antiviral effects. Also, the netfish could cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Vodka-based tincture was prepared from mesh noses for the treatment of diseases.

The mesh nodules are also considered powerful aphrodisiacs that fill with energy when the body reboots and during periods of severe fatigue. It was not recommended for pregnant and breast-feeding women, children under the age of 5 years, people with hypersensitivity and patients with diabetes to be treated with the fungus.

Recipes and cooking features

You can use this species only at the egg stage in a fried, boiled or dried form.Initially, after harvesting, the fruit portion was fried and peeled from the outer skin. After that, stewed with vegetables, sour cream and seasonings. For drying, the netting was thoroughly washed and cleaned, cut into two parts and strung on a thread. Dry in a cold, dark place, then fold into a container and close. Such blanks can be stored for no more than three years.

Answers to widespread questions

Questions about the prevalence, rules for the collection and use of mesh socks in food are considered the most popular:

Is it possible to collect mushrooms listed in the Red Book?
Mesh net is listed in the Red Book as a rare and endangered species. The collection of such mushrooms is strictly prohibited and is regulated by law. Violation of these rules entails administrative liability and a fine.
Is it possible to poison the nettle?
The variety belongs to the conditionally edible species, which is associated with the unpleasant aroma that exudes a mature mushroom. That is why you can use it when it is in the phase of the chicken egg, and the fruit portion has not yet formed. Ripe mushrooms are dangerous to eat.
What are the contraindications for use, treatment?
Experts do not recommend eating and treating any mushrooms to pregnant and breast-feeding women, children under 5 years of age, people with hypersensitivity to mushrooms and patients with diabetes mellitus.

Double mesh nets - a mushroom that is of particular value in traditional medicine, where it was used to treat many diseases. This endangered species can be called one of the most beautiful and unusual.

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